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1、外研版必修二 Module 2 No Drugs ( Reading and vocabulary) 教案一. 教学内容分析:本模块以No drugs 为主题,阅读文章由两篇短文组成,分别介绍了一位名叫Adam Rouse的19岁男孩,染上毒瘾,犯罪以及最后成功戒毒的经历;并介绍了不同类型的毒品,以及吸毒引起的相关疾病。通过阅读材料的学习,使学生对drugs有所了解,并且通过此话题,使学生更加深刻地认识到drugs对人体造成的伤害和对社会造成的危害,以及可能引起的一些社会性问题,从而鼓励学生远离毒品。养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会、关爱他人,并通过所学的知识,运用恰当的方式规劝他人远离毒品。二.

2、 教学目标分析(1)知识与技能目标A. 掌握一些与课文有关的词汇:addictive, break into, drug dealer, inject, powerful, heart rate, increase, drug addictB. 技能B1: The students learn to get information through reading、asking and discussing.B2: The students learn to retell the passage by using the key words and phrases.B3: Enable the

3、students to express the dangers of taking drugs and how to give up smoking.(2)过程与方法( individual work ; pair work; discussion )A培养学生筛选局部和整体信息的能力和独立阅读能力,通过自主学习和协作学习,获取信息和处理信息的能力。B培养学生质疑意识、分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。( 3 ) 情感态度和价值观目标A提高学生自我保护意识,养成良好的生活习惯,远离毒品。B. 在有趣的话题激励下,师生互动,生生互动,调动学生的学习兴趣,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼

4、此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。C.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。三.教学重点1. Encourage the students to learn some new words related to drugs: break into inject, addictive, drug dealer, drug addict, powerful, increase, heart rate2. Train the students reading & speaking skills.3. Improve the students ability

5、of organizing and analyzing an article.四教学难点1. Learn how to organize and summarize a passage.2. Discuss the dangers of taking drugs, making the students keep away from drugs and value their lives.五教学工具 Multiple media六教学程序Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, everyone! today we will continue to learn module2 rea

6、ding and vocabulary . Step2 lead- inT: All the class, please look at screen! look at the man on the picture, he is so skinny that we can see all the bones on his body. Is he happy?Ss: No, he is unhappy.T: why is he unhappy? Can you guess?S1:-S2:-T:In fact , He is a drug addict. but Im not, Im health

7、y. How many kinds of drugs do you know?过程:利用多媒体呈现一名骨瘦如柴的男子的照片,询问学生Why is the man unhappy? 引出drug 和a drug addict.接着继续呈现六幅关于毒品图片,分别为cocaine (可卡因),cannabis (大麻),morphine(吗啡),heroin(海洛因),opium (鸦片),ecstasy(摇头丸),帮助学生了解毒品的一些类型。T: Those are drugs, they are bad for our health. Whats more, they are expensive

8、. Some users break law to pay for them, such as Adam Rouse. He is a boy who is only 19 years old ,but he used to be a drug addict. Lets come into his life.【设计目的和依据】:由图片切入主题,直观简捷,能极大地调动学生的积极性。在问题设置上,由吸毒者引出毒品,进而介绍毒品类型,然后引出本文主人公,遵循循序渐进,层层深入的原则,激活了学生的背景知识,为阅读活动做好了准备工作。Step3 Reading comprehensionT: Now l

9、ets read Article 1 and Article 2 written by Adam Rouse, and know something about Adam Rouse, and drugs. First lets come to skimming. Here I have three titles for Article 1 and 2, please match the best title with it. (同时书写部分板书)Task 1 Skimming (掠读)Match the best title with Article 1 and Article 2.Arti

10、cle Title1 A: The dangers of cocaine2 B: A drug addict and his storyC: Dangerous activities of teenagers【设计目的和依据】:掠读就是让学生快速浏览文章,通过完成相关练习,帮助学生培养迅速获得文章信息的能力,构建对文章结构及中心大意的把握,目的明确,任务具体,并为下一步的精读任务做准备。Task 2 Scanning(扫读)T: Now we know the main idea of Article 1 and Article 2, and they are very useful for

11、our reading. Lets continue to read Part 1 to Part 6 on page 13, and decide which article they belong to.(教师示范:在幻灯片上以连线方式进行,例如 Part 1 介绍crack cocaine, 因此属于Article 2, 将Part 1连线到article 2。)【设计目的和依据】:扫读是快速阅读的另外一种方式,它要求教师设计好需要查找的信息和具体的事,然后让学生带着问题快速浏览,从材料中迅速找到这些特定的信息和具体的事实。通过掠读学生初步掌握文章整体后,学生再进行扫读,捕捉具体信息细节

12、,加深对文章的理解。Task 3 Careful-reading & asking (以interview的方式作对话,自由问答)T: Now,Please read Part 1 to Part 6 loudly, and find the main idea of each part.Ss:-(学生回答段意的同时,教师完善板书)【设计目的和依据】:(1)精读要求学生在快速阅读的基础上,认真地阅读课文的各段,回到课文信息本身,进行分析、归纳、推理、猜测、比较等高级思维活动。精读可以加深学生对课文的印象和理解,还可以加强学生对课文重要词和短语的记忆。(2)以新颖的采访形式进行自由问答加强了学生

13、间的交流、合作也可以促进资源共享,调动学生的参与积极性,使任务完成得快而好。(3)在师生互动中,教师发挥导学作用,加深学生对文章理解的深度和广度,通过分析文章的体裁与篇章结构,培养学生的语篇理解能力,为课后的写作做好准备。Step 4 Post-readingTask 4Group work-Retell the passage(男女生两大组,根据幻灯上的关键词和图片,结合文章的理解,复述课文。)T: After reading the passage, we know Adam Rouse and drugs .Now, please retell the passage according

14、 to the key words1. started using drugs. 2. bought. from 3. was refused 4. wanted more 5. broke into 6. stole 7. to pay for 8. police station 9. took . advice 10. stop 11. help【设计目的和依据】:学生通过阅读获得了信息的输入,而运用所输入的信息来完成某项语言任务是巩固其阅读效果,内化其学习内容,转化其学习能力的必要途径。而利用所学的词汇和短语复述文章,符合了任务型教学法的特点是在做中学,在学中用。Step 5 Actin

15、g (Adamdrug dealerdoctor&policenarrator)过程:四人一组进行表演,这是本节课的升华,真正体现了学生的主体角色,并切身的去体会Adam的生活。Step 6 DiscussionT:Why should we say no to drugs?Ss:-T:You all did well.(教师同时完成所有板书)【设计目的和依据】:分组自由讨论使学生更加深刻地认识到drugs对人体造成的伤害和对社会造成的危害,以及可能引起的一些社会性问题,从而鼓励学生远离毒品。养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会、关爱他人,并通过所学的知识,运用恰当的方式规劝他人远离毒品。Step7 HomeworkWrite a passage named Keep Away From Drugs according to what we have learned today【设计目的和依据】:作业布置体现了巩固性和实践性,学生能主动积极地完成作业的过程成为自我提高的过程,也为writing部分打下了伏笔。五、板书设计【设计目的和依据】板书设计新颖别致,体现了文章的大体结构,对文章内容的体现一目了然。



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