2015年高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature word study学案1(无答案)牛津译林版必修5

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1、Unit3 Science and nature word study班级: 姓名: Learning objectives:1. Learn to pronounce the new words on the wordlist correctly.2. Master the usage of some important verbs and adjectives.3. Learn to use the new words.Important and difficult points: The usage of the new words.Teaching methodsGroup work

2、and individual work.Teaching proceduresActivity 1 Read the new words according to the phonetic symbols by yourself.Activity 2Check the pronunciation and practice more.Activity 3 Word studyConversion of parts of speech1. hunger _ (n.) adj. _adv. _2. tasty_(adj.) v./n. _3. reliable _ (adj.) (v.) _4. a

3、ccurate _ (adj.) (n). _adv._5. confirm _ (v.) (n.) _6. agriculture _ (n.) adj._7. favor_(n./v.) (adj.) _8. frighten _ (v.) adj. _/_n._9. profit_(n./v.) adj. _10. permission_(n.) (v./n.)_ Detailed explanation1. ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的 in the ordinary way 一般而言out of the ordinary 不寻常;超凡脱俗 删除,不常用他只是一个平凡的人

4、,做着平凡的工作。_辨析:ordinary, normal, average, common, usualordinary: 普通的,一般的,用于指人或事物平淡无奇,没有突出或显眼之处。normal: 正常的,正规的,常态的,强调在正常情况下的应有的状态或特征。average: 平均的,普通的,平常的。common: 常见的,不足为奇的,因普遍存在而显普通usual: 通常的,一贯如此的,常指习惯或时间。1) It is _ to feel tired after such a long trip. 2) He is now sitting at his _ place. 3) It is a

5、 struggle for a girl of _ ability. 4) Riding electric bicycle to work is _ in China.5) Such luxuries are unavailable to_people.2. reliable adj. 可信赖的,可靠的reliable evidence/friends/witnesses可靠的证据/朋友/目击证人我们正在物色可靠又勤奋的人。_v. rely on sb (to do)依赖,依靠你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密的。You can _ _ me _ _ _ _.3. confirm v. 证实,证明

6、;确认;使确信It has been confirmed that 已被证实已经证实他的丈夫在战争中被杀了。_我想要确认一下今天下午4点钟和Smith先生的约会。I wanted to _ _ _ with Mr. Smith at 4:00 p.m. today.4. in favour of 赞同,支持有80%的人赞同改变放假作息。_n. favourdo sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙ask a favour of sb请某人帮个忙return a favour 还某人一个人情in ones favour 有利于,对某人有利今天你能帮我去学校接一下我女儿吗?Could you _

7、 _ _ _ and _ _ my daughter from school today?目前汇率对我们有利。The exchange rate _ _ _ _ _ _ _.vt. favour 较喜欢这个男孩更喜欢周末和爸爸一起打网球。The boy _ _ _ with his father at the weekend.adj. favourable be favourable to/for 有利的;有助于这个协议对双方有有益。_5. frighten vt. 使惊吓,使惊恐 frighten sb away/off 把吓跑 be frightened at sth 受惊吓be frig

8、htened to death 吓坏了frighten sb. into/out of doing sth. 吓唬某人使某人做/不要做某事frighten sb from doing sth. 吓得某人不敢做某事突如其来的响声把这只猫吓跑了。_他们威胁那位老太太,让她在纸上签了字。They _ the old lady _ _ the paper.adj. _; _The _ dog _ me, so I screamed in a _ voice. (frighten)6. profitn. 利润,收益a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits 在

9、利益上增长/下降make a profit (on/from sth) 获利一个商人会抓住任何一个赚钱的机会。_v. 获益,对有用 profit from sth 我们努力从错误中吸取教训。_adj. _有利润的,盈利的7. permission n. 准许,许可,批准with ones permission 在某人许可的情况下without ones permission 未经许可give sb permission to do sth 允许某人做某事他未经允许擅自动了汽车。He took the car _ _.permit n. 许可证申请许可证 _v. 允许 permit doing/

10、permit sb to do参观者请勿拍照。_天气允许的话,我明天会过来的。_, I will come tomorrow.她妈妈不允许她在外面过夜。Her mother doesnt _ _ _ _ _ _at night.Her mother doesnt _ _ _ _ at night.Her mother doesnt _ _ _ _ _ at night.Activity 4 Consolidation一、单词拼写1. In Africa, many people are dying of h_ every year for lack of crops.2. Judged/Judging by the ordinary standards, he was _(可靠的).3. It has been c_ that he has been out of work for half a year.4. Industry and a_ are the two important sectors of the national economy.5. Without p_, no unit or individual



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