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1、 Band FourPractice Test 1Part I Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the co

2、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In the year following the Civil War, businesses began to form monopolies(垄断). A monopoly is a business or corporation that has exclusive control over a certain market. Th

3、is means that a monopoly has no competitors. In business, competition among businesses tends to keep the prices of products down. Since they had no competitors, monopolies, depending on how essential their product was, could charge as much as they wanted for their product. As more and more monopolie

4、s began to appear, some Americans began to wonder how these big companies could so easily drive their competitors out of business. One person who was especially interested in the practices of these monopolies was a journalist named Ida Tarbell. During the early 1900s, Ida Tarbells articles took on s

5、uch big corporations as the Standard Oil Trust Company. She described the methods that these monopolies would use to drive rival companies out of business. For example, she described how big companies would make deals with railroad companies. (According to the terms of these deals, the railroad comp

6、anies would charge the big companies lower rates to transport goods.) Smaller companies who competed with the big companies would be charged the regular rate, which was much higher.1. What is the passage mainly concerned with? A) The definition of monopolies. B) The success of monopolies. C) The rea

7、sons for the success of monopolies. D) Both B) and C).2. A monopoly is a business that controls the market, _. A) beating all other competitors B) including only a few competitors C) excluding many rivals D) none of the above3. If a monopoly wants to change as much as possible, _. A) it must have co

8、mpetitors B) it must be a big business C) its products must be indispensable to people D) its products must be of high quality 4. Tarbells articles are mainly concerned with _. A) the competitive power of big companies B) the competitive methods by big companies C) the dirty deals between big and sm

9、all companies D) the dirty deals between big companies and railroad companies5. The word terms in Paragraph 4 means _. A) conditions B) semesters C) periods of time D) moneyQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: When you close your eyes and try to think of the shape of your own body,

10、what you imagine (or rather, what you feel) is quite different from what you see when you open your eyes and look in the mirror. The image you feel is much vaguer than the one you see. And if you lie still, it is quite hard to imagine yourself as having any particular size of shape. When you move, w

11、hen you feel the weight of your arms and legs and the natural resistance of the objects around you, the felt image of yourself starts to become clearer. It is almost as if it were created by your own actions and the feelings they cause. The image you create for yourself has rather strange proportion

12、s: certain parts feel much larger than they look .If you get a hole in one of your teeth, it feels enormours; you are often surprised by how small it looks when you inspect it in the mirror. But although the felt image may not have the shape you see in the mirror, it is much more important. It is th

13、e image through which you recognize your physical existence in the world. In spite of its strange proportions, it is all one piece, and since it has a consistent right and left and top and bottom, it allows you to locate new feelings when they occur. It allows you to find your nose in the dark and p

14、oint to a pain. If the felt image is damaged for any reason if it is cut in half or lost as it often is after certain strokes which wipe out recognition of one entire side (these tasks) become almost impossible. (What is more, it becomes hard to make sense of ones own visual appearance. If one half

15、of the felt image is wiped out or injured, the patient stops recognizing the affected part of his body.) It is hard for him to find the location of feelings on that side, and, although he feels the doctors touch, he locates it as being on the undamaged side.6. In which of the following situations will you find your image most vague? A) When looking into the mirror. B) When lying in bed with closed eyes. C) When standing. D) When walking.7. When you concentrate on the image of a certain part of your body, the part will l



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