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1、2022年考博英语-苏州大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The arts and Craft movement in the United States are responsible for ( ) change in attitudes toward the decorative arts, then considered the minor or household arts.问题1选项A.smashingB.sleepingC.sweepingD.switching【答案】C【解析】形容词词义辨析。smashing “极好的,猛烈的”;sleeping “睡着的”;sw

2、eeping “影响广泛的,规模大的”;switching “开关,动词的-ing形式”。句意:美国的艺术和工艺运动使人们对装饰艺术的态度发生了翻天覆地的变化,它考虑到低层次的艺术或家庭艺术。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture, we were ( ) by the noise from the next room.问题1选项A.distractedB.displacedC.dispersedD.discarded【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。distract “转移,分心”;displace “取代,置

3、换”;disperse “分散,使散开”;discard “抛弃,放弃”。句意:虽然我们努力集中精力听讲座,但隔壁房间的噪音分散了我们的注意力。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Every effort should contribute to the healthy development of our company, but how did they reach such a decision that may be ( ) to the companys future?问题1选项A.irrelevantB.detrimentalC.casualD.preceding【答案】B【解析】形容词词

4、义辨析。Irrelevant “不相干的”;detrimental “有害的”;casual “随意的,偶然的”;preceding “先前的”。句意:每一项努力都应该为公司的健康发展做出贡献,但是他们是如何做出这样一个可能对公司未来不利的决定的呢?选项B符合题意。4. 单选题My boss has failed me so many times that I no longer place any( ) on what he promises.问题1选项A.conformityB.probabilityC.relianceD.assurance【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。conformi

5、ty “遵守,一致”;probability “可能性,几率”;reliance “信赖,信心”;assurance “保证,担保”。句意:我的老板多次失信于我,所以我不再相信他的承诺。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题A few years ago a lone American campaigner wrote a book in which he set out the main points of his fascinating crusadeto abolish television. His book Four Arguments for the Elimination of Telev

6、ision is an American cult bestseller, and after eight editions it is still generating concern and savage debate in the USA.Jerry Mander, a former advertising expert is convinced that for the sake of our freedom, and mental and physical health, we should learn to live without TV. Through his advertis

7、ing background Mander is aware how much of television is concerned with advertising. He sees the planting of values for profit as a deep, profound and disturbing act by the few against the many, for a trivial purpose. And, even without commercials, he sees TV as disturbing because it crams peoples h

8、eads with images which alter the way they feel and behave. Pictures formed by 300,000 tiny dancing dots altering 30 times per second, bombard their eyes as people scan the images 10 times a second. The brain registers and stores all 30 images, but the conscious mind registers far fewer. But, argues

9、Mander, even if you reject or doubt what you see consciously, it is too late, the crucial messages have gone home.He further argues that TV is deadening experience as it is restricted to just two sensessight and sound. “Perception is dulled and flattered”, says Mander, “when you cant feel and smell

10、and totally experience an event.” People are just sitting passively for up to four hours a night watching a flickering screen and listening to artificial sound. No culture in history has spent such an enormous amount of time looking at artificial light, says Mander, and another worrying fact is that

11、 prolonged exposure to artificial light alters human cells, which is why it is being used for certain medical treatment. Researchers do not know if life-long TV exposure is a physical risk or not, but as Mander would argue, why run the risk? It is important that people get up now and switch off befo

12、re the harm is done, they might also become brainwashed, or who know, they might even be approaching death.1.Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television is a book which ( ).2.Jerry Mander objects to TV advertising mainly because ( ).3.Mander thinks peoples feelings and behaviour are changing be

13、cause ( ).4.By watching TV for several hours every night, Mander implies that ( ).5.Mander suggests that viewing TV over long periods of time ( ).问题1选项A.caused distress to many AmericansB.achieved great success overseasC.aroused nation-wide interestD.expressed the views of a fascinating man问题2选项A.th

14、e underlying principles concern money-makingB.it is ineffectual in getting its message acrossC.a few people are deeply disturbed by itD.the values it conveys are accepted by all问题3选项A.the brain is damaged by too much sitting before the televisionB.the conscious mind is incapable of filtering images

15、to the brainC.their eyes scan a TV screen 10 times a secondD.the conscious mind is unable to reject the image it sees问题4选项A.people would lose the use of their other sensesB.peoples experience of life would become deadenedC.peoples ability to respond to events would lessenD.people would come to depend on only two senses问题5选项A.could lead to deathB.might cause brain damageC.could endanger peoples healthD.would make cells malignant【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.细节理解题


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