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1、(Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?)Period 4(2a-2e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1 读懂Jane的日记,了解基本内容并能扑捉关键信息。2掌握日记基本格式并克服障碍领悟日记内容,享受阅读带来的乐趣。Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下词汇和短语: (1) 动词:decide, try, wonder, wait(2) 名词:bird, bicycle, building, trader, top, umbrella,difference(3) 形容词&副词:wet, enough, hungry, below(4)

2、短语:because of, feel like, decide to do sth, enjoy doing sth, arrive in/at, make a differenceDifficulties(难点):通过分享欣赏别人的愉快时光Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Pre-readingT: Get into groups of three or four and discuss the following questions on the screen. Choose one person in the group to share what you have dis

3、cussed with the class.1. What do people usually do on vacation?2. What activities do you find enjoyable?Have two to three Ss present their reports to the class.You can give Ss some helpful phrases: some interesting places, somewhere warm/cool, buy sth special.(在同学们讨论准备过程中,教师来回走动提供必要的帮助并且引导学生用到最近学过的知

4、识点)教学设计说明:阅读前让学生通过讨论复习运用了前几课时关于假期活动的知识,同时为下面阅读搭好支架。2. While readingTask 1: Read Janes diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.T: Jane likes to write a diary when she travels. Lets read her diary entries and answer the questions.Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tue

5、sday?Have two to three Ss present their answers to the class.Task 2: Read for detailsRead Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart.Things Jane did or sawDid she like it? (Yes/No)Why or why not?tried paraglidingYes.It was exciting.Ate Malaysian yellow noodlesYes.They were delicious.walked around

6、Georgetown YesShe liked the old buildings there and wondered what life was like in the past.went to Penang HillNo.Because of the bad weather, they were wet and cold. They also couldnt see anything below.Had one bowl of rice and some fish with her familyYesIt tasted great because she was hungry.Give

7、Ss a few minutes to fill in the chart. Encourage Ss to underline the difficult phrases or sentences and explain them if necessary.Arrive in/at = reach = get toDecide to do sth = make a decision to do sth = make up ones mind to do sthFeel like doing sthWould like to do sthI wonder What a difference a

8、 day makes!Because of + words or phrases because + clause教学设计说明:通过细读文本,学生有了详细的了解,明白了Jane 的旅行情况,激发学生在今后的旅途中也多观察、多记录,和别人分享的兴趣。3. Post readingTask 1: Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.Have Ss work on this activity for their homework.Task 2:

9、Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again on Thursday and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Have Ss close their books and call out each verb in brackets. Ss will then say the correct past tense form of the verb.教学设计说明:通过填写这段日记,学生明白日记中描述已经发生的事情应该用过去式。为下节课写完整的日记打下基础。 4. HomeworkOral:Read both of Janes diary entries out loud.Written:Complete the conversation in 2d. Then, get into pairs and role-play the conversation.教学设计说明:通过对话采访形式把Jane日记中的内容巩固一遍。课后充分利用现有资源进行学习,模仿磁带是最方便有效的方法。



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