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1、管理学院国际商务管理课程试题(A 卷 )共 4 页第 1 页考试说明 :本课程为闭卷考试,可携带文具 (或本课程为开卷考试,可携带号座文具和资料 ) ,满分为:100分。题号一二三四五六七总分得分-一、名词解释(每题5 分,共 20 分)-1.非股权安排-师 -2.欧洲货币市场-教 -3.掠夺性定价-课 -4.购买力平价授 -二、简答(每题15 分,共 30 分)-线1.简述国际生产折衷论的主要内容-2.简述企业国际化的四种战略模式及其与组织结构的关系-名 -三、案例分析( 15 分)姓 -A、B 为某跨国公司的两家子公司, A 公司提供 B 公司生产所需的中间产品,-以下是两个公司的基本财务

2、指标:-调整前调整后-订-财务项目AB合并数财务项目AB合并数-销售收入100015002500销售收入80015002300-减:制造成本50010001500减:制造成本5008001300-其他费用250250500其他费用250250500-号 -税前收益250250500税前收益50450500学 -装税金12550175税金2590115-税后收益125200325税后收益25360385-表中所说“调整”的具体涵义是什么?其目的何在?(5 分)-具体调整方法是什么?你能推知 A、B 两公司所处地区的税率吗? ( 5 分)-级 -跨国公司可以在任意两个子公司间开展此类调整吗?(5

3、分)-年 -业 -专 -选授课教师命题教师或邓晓辉院系负责人签优命题负责人签字2008年6 月日字年月日中国海洋大学2007-2008 学年 第 2 学期 期末考试试卷共 4 页第 2页四、阅读与分析( 35 分)阅读以下英文报道并以中文回答问题。号What Tata Tells Us号座By MATTHEW J. SLAUGHTERYesterday Ford Motor Company announced it will sell its Jaguar and Land Rover divisions toIndias Tata Group. Upon the closingofthis

4、transaction, the many Ford associates currentlyworking in these divisions in the United States will join the ranks of Americans who work at师insourcing companies - i.e., at U.S. affiliates of foreign multinational firms.-教Foreign direct investment (FDI) has long been a source of strength for the Amer

5、ican economy.师课-In 2005, insourcingcompanies employed nearly5.1 millionAmericans,4.4%ofthe教授-课 -private-sector laborforce.Beyond theiremployment, insourcingcompaniesperformlarge-授 -amountsof thecrucialactivities that make theirworkers andthe overalleconomymore-productive. Theyinvestinphysical capita

6、l andinresearch and development,and theyhelp-connect the U.S. to the global economy throughinternational trade. The bottom lineis larger-paychecks. In 2005, compensation per worker at insourcing companies was $66,042 - 31.8%-线名 -above the average for the rest of the private sector of $50,124.-姓 -名-线

7、What is notable about the Tata transaction is not its incremental addition to these numbers, but-线-its demonstration of two critical but little-known aspects of insourcing: how and from whom it姓 -arises.-Considerfirst the howquestion. Howdo foreign multinationals undertake new FDIinto the-订U.S.? Iti

8、s well knownthat newFDIcan come viagreenfieldinvestmentsthat buildnew-businesses fromscratch. Thinkphotoopportunitiesof business executivesand government-订officials turning fresh dirt with shiny shovels.-学号 -订-号-But foreign multinationalscan also merge with,oracquire partor all of,an existingU.S.-学company. Greenfieldinvestments canprotect proprietary technologies. Acquisitions can yield-quickerpresence, andcanbuild ontarget-firmassets such ascustomerconnectionsand-装managerial talent.



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