高中英语 Unit1 Festivals around the world课时基础测评精练精析 新人教版必修3.doc

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1、必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world课时基础测评Warming up & Reading. 单词拼写1. It is hard to know the origin (起源) of the human race, that is, how the human race comes out. 2. People light incense before graves in memory (纪念) of their ancestors. 3. The homeless children were starving(渴望) for safety and love

2、. 4. The story of his mother is beyond my belief (信任, 相信). 5. Youll gain (获得) useful experience in working with computers. 6. I always admire (钦佩)the man in blue for his devotion to the tiring job. 7. On my arrival (到达)at the hotel, he gave me a sweet kiss. 8. You see, the energetic (精力充沛的)young man

3、 plays basketball day and night. 9. I gathered (聚集) my pupils around me and told them how to do it. 10. She showed us the athletics awards (奖状)she had won. . 选词填空take place play a trick on dress up look forward tohave fun as though day and night in memory of 1. The wedding day that you two look forw

4、ard to is coming nearer and nearer. 2. In the past, poor workers worked day and night, but they still lived a sad life. 3. They behaved as though nothing had happened. 4. The museum was built in memory of the famous artist. 5. Before the children appear on the stage, they love to dress up.6. Dont pl

5、ay a trick on me, after all, I am your teacher. 7. The contest takes place every four years. 8. Have fun while you can. The hard times are just around the corner. . 单项选择1. He stood still in front of the shop windows as if he were _something in them. A. admiring B. lookingC. respecting D. liking【解析】选

6、A。admire钦佩, 赞赏; look at sth. 看着某物; respect尊重, 尊敬。句意为:他静静地站在橱窗前, 仿佛在欣赏里面的物品。2. Look! It seemed _ the snow had been blown from the top of the mountain. A. as ifB. evenC. even though D. because【解析】选A。考查句型It seemed as if. . . “看上去像”。3. Who is the woman_ red? She is my new English teacher. 2009北京高一检测A. w

7、ear B. put onC. dress D. dressed in【解析】选D。dressed in red是过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰the woman。4. Though they like Jazz very much, some fans even dont know the _of jazz. A. origin B. original C. discovery D. resource【解析】选A。词义辨析题。origin意为“起源, 开始”; original意为“最初的, 原始的”; discovery意为“发现”; resource意为“资源”。由题意可知A项正确。5.

8、 When does the meeting_ ? They are all waiting for it. Sorry, I have no idea, _in my opinion, 8 a. m. . A. happen; but B. happen; andC. take place; but D. take place; and【解析】选C。文中所提到的the meeting 是有计划的安排, 故应使用 take place。由答语的逻辑关系可知应使用转折连词but。6. The school _ Mary a prize _ her good work. A. rewarded;

9、for B. awarded; toC. rewarded; to D. awarded; for【解析】选D。词义辨析题。 award (sb. ) a prize 指“授予(某人)奖励”, 授奖者往往是具有裁判力的人; reward指“报答、报偿、酬谢; 奖赏”, 常指通过努力而获得回报。7. There, a big memorial has been built _ him, who devoted himself to the poor. A. in favor of B. in memory ofC. in face of D. in need of【解析】选B。考查介词短语的词义

10、辨析。in need of“需要”; in favor of“支持, 赞成”; in memory of“为了纪念”; in face of“面对”。 由句意可知B项正确。8. She found the beautiful dress she had been _to _to others. 2009哈师大附中高一检测A. looked forward; soldB. looking forward; was soldC. looking forward; soldD. looked forward; selling【解析】选B。she had been looking forward to

11、 是定语从句, 修饰先行词the beautiful dress, 谓语是was sold。 9. Well go to Guilin for our holiday this year. _!A. Good ideaB. Thats all rightC. Take careD. Have fun【解析】选D。考查情景交际。句意为“今年我们将去桂林度假。”“祝你们玩得开心!”此句要用have fun向对方表示祝愿。10. She doesnt _Toms honesty, so she doesnt _ a single word he says. A. believe in; believ

12、e B. believe in; believe inC. believe; believe D. believe; believe in【解析】选A。词义辨析。 believe sb. /ones words相信某人或某人所说的话; believe in = trust 信任某人的人品及能力等。由句意可知A项正确。Learning about language. 单项选择1. He failed in the exam again. He _his teachers advice. A. should not have followedB. should not followC. mustn

13、t follow D. should have followed【解析】选D。句意:他考试又失败了。他本应该接受老师的建议。 should have done表示本该做某事而实际上未做。2. When we were young, every evening my brother and I _stay at home waiting for our mother. A. would B. might C. should D. could 【解析】选A。would在句中表示过去习惯性的动作或倾向。3. Will you stay and watch the grand navy parade(

14、海军阅兵式)?Sorry, _. My brother is coming to see me. A. I mustnt B. I cantC. I neednt D. I wont【解析】选B。will用于第二人称疑问句中, 表示请求、建议, 对于这种问句的肯定答语可用Sure! Certainly! Yes, of course. Id be glad to. 等; 否定回答通常是Im sorry, I cant. No, Im afraid I cant. Im sorry, but. . . I d like to, but. . . 等。4. How _ you say that you really understand the whole text if


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