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1、七上英语专项复习补全对话(1)A: Good afternoon! My name is Linda. (1) ?B: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.A: (2) . Whats her name?B: (3) .A: Is he Jack?B: (4) . His name is Mike.A: Lets go and say hello to him.B: (5) . Lets go.(2)A: Good morning, Jane.B: (1) , Sally.A: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate. Kate, (

2、2) .C: Nice to meet you, Jane.B: Nice to meet you, too. (3) ?C: Yes, they are.B: (4) ?A: Hes my brother, Paul.B: Oh, I see. (5) !A/C: Thanks! You, too. Bye!(3)A: Hi, Anna.(1) ?B: No, theyre Bobs.A: And (2) ?B: No, it isnt. The blue pen is his.A: What about this dictionary?B: (3) . And the green pen

3、is hers, too.A: And the eraser? (4) ?B: Yes ,it is.A: Thank you for your help, Anna.B: (5) .(4)A: Hey, Helen.B: (1) ?A: Is my computer game on the table?B: (2) . Its in the bookcase.A: Oh, OK. How about my books? (3) , too?B: No, they arent. Theyre on the chair.A: Oh. So, (4) ?B: Hmmits under the so

4、fa.A: And wheres my schoolbag?B: (5) . And your ruler is under the chair.A: Oh, I see.(5)A: Hey, Helen, lets go! Were late!B: (1) .A: Do you have the baseball?B: (2) . Its in my bag.A: And wheres our baseball bat?B: Bill has it.A: Oh, yeah. (3) ?B: My jacket? No, I dont. Its on the chair. Let me get

5、 it.A: (4) .B: OK. I have my jacket and hat. (5) !(6)A: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week (1) .B: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad and some fruit?C: (2) .John likes hamburgers.A: Oh, I dont like salad.C: But (3) ., and its his birthday.A: Yes, youre right. (4) ?B: I think John likes st

6、rawberries and apples.C: OK. (5) .(7)A: (1)_ ? B: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.A: OK. (2)_ ? B: Blue.A: (3)_ ?B: It looks nice. How much is it?A: (4)_ .B: (5)_ .A: Here you are.B: Thank you. (8)A: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! B: (1)_ , Bill. A: So, (2) , Alan? B: Im twelve. How old are you?

7、 A: Im thirteen. B: (3) ?A: My birthday is in August.B: Well, (4)_ ? A: Oh, yes. When is it? B: OK, great. (5) !(9)A: Whats your favorite subject?B: (1) .A: Why do you like P.E?B: (2) . How about you? (3) ?A: My favorite subject is music.B: Really? Why?A: Because its relaxing.B: (4) ?A: I dont like history because its boring.B :Really? I don t like geography (5)



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