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1、To: 2009年 月 日 VIP学员补课专用 高考英语冲刺汇总考点教案八铁西区Peter精品高分英语家教 主编人:吴军Language points1. recognize sb as:认出某人是be recognized as:某人被认作 recognize sb to do sth:承认某人做某事 recognize that-clause recognition (n.)2. dress:既表动作,也表状态 dress sb be dressed in have on:表状态,不用于进行时 wear:表状态(衣服、鞋帽、领带、围巾、首饰、眼镜) 表示某一时间的穿戴,常用进行时 put

2、on:表动作3. prove sth sth to sbsth to be as(to be)that-clause4. beyond control:无法控制 in control:控制着 under control:控制中 out of control=lose control of:失控5. tear sth to/into pieces sth in half/into halves sth open sth down at sth:撕扯着(表过程) sth:撕碎/撕破(表结果) up:毁掉 off:脱去、跑掉 away from:从夺走6. attend school/church

3、attend the meeting/lecture join party/league/club/sb join in the party/activity7. call on sb=drop in on sb call at a place=drop in at a place visit +sb/a place pay a visit to a place8. be (well) worth + n./doing sth be worthy + of+n. of+being done to be done9. pay for sthpay sb for sthpay sb money f

4、or sth=pay money to sb for sth pay off:全部还清 pay back:偿还,归还;报复10. make/carry out/perform/do experiment by experiment experiment on/upon:对进行实验11语法专题非谓语动词的考点A. 非谓语动词的句法功能具有哪些词的部分特征可作哪些句子成分名词形容词副词主宾表定状补不定式动名词现在分词过去分词B. 不定式和分词作状语的比较名称状语类型时间目的结果原因方式条件伴随让步不定式现在分词过去分词注:不定式和分词都可作结果状语,但用法和意义不同。不定式常和only, neve

5、r连用,强调意想不到的结果和失望的情绪;而分词往往与主句有因果关系,主句表原因,分词形式表结果。C. 非谓语动词的选择原则:(1)与逻辑主语之间的关系:主谓或动宾;(2)与主谓语动词的时间关系:在主谓语之前一般用完成式;与主谓语同时发生一般用现在分词;在主谓语之后一般用不定式。D. 只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词建议冒险去献身,忍受期待不停顿;放弃延期悔失去,坚持欣赏实践成;注意原谅避反对,考虑要求不自禁;允许习惯不介意,价值开始想动名。它们所对应的动词或词组分别是:advise, suggest, risk, devote oneself to; have/bear/stand(忍受), l

6、ook forward to, stop, give up, delay, put off, regret, miss; keep (on)/insist on/stick to, enjoy/appreciate, feel like, practice, finish; pay attention to, excuse, escape, avoid, object to; consider, require, cannot help, forbid; permit, be/get used to, mind; be worth, set about, imagine.12题型归纳完形填空的

7、解题要决一巧用首句信息:利用首句把握文章的体裁:如果文章开头交代事情发生的时间、地点以及人物等,毫无疑问就是记叙文;如果文章开门见山点明话题或作者的观点,那么很可能就是议论文或说明文。分析首句信息,预测下文内容:一般情况下,根据首句所给的线索,就能粗知短文的大概内容。由首句的提示,加上语法分析、逻辑推理,并借助于短文中关键词语所提供的信息以及上下文之间的关系,就能进一步确切了解短文内容,为确定答案开辟道路。例1:Monty owns a horse ranch(牧场) in San Sedro. Once when asked about his_, he told the story abo

8、ut a young man, son of a horse trainer.A. lifeB. successC. family D. education分析:例2:Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them_.A. tiredB. asleep C. conscious D. busy分析:例3:When I come across a goo

9、d article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the_ side is also interestingA. eachB. other C. another D. either分析:Language points1. when 既可指时间的某一点,从句中的谓语动词可以是非延续性的,又可指一段时间(从句中的谓语动词要用延续性动词),从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生。 意为“这时”,常用结构:be abou

10、t towhen as: 强调从句的动作和主句的动作同时发生,而不是一前一后。 while: 表示两者情况对比。2. be of 抽象名词be + adj.be of (great) + use/help/value/importance=be (very) + useful/helpful/valuable/important3. journey:适用范围广,可指陆海空的旅行,常指距离较远的旅行。 trip:指短时间,短距离的旅行。 travel:泛指旅游,前面一般不用冠词。 travels:多指旅行经历journey和trip强调往返性,travel不侧重往返性,可以是章程旅行。 Voya

11、ge:海上旅行或航海。4. hope:指与过去、现在或将来有关的希望,不能接名词,双宾语或复合宾语。 wish:多指美好的祝愿,或表达的是过去,现在或将来发生的令人遗憾的事,接从句时使用虚拟语气。 hope for:希望、期待、对(某物)有信心 We hope youll be very happy. I wish I had gone to that party. We havent heard from him for a long time, but we are still hoping for a letter.5. n.诺言,有指望,有前途,可能性 There is a promi

12、se of better weather tomorrow. keep a promisebreak a promise promise carry out a promise:履行诺言 fulfill a promise:实现诺言 v.许诺,答应,有迹象,使很有可能 I cant promise, but Ill do my best.The clouds promise rain. promising adj. 有前途的,有希望的6. put up:搭起,建筑 set up:建立,成立 build:建造 build up:建立 found:创立,创办7. around/round the

13、corner:在拐角处,即将到来 in the corner:在角落里 on the corner:在拐角上 at the corner:在拐角处(比on的范围大)8. sb/sth praise sb for (doing) sth:因赞扬 sb as:称赞是 sing high praise for:称赞 in praise of:赞美9. population:对此进行提问时,要使用what,人口的“多,少”使用large, small;表示“有多少人”时用“has a population of”。 population:用作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由其后面的表语来决定。 -Whats the population of China? -China has a population of 1.3 billion. The population of New Zealand is small. The population of developing countries are mostly peasants.10. come to terms with:达成协议,妥协 take possessions of



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