外研版(三起)四年级英语上册期末知识整理汇总复习(全册)(DOC 10页)

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《外研版(三起)四年级英语上册期末知识整理汇总复习(全册)(DOC 10页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(三起)四年级英语上册期末知识整理汇总复习(全册)(DOC 10页)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 1 知识汇总一、词汇表示方位:1. left左边;向左;左边的2. right右边;向右;右边的3. next to紧靠.旁边,贴近4. beside在.旁边,在.附近5. near接近,临近地点:street(大街,街道) supermarket(超市) station(车站)cinema(电影院) house(房屋)其他:lost(迷路) straight(直地;直线地) live(居住)No.(number的缩写)(第.号) train(火车)hill(小山) 二、习惯搭配live at住在turn left / right向左/右转No.2 Pa

2、rk Street公园街2号beside the cinema在电影院旁边go straight on直着走all day / night一整日/夜at the station在车站so much十分,非常三、常用表达1. Thank you so much!非常感谢你(们)!2. Youre welcome!不客气!3.Excuse me.对不起,打扰一下。四、重点句型询问某人/物的位置:- Where is .?- Its + 其他.eg: 1. - Where is the library?- Its near the park.2. - Where is the cinema?- Go

3、 straight and turn left.3. - Where is my book?- Its on the desk.外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 2 知识汇总本模块学习目的:能够熟练询问并回答正在做的事情。一、词汇动词:read(读,阅读) take(拍摄) listen(听)talk(说话,交谈)名词:picture(照片) children(孩子们)(child的复数形式)China(中国)其他:running(跑步) these(这些)二、习惯搭配take pictures照相play with.玩.listen to听look at.看.talk to和.交谈re

4、ad a book读书play football踢足球watch TV看电视三、重点句型1. 描述某人正在做某事:主语 + be动词 (is / am / are)+ 动词-ing + 其他.eg: 1. I am watching TV.2. She is playing baseball.3. They are having a Chinese class.2. 询问某人正在做什么:What + be动词(is / are)+ 主语 + doing?主语 + be动词 (is / am / are)+ 动词-ing + 其他.eg: 1. What are you doing?Im lis

5、tening to music.2. What is Jack doing?He is doing his homework.外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 3 知识汇总一、词汇1. kid 小孩2. can 能够,会3. see 看到4.interesting 有趣的5. thing 东西,物品;事情6. people 人,人们7. row 划(船)8. dragon 龙9. men (man的复数形式)男人10. between 在之间,在中间11. chess 国际象棋12. drink 喝,饮13. clock 钟14.hungry 饥饿的15. draw 画16. jump

6、跳17. sing 唱歌18. dance 跳舞二、习惯搭配get on上(车)lots of许多dragon boat龙舟play chess下国际象棋soya milk豆浆on the lake在湖面上do taijiquan打太极拳look at 看三、惯用表达Me too. 我也一样。四、重点句型1. What are they doing? They are +动词ing形式(+其他).eg: What are they doing?They are listening to music.2. What is + 主语(第三人称单数)+doing?主语(第三人称单数)+is + 动词

7、ing 形式(+其他).eg: Whats the elephant doing?Its drawing pictures.外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 4 知识汇总一、词汇1. want 想要2. some 一些3. juice 果汁4. ice 冰,冰块5. also 也, 还 6. food 食物7. make 制作8. tomato番茄,西红柿9. egg 鸡蛋10. potato 马铃薯,土豆11. flower花12. dumpling水饺13. help 帮助,帮忙14. buy 买二、习惯搭配fast food 快餐make noodles做面条make dumpli

8、ngs包饺子make a cake做蛋糕三、惯用表达1. Yes, please. 是的,麻烦了。2. No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。四、重点句型1. Do you want + 某物?Yes, please. / No, thank you.eg: Do you want some rice? No, thank you.Do you want some noodles? Yes, please.2. How much is + 主语?(Its +)基数词+货币单位.eg: How much is it? Six yuan.外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 5 知识汇总一、

9、词汇1. run 跑,奔跑2. fast 快,快速地3. sky 天,天空4. high 高高地5. winner 获胜者6. far 远7. afraid 恐怕8. strong 健壮的9. star 明星二、习惯搭配1. run fast 跑得快2. jump high 跳得高3. jump far 跳得远4. ride fast 骑得快5. play football 踢足球6. ride a bike骑自行车三、惯用表达Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?四、重点句型1. Can you + 动词原形(+其他)?Yes, I / we can. / No, I / we ca

10、nt.eg:Amy, can you run fast? Yes, I can.译文:埃米,你能跑很快吗?是的,我能。Daming, can you jump high? No, I cant.译文:大明,你能跳得高吗?不,我不能。外研(三起)四年级英语上册Module 6 知识汇总一、单词1. sweets (常复)糖果2. soup 汤3.sorry 抱歉,对不起4. bread 面包5. dark 黑暗的6. well (语气词)唔,噢7.light灯8. Halloween 万圣节前夕9. give给二、习惯搭配1. turn on 打开2. trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋

11、e in进来4. of course当然5. have some soup 喝一些汤6. have some sweets 吃一些糖果7. have some bread 吃一些面包三、惯用表达1. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!2. Here you are. 给你。3. Happy Halloween! 万圣节前夕快乐!四、重点句型1. Can I + 动词原形(+其他)? Yes, you can / of course. / Sorry / No, you cant.eg: Can I have some soup? Sorry, you cant.译文:我能喝一些汤吗?抱

12、歉,你不能。 Can I go swimming with my friends? Yes, you can.译文:我能和我的朋友们去游泳吗?是的,你能。2. Happy birthday(to you)!eg: Happy birthday, Amy.译文:生日快乐,埃米!3. You can + 动词原形(+其他).eg: Now you can have some sweets and some cake.译文:现在你可以吃一些糖果和一些蛋糕了。外研(三起)四年级Module 7知识汇总一、单词1. horse 马2. sheep 羊,绵阳3.vegetable 蔬菜4. climb 爬,攀爬5. face 脸,面孔6. fruit 水果7.chicken 鸡8. bear 熊9. pig 猪二、习惯搭配1. there is 有,存在2. there are 有,存在3.have a look 看一看


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