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1、精品资料The-Raven中英文赏析.哥特式文学首先盛行于18,19世纪的西方世界,旨在描述发生在充满神秘与恐怖氛围中的传奇经历。许多学者认为,“哥特元素大都运用于小说创作,而诗歌则由于受到情节、节奏与韵律的限制而缺少叙述哥特故事的基础条件” (Tzvetan 25-26)。但部分学者则坚信“哥特元素不仅存在于小说中,在诗歌当中亦可以分外活跃”(刘守兰:55)。作为美国哥特文学大师与先驱,埃德加爱伦坡的短篇小说以及他的诗作都充满了哥特式的神奇色彩。但是大多数学者仅将研究聚焦于其短篇小说中的哥特研究,而忽视了该元素在其诗歌中也存在的现实。一、爱伦坡所持的哥特式文学理论爱伦坡对美好事物的凋零有着强





6、的超自然氛围。它讲述的是一个关于男主人翁痛失所爱的故事。一个会说人类语言的乌鸦,来到一个刚刚失去心上致爱的男子身边。男子正竭尽全力使自己走出这情感的阴霾,但乌鸦的到来却更加加重了男子的无限伤感。任凭男子一再地反复询问,乌鸦的回复冷酷而让人绝望:永不复焉。乌鸦(:The Raven,又译渡鸦),是作家所著的一首,于1845年1月首次出版。它的音调优美,措辞独具风格,诗句并有着的氛围。它讲述了一只的对一名发狂的恋人的神秘拜访,描绘了这个男人缓慢陷入疯狂的过程。这名恋人,普遍被认为是一名学生,因失去他的所爱丽诺尔而深感悲痛。渡鸦坐在胸像上,似乎在进一步煽动着他的忧伤,不断重复著话语:“永不复焉。”此

7、诗作并使用了众多与的文献。爱伦坡自认此诗写得十分有逻辑与条理。他的目的是创作一首能皆在评论与大众两方引起共鸣的诗,同他在他1846年的后续评论中所解释的。此诗说话渡鸦的部分的灵感来自于的。爱伦坡亦模仿了的诗作杰拉丁女士的求婚的复杂与韵律。全诗并使用以及。乌鸦于1845年1月29日进行首次印刷,由发行。它的出版使得爱伦坡终身受到欢迎,尽管这并没有为他带来巨大的财富。此诗不久后便再版、受及加上插图。尽管评论对其地位的见解并不一致,它仍是史上最著名的诗作之一。The Raven is aby American writer. First published in January 1845, the

8、poem is often noted for its musicality, stylized language, andatmosphere. It tells of as mysterious visit to a distraught lover, tracing the mans slow descent into madness. The lover, often identified as being a student,is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. Sitting on a bust of, the raven seems

9、 to further instigate his distress with its constant repetition of the word Nevermore. The poem makes use of a number ofandreferences.Poe claimed to have written the poem very logically and methodically, intending to create a poem that would appeal to both critical and popular tastes, as he explaine

10、d in his 1846 follow-up essay . The poem was inspired in part by a talking raven in the novelby.Poe borrows the complex rhythm and meter ofpoem Lady Geraldines Courtship, and makes use ofas well asthroughout.The Raven was first attributed to Poe in print in theon January 29, 1845. Its publication ma

11、de Poe widely popular in his lifetime, although it did not bring him much financial success. Soon reprinted, and illustrated, critical opinion is divided as to the poems status, but it nevertheless remains one of the most famous poems ever written.SynopsisThe Raven follows an unnamed narrator on a n

12、ight in December who sits reading forgotten loreas a method to forget the loss of his love, Lenore. A rapping at his chamber doorreveals nothing, but excites his soul to burning.A similar rapping, slightly louder, is heard at his window. When he goes to investigate, a raven steps into his chamber. P

13、aying no attention to the man, the raven perches on aof.Amused by the ravens comically serious disposition, the man demands that the bird tell him its name. The ravens only answer is Nevermore.The narrator is surprised that the raven can talk, though at this point it has said nothing further. The na

14、rrator remarks to himself that his friend the raven will soon fly out of his life, just as other friends have flown beforealong with his previous hopes. As if answering, the raven responds again with Nevermore.The narrator reasons that the bird learned the word Nevermore from some unhappy master and

15、 that it is the only word it knows.Even so, the narrator pulls his chair directly in front of the raven, determined to learn more about it. He thinks for a moment, not saying anything, but his mind wanders back to his lost Lenore. He thinks the air grows denser and feels the presence of angels. Confused by the association of the angels with the bird, the narrator becomes angry, calling the raven a thing of evil and a prophet. As he yells at the raven it only responds, Nevermore.Finally, he asks the raven whether he will be reunited with Lenore in Heaven. When the raven responds with its



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