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1、高一英语第二模块第二单元测试题(时间:90分钟 总分:10分)温馨提示:请将答案填涂到答题纸上。其中一至三题规定涂黑,四至六填写。一. 听力(每题1分,共0分)I听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一种题,从题中所给的A,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 ( )1Whaime is itow? A. 7:30. B6:55.7:35 ( )2Wha is e ans jo? A. coo.Bwaie. C.Asalesmn ( )3 does thman g to school evey day? AHwakst sco everdy. B.veryday hetak a us to sc

2、hool. CHe ge shl b bke eveyda ( )4Why s temanlke Deceberbestf ll? Bcause he nsee snow in ecee B.Becaue he an skae in cemr. C.Becaue henjoy h cld weatherin Decemb. ( )5.Why does h man akeawalk? A.Hean to keep healthy bywalkin BHe is ue t lkin. C.He nt eel wel f hetake a bus.II听下面每段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几种题。

3、从题中所给的、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第一小题。 ( )Wheredoe iscnvrtiorobably ta place? A. ta nea. Bt an airport COn t pone. ( )7 Wh di Nanycll ob? ABes sh wantetoget n tchwti. .Bcau se wanted to tell himhe god es C.Becusesh wantedto vte him a rty ( )8. Wat ere Nancy andBb ingt d that evnin? A.Thy ant

4、ed to se eac other and icuss somehi. Bhey wnted too to aestaurant fo dinr. C.Tey weeging tomovi tgeher.听第段材料,回答第9一1小题。( )9. Wh does Mr.Hut mae he telephne al? Hewanto bysme frniure B lans t hv a paty. .Heants to booka tabl( )10Atwhat imedoes r Hn wan thtal o be rd on trynigh? A.57:0C:1( )11Wt wilMr.

5、 Huntpraly do on turdnight? .Visithis moth Bavedinnrwith a frind C.Buy a table听第8段材料,回答第1214小题。( )12. hy des hesay he dy ay tke the paes ad wate- melon r nohng? AHe esnt ak anymoey n his biday. Bjkin Cve kwn eac oherforon time.( )3Wt is the posile rice fthe potatos ctully? .1 a kilo. B.$akilo. C.Les

6、 h1a klo.( )1.o de the woman feel whesheleaves he sore? A. Fnny. B. hapy.Cy听第段材料,回答第15一17小题。( )15.Wa oes te an diset gilto buy? A.A pairof loves. B. Aairof glases. CA pairof hoes.( )16 What entdid the gv her boyri lstyear? A.Sm ook B. Smgloves.C Some scafs(围巾)( )17What nd f gloves dos he girl b in t

7、e nd? Arving glvesB.Scial loves.C.Bing oe. 听第10段材料,回答第820小题。 ( )18 Wo is the speaer? Astdet.Bn eitrCA journalt ( )Howmny das ee is THE VOICE pinted? Awo. B.Five.C.Seen. ()2 Wat is most likely he best eason for joiingthe sff? ATo mae a great al ofney. B. become n xcellnttden C.To getome nteeting epen

8、c二.单选(每题1分,共10分)21.e on _chilre der the ag of 15to wor here.A.letB allowC have D.mke22.Sas_ whenhehar he _ news.A excited; excitin excitng; xitedC.excited; xcite . excitig;exciting23.e os to ehospital to se his sicfaher_.A. veryoher das. er otr daC. a oter d D. ach otr a24Every athlee uldd his est t

9、o _ mes.tak catcC. t D. win5.A sorts meet _ i ousholevery teA. hods B iopeedC. is held D ld2Tel mthe date _youaleavng fo Beijin.A hich B on whchC to which .on tht27All _ he cn is t sy srr.A. that B. hchC. ha D. as8i nw bok_ nxt mont.A will bepublished. is pulihingC.is eg ublised D. has been pbishd2.

10、Which _ have y compete in?.events .affirC gsD. ngs30.Is thisfatoy_ wevisited last year?A. ere B. hone C. n which . at三完形填空(每题分,15分)The Olympi ms are thebiggestpot meetiin he word.There are two _3_of Olympics. 3 theSummr Olicames and th tersth Winrlympic _3_Both of hemae 3_ everyfu yars Allcounries n take par if their athlete_35_ tesandard to _36_ to th ge.Womn ar notoly alwed t joinin,_37_ paya verymporan rle_3_the gam. A _9_ illage is buil orteompettors to liv i, a _40_ fo copiions, agmnasium_41_eatfor hose who atc egames Is _2_ eat honur to hos theOlympic Games.



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