8 Happy birthday!2.doc

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《8 Happy birthday!2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8 Happy birthday!2.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 教 学 设 计 沈阳市皇姑区三台子第一小学 张 旭教材:小学英语沪教2011课标版三年级起点三年级下册课题:Module 3 Unit 8 Happy birthday一Teaching aims:(教学目标与要求)1. Using the key words in context e.g., cake, card, noodles.2. Using modeled sentences to give things to others.(学生能正确使用下面句型赠与别人物品) e.g., Heres a card for you. Here are some noodles for you.3

2、. Using formulaic expressions to express good wishes e.g., Happy birthday!(学生能在家人朋友生日时送上祝福)二Important points:(教学重点) Try to use the key sentences to give things to others.三Difficult points:(教学难点) Understanding the meaning of dialogues about birthday celebration.四Teaching aids:(教学设备) CIA, cards五Teachi

3、ng procedures:(教学步骤及说明)Step 1: Warm up1. Lets sing.(通过唱英语歌的形式,引入课堂)Number song.2. Lets count.Step 2: RevisionT: How old are you?S: Im eight/nine/ten.(通过对话,引出生日相关内容)Step 3. Presentation1. Show the students a birthday cake. Help them read the new word “ cake”.2. Learn to say and spell “cake”.(学生跟读词组,并

4、尝试准确读出a辅e结构单词,总结发音。)3. The teacher try to use the drill “ Heres a .for you.” (教师初步尝试将句型过度给学生。)Step4. Drill and practice:1. Show them “ar-car-card”, help them to read the new word “card”well. And then let them make sentence with “Heres a card for you.”(教师由字母组合发音引出生词并板书句型,将新句型完全呈现给学生。)2. Practise the

5、new drill “Heres a . for you.”(句型练习)3. Show the students some kinds of cards. (One card-two cards-some cards) Here are some cards for you. ( 帮助学生区分单复数用法)4. Teach the students how to make a card.(讲授怎样制作卡片)5. Let the students guess what does Miss Zhang eat on her birthday. And draw some noodles on the

6、 blackboard. Help the students pay attention to “Here are some noodles for you.”(教师边画画边让学生猜,引出生词面条, 强调be动词单复数的用法)6. Play a game to do more practice. (通过游戏练习重点句型。)Step 5. Consolidation and extension:1. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer. And then listen and repeat the dialogue. (听对话并做

7、有关课文的测评练习。)2. Let the students practise the dialogue in groups and act it. (分组进行对话练习,并给学生展示的空间)3. A new dialogue for the student. (拓展练习,检验主要句型在生活中的实际应用能力)4. Give the wishes to the student who is on birthday today. Speak out loud. At last we sing a birthday song together.(向当天过生日的同学用所学句子大声送去祝福,并唱生日歌)Step 6. Homework:1 Read and act Listen and say.2 Sing the song “Happy birthday”.3 Make a birthday card.板书设计: Unit 8 Happy birthday Heres a card for you. Here are some noodles for you. Thank you!


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