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1、2013届专业硕士学位论文 学校代码:10718 学 号:J10115陕西师范大学专业硕士学位论文题目:高中语文“学案导学”本土化实施研究论 文 作 者: 刘宏 指 导 老 师: 李继峰 教授 专业学位类别: 教育硕士专业学位领域: 学科教学(语文) 二0一三年四月Professional Masters Degree paper in 2013 University Code:10718 ID:J10115The Resarch into “Student Guidance localization of the high school language implementation”Gra

2、duate: Liu HongSupervisor: Professor Li JifengDepartment: College of ArtsMajor: Curriculum & Instruction TheoryStudy direction: Chinese Curriculum Theory Completed in April 2013 学位论文原创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含本人或他人已申请学位或其他用途使用过的成果

3、。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 本学位论文若有不实或者侵犯他人权利的,本人愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文知识产权及使用授权声明书 本人在导师指导下所完成的学位论文及相关成果,知识产权归属陕西师范大学。本人完全了解陕西师范大学有关保存、使用学位论文的规定,允许本论文被查阅和借阅,学校有权保留学位论文并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的纸质版和电子版,有权将本论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用任何复制手段保存和汇编本论文。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为陕西师范大学。保密论文

4、解密后适用本声明。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 摘 要新课改以来,反思传统的语文教学,探索有效的教学方式,愈来愈为高中语文同行重视。学案导学模式就是在此背景下逐步登上课堂改革的舞台,这一教学模式经过结合校情再改造后成为很多课改名校的看家法宝。如实施“271高效课堂”的山东昌乐二中、实行“三环节导学”的陕西宜川中学都是使用学案导学走上了良性发展之路。由此,各薄弱学校纷纷取经学习,然后全校统一施行“学案导学”教学模式。本人所在的陕西省靖边X校也是全面推行山东昌乐二中、陕西宜川中学的课堂改革模式,虽然各个学校提法不同,但核心方式都是借助学案导学。高中语文学案导学在贯彻新课标思想和新教育理论方面有其



7、育理论加以扬弃,使其真正服务于课改和教学,才是追求探索的归宿。关键词:高中语文,学案导学,问题,有效性,对策构建VAbstractSince the new curriculum reform, we chinese language teachers have gradually paid more and more attention to the reflection on the traditional language teaching and the enploration of the effective teaching ways. Learning-guiding mode

8、boarded the stage of class-teaching reform on this background after modification and combimation with the schools practice,which became their housekeeping teaching ways.Many schools, such as shandong changle NO.2 middle School and Shanxi Yichuan Middle School, have developed their own effective teac

9、hing ways by using Learning-guiding mode.And Changle No.2 Middle School is famous for “271 efficient class-teaching mode”, while Yi chuan Middle School is famous for their “3-step leaming-guiding case”.Thus , other schools begin to learn from them and try out this new teaching method , in cluding Ji

10、ngbian No.3 Middle School where the writer works. Although they mame their teaching ways differently, they develop with the help lr learning-guiding case.Learning-guiding case in High school Chinese teaching has its unique feature in implementing new curriculum ideas and new educational theory ;and

11、it developed its own theoretical system with obvious effect in reform practice.The use of learning guiding case fully shows the teaching priciple that the students play a main part and the teacher a leading part,which changes the traditoonal teaching method which has the obvious shortcomings of dism

12、embering teaching material and relying only on tents.The learning-guiding case attaches more importance to ariusing the enthusiasm of students and guiding the students toactively participate in the class,to cooperate with the teacher and their peers.Asa result, the studentsstudying ability inprovs r

13、apidly. This new teaching mode can not only implement the curriculum reform ideas and requirements but also can imprive the proportion of students entering universities if used properly.Althorgh some standardized high schools at the prorincial level, our school for enample,have met many problems in

14、the process of administrative imple-mentation , they have reached their goal in a cetain way.The innovative point of the artide lies in that the writer makes good use of literature research method,observation methocl and case studying methocl together with practice,interview and questiommaire to sur

15、vey the imple mentation kf the learning-guiding case localizating based on the present reform boom,taking Jingbian No.x Middle School as an enampleAnother innovative point lies in that the writer uses the principle of seeking truth from facts, comvines the pratical taching with the evaluation of learning-


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