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1、 学校 班级 姓名 考试号 密封线内请勿答题学鹇六年级英语阶段调测卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到单词或短语。(听两遍)9分 ( ) 1、A then B than C thin ( ) 2、A strong B stronger C story( ) 3、A snow B window C yellow( ) 4、A get off B get on C get to ( ) 5、A rainy B cloudy C sunny( ) 6、A present B parent C please( ) 7、A run fast B sing better C do better(

2、) 8、A mountains B minutes C meters( ) 9 . A. red B. read C. ride二、根据所听到的句子,选择合适的答句。(听两遍) 8分( ) 1、A .He s a worker. B. He s five. C. Its five.( ) 2、A. I like running best. B. I like autumn best. C.I like red best.( ) 3、A .Yes, they do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt.( ) 4、A. Go Shan is. B. Mine i

3、s, I think. C. It s my ruler.( ) 5、A .Take bus No. 5. B. Yes, I do. C. OK.( ) 6、A .Its one kilometre away. B. Every five minutes. C .In front of the station.( ) 7、A .Its over there. B. Thats all right. C. Its very nice. Ill take it. ( ) 8、A . Because its warm. B.Because its cold. C.Because its cool.

4、三、听录音,判断下列各句是否与短文内容相符,正确的打T,错误的打F。(听两遍) 6分( ) 1.Mr Smith lives in Shanghai Street.( ) 2.He wanted to go to the History Museum by car.( ) 3.The No.5 bus stop is in front of the cinema.( ) 4.Mr Smith wanted to go to the cinema, too.( ) 5.Mr Smith doesnt know how to get to the post office.( ) 6.The No.

5、9 bus stop is behind the History Museum.四、听录音,完成短文(听三遍)7分There are four _ in a year. _ comes before March. The _ gets warmer and the _ turn green. _ comes in June. The days get _ and the nights get _ . It is always _ and it is often rainy. We like to go _ in rivers and lakes. Autumn comes in Septemb

6、er. It is _ but usually sunny. _ starts in December. It is_ and cold. _ it snows and the countryside is all _. 笔试部分(70分)一、 选出划线部分发音不同的一个单词(3分)( )1. A. awayB. alongC. any D. about( )2. A. tiredB. firstC. skirt D. third( )3. A. work B. forty C. blackboardD. short( )4. A townB snowy C window D row ( )5

7、. A. agoB. closeC. clockD. home( )6. A. blouse B. house C. mouse D. young二、根据上下文和首字母提示,将短文填写完整(5分)Sui Hai and Su Yang are twin s . Su Hai is as o as SuYang. They are in the s class and they l the same. They are good at r and j .Su Hai runs f , but Su Yang jumps h . Su Yang is b at the long jump t Su

8、 Hai. They want to v Beijing in 2019.三、英汉互译 ( 12分)1. 在第三站下车_ 2. 沿着这条街走 3.擅长跳舞 _ _ 4.睡觉比我晚_ 5.飞得更高 _ 6. 最好的季节 7.比她大两岁 _ 8. 向右转_ 9.a good football player_ 10. need some clothes 11. the long jump 12. most of the time _四、选择题 (10分)( )1、A: _younger, you or Tom ? B: Tom isA .Whose B .Whos C .Who ( )2、Whose

9、 ruler is longer, _or_?A. you his B .yours he C. yours his( )3、Its _, We can fly kites. A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy( )4、_the boy jump _than the girl?A .Does higher B. Do higher C. Does high( )5、I would like _ about the history. A.know B. to know C.knowing ( )6、Do they need help _your English?A . to

10、B. in C. with ( )7、_ a lot of snow in Harbin. A. Theres B.Therere C.There has( )8、_can I get to the shopping center ? A. Where B. How C. When ( )9、Look ! The dragonfly _than the bee. A. fly higher B. flies high C. is flying higher( )10、Davids parents _for a walk in the park yesterday A went B goes C

11、 go五、选用词的适当形式填空(10分)1. It often (snow) in winter in Harbin.2. (do) Tom swim (slow) than Liu Tao?3. Who _(jump) farther than _ (he)?4. Turn right at the _(two) crossing, please.5. ( I )school bag is heavier than (you).6.Nancy likes (jog)to school.7.Which season do you like _ ( well ), spring or winter?六、情境匹配(10分)( ) 1.Are bears as big as rabbits? A. You can take a No.3 bus.( ) 2.How can I get there? B. No. Its about a kilometre away.( ) 3.Whose ruler



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