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1、同煤实验中学高一年级英语学案(1)Unit1 Friendship 第1课时主备人: 审核:_ 姓名_班级_Learning aims【学习目标】1. learn the use of the following words and phrasesupset, ignore, outdoors, calmdown, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to face, suffer from2. Develop reading ability

2、and learn different reading skills3. Talk about friends and friendship in English Important and difficult points【重难点】1. learn the useful new words and expressions2. How to learn the reading skills Learning procedures: 课前自主学习 Step 11_(adj.)心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的 vt&vi使不安,使心烦2ignore (vt.)不理睬,忽视(n.)愚昧_adj.无知的,粗

3、鲁的3. _ (vt.) (使)担忧;涉及;关系到; _(adj.)担心的;忧虑的4. _ (adv.)在户外;在野外; _ (反义词)5. _ (adj.)整个的;完全的;全部的6. _(n.)连续,系列(单复数同形)7add _合计 8. calm () _(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来9. be concerned _关心;挂念 10. _ the dog遛狗11. go _经历;经受 12. set _ 记下;放下;登记13. a _ of一连串的;一系列;一套 14. _ purpose 故意15. _ order to为了 16. _ dusk 在黄昏时刻17. face _ fa

4、ce面对面的 18. _ longer/ notany longer 不再Step 2 Warming up【导读】:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友。Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow. 朋友就是与自己同甘共苦的人。Do you have any good friends? What do you think of them? The following phrases and structures may be helpful:His/

5、Her name is He /She is years old.He /She likes doing and dislikes doingHe /She is very kind/friendly/honest/brave/wise/patient/humorous/ generous(大方的)/ kind-hearted/ responsible/ diligent (勤奋的)/ talkative(爱说话的)/quick-minded(思维活跃的)【导学1】: 写一篇短文介绍你的朋友:_【导学2】Reading(课堂探究)Fast reading Read the first and

6、second paragraph and answer the following questions:1 Who is Annes best friend?2 How long were Anne and her family in the hiding place before they were discovered?【导学3】Read the passage and join the correct parts of the sentences.1. Anne kept a diary because A.she couldnt meet her friends.2. She felt

7、 very lonely because B.Jews were caught by Nazis and killed.3. They had to hide because C.she could tell everything to it.4. Anne named her diary kitty because D.she wanted it to be her best friend. 【 导练】:True or False1 A friend would never laugh at you.( ) 2 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during the second world war。( ) 3 She and her family hid away for 1.5 years before they were discovered. ( ) 4 She kept a diary as others did. ( ) 5 She was fond of nature. ( ) 6 She stayed awake in the night because she couldnt sleep well. ( )7 She couldnt go out as she liked. ( )课堂小结:


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