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1、必修五单词拼写练习【请务必复习好单词再做该练习,切忌边查词汇表边做练习】第一单元1. Urban citizens have to live with the characteristic(典型的,特有的) noises of cities.2. We must take a scientific(科学的) approach to the problem.3. The debate did not come to a conclusion(总结、结论) until midnight.4. I was very much pleased by your analysis(分析) of the s

2、ituation.5. The old man was totally absorbed(吸引) in the book.6. We are suffering from a severe(严重的) shortage of fuel.7. I turned the handle(手柄) and opened the door.8. The vote was completed. The chairman announced(宣布) the result.9. He instructed(指示、要求) me to deliver it to a customer.10. The scientis

3、t often contributes(做贡献)to an academic journal.11. He is an engineer trained in highway construction(建筑).12. He is very enthusiastic(严格的) with his students.13. David is very strict(有激情的) about the plan.14. The board rejected(拒绝) all our ideas.15. The boss is cautious(谨慎的) about making promises.16. T

4、he police are watching the movements(行踪、动作) of the suspect carefully.17. But he became inspired(受鼓舞的) when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.18. The map gave a valuable clue(线索) about the cause of disease.19. It seemed the water was to blame(责备)20. His wound became infected

5、(感染) with a new virus21. They analyzed (分析) the data and then decided which to choose.22. After eight years of fighting, the Chinese people finally defeated(打败) the Japanese enemies.23. I dont like to live in the neighbourhood(邻近地区) of a train station because its so noisy.24. The old man couldnt hav

6、e seen anyone enter the victims(受害者的) room because hes blind.25. I dont know who sent the gift, but Ill make some inquiries(询问).26. No one suspected(怀疑) that there might be someone else on the farm besides Bonnie.第二单元1. You can easily clarify(弄清楚、澄清) the problems if you study British history.2. The

7、three countries found themselves united(团结的) peacefully instead of by war.3. They are going to get Ireland connected(连结) to form the United Kingdom.4. England is the largest of the four countries and for convenience(方便、便利) it is divided into three zones.5. But London has been influenced(影响) only by

8、some invaders of England.6. The beauty of the artists style consists(在于) in its simplicity.7. He was forced to join the labor union(联盟) as a condition of getting the job.8. The attraction(吸引) of the moon for the earth causes the tides.9. The collection(收藏) of these stamps took ten years.10. We have

9、already made arrangements(安排) for our vacation11. A golden wedding(婚礼) is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.12. Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing(观光).13. The swimming pool is available(可利用的) only in summer.14. He enjoyed the delights(趣事、乐事) of New Yorks night life.1

10、5. Students in No.2 middle school should wear school uniform(制服).16. The statue(雕像) of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.17. He remained consistent(始终如一的) in his opposition to anything new.18. The situation suddenly became tense(紧张)19. Theres an error(错误) in your calculation.20. It is reported that

11、Hong Kongs GDP is about the same size as that of Guangdong province(省).21. Thanks to your help, Jack and Peter accomplished(完成) the task ahead of schedule.22. Edward is a man who is unfit for a higher post but unwilling(不乐意的) to take a lower one in his work.23. The zoo attracts(吸引) many visitors eve

12、ry day, especially children.24. A church, school, hospital, or prison is a(n) institution(公共机构). 25. She found herself in conflict(冲突、矛盾) with her parents over her future career.26. The scientist explained the deadly disease on nationwide(全国范围的) television yesterday afternoon. 27. The bank near my h

13、ome can supply you with foreign currency(货币).28. As a headmaster, more of his time is taken up with administration(行政管理) than with teaching.29. The passage gives a general description(描述) of the girl.30. I found the room furnished(配备、装备) with a desk and a chair.31. The work of an engineer requires i

14、ntelligence plus(加上) experience.32. The twins, Jack and John, are very much alike(相似的).33. I was tired of these stupid quarrels(吵架) with my parents.34. Bonnie folded (折叠) the letter so that it would fit into her bag.35. Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid(极好的) dinner specially for me.第

15、三单元1. I cant fasten(系牢固) this belt, for its not long enough. 2. It takes a much shorter period now for the world to add another billion people than in previous(先前的) centuries.3. Because of lack(缺乏) of water, the villagers have to water their horses at a place far from their village.4. This is your f

16、irst day to give lessons in this school, so you should make a good impression(印象) on the students.5. An airline passenger is talking to the stewardess(女乘务员) about the briefcase he has left behind. 6. Look up the time of the next train in the timetable(时刻表).7. Although his health was very poor, he was really optimistic(乐观的).8. We will con


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