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1、Unit 3Amazing people Module2热点单词1.explore v. 探索 explorer n. 探索者; exploration 探索 explorative adj. 探究的 2.brave adj. 勇敢的 bravery n. 勇敢(行为) bravely adv. 勇敢地3.curious adj. 好奇的 curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地4.preserve vt. 保护,保存 preservation n. 保护,保存 preserved adj. 经防腐处理的 热 点 单 词5.discover vt. 发现 disc

2、overy n. 发现;discoverer发现者6.strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 strangeness n. 奇怪,陌生; stranger 陌生人 strangely adv. 令人觉得奇怪的是,奇怪地7.present vt. 呈现;介绍;授予,赠送 presentation n. 呈现;介绍;授予,赠送; present 礼物热 点 单 词8.science n. 科学;scientist 科学家 scientific; adj. 科学的 scientifically adv. 科学地9.ill adj. 生病的;坏的,有害的 illness n. 疾病;病期10.exa

3、mine vt.仔细检查,审查,考查 examination n. 考试,考查; examiner 检查者,审查者;主考者; examinee 受试者,被试者热 点 单 词1. Certainly this man is a top expert in this area, but he still feels a lot of uncertainty in the success of the experiment. 2. They have finalized the details of the construction, so can you inform us the final l

4、ist of the architects?3. Compared with Change I, Change II will take fewer days to reach its orbit around the moon. Those interested can make more comparisons between the two machines.热 点 单 词4. Expressed in clear and fluent English, the message couldnt have been misunderstood. I still remember an ex

5、pression used by the speaker, which nonnatives wouldnt have used.5. A colony of ants is a very well organized society. Many scientists have shown interest in their organizationalfeatures. 热 点 单 词6. Only two survived the accident. Even the survivors; themselves marveled at their survival. 7.Whoever i

6、s the first to succeed, they will get the award. Successfulpeople deserve it.8.The managers are being given some training in managementskills.热 点 单 词9.The west still has doubt about our determination to build a democratic nation. We need to show the westerners that China is sure to become a democrac

7、y.10.Id never fought in a real war. That fighter was the first plane I had flown. 11.We were commanded to shoot at the figures. Who was the commander anyway?热 点 单 词根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)1. 那个勇敢且喜欢冒险的探险家兼艺术家非常聪明,对他家乡以外的世界很好奇。 The brave and adventurous explorer and artist was very bright

8、 and curious about the world outside his hometown.2. 奇怪的是,那个保存完好的埃及国王的大量黄金马上被倾空了。 Strangely,a great deal of gold of the wellpreserved Egyptian king was emptied right away .3.他们检查木乃伊后的科学解释是,打开的坟墓使新鲜空气扰乱了病毒,这就导致了人们生某种疾病甚至死亡。 The scientific explanation after their examining the mummies is that the open

9、ed tomb made fresh air disturb the viruses , which resulted in peoples certain illness or even death.4.那个古代的秘书启航去出席一个素质教育会议,他被证明是冰山事件的唯一幸存者。 The ancient secretary, who proved to be the only survivor in the iceberg accident, set sail; to be present a meeting on quality education.5. 1983年参军和1987年成为战斗机

10、飞行员的杨利伟成功地通过心理测试,并最终赢得中国第一宇航员的席位,这成就了他童年的梦想。 Yang Liwei, who joined the army in 1983 and became a fighter pilot in 1987, passed the psychological tests successfully and finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut, which made him live his dream in his childhood .根据中文写出英文短语1.启航,前往 set sail2

11、也,以及 as well as3立刻,马上 right away4成功,带来好结果 pay off5大量,许多 a great deal of6引起(某种结果 result in7载入史册 go down in history8尊敬某人 look up to sb.9实现梦想 live ones dream 10.把从空出 emptyof11与作比较 comparewith12与有关 have something to do with 13一就 on / upon (doing) sth.14以出名 be known as15因而著名 be famous for1. by the time (

12、before)在之前2. What is certain, though, is that what从句为主语从句,what在从句中作主语。that从句为表语从句,that在从句中只起连接作用,不作任何成分。3. it was his high scores on the psychological tests that it was/isthat为强调句型。强调主语、宾语或状语,不可强调谓语。. 根据课文中的重点句子进行同义转换1. Upon entering the tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place,

13、was eaten by a snake. As soon as he enteredthe tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake.2. At the moment of Carnarvons death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. The momentCarnarvon died, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.3.

14、Arthur Mace, another member of the team, also died shortly after the discovery. Arthur Mace, another member of the team, also died soon afterthe discovery.4. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. If the viruses are breathed in, they can cause illness or even death.5. They not onl

15、y studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. Not only did they study all the subjects required to be an astronaut but learned survival skills and all about spaceship and rocket building.汉译英1.到他实现梦想时他已经因勤奋而闻名全州。(by; realize) He had become wellknown to the whole state by the time he realized h



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