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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?一、词汇k:li_streit_sinm_hnsm_diskraib_a:tist_p:sn_mau_今晚_演员_女演员_圆形的_以后_每个, 各自_不同地_真正地_放_另一_犯罪活动_罪犯_二、短语中等身材_中等身高_看起来像_长卷发_金黄色短发_一张长脸_戴眼镜_一条牛仔裤_穿运动鞋_相同的方式_擅长足球_和某人交谈_真正的罪犯_一点,少量_描述你的妈妈_首先_最后_回头见_你最喜欢的歌手_ 画一幅.的图片_三、句子1. -你的朋友长什么样? -她中等身材,留着长长的直发。-_ does your friend _ _?-She

2、is _ _ _ and has _ _ hair.来源:Z。xx。k.Com2. -你妈妈是直发还是卷发?-棕色卷发。-_ your mother have _ _ _ hair?-She has _ _ hair.3. 首先,你必须学好英语。 _ _ _, you should learn English well.4. 最后,他发现他的包在桌子下。 _ _ _, he found his bag under the bag.5. 我想画一张熊猫的画。I want to _ _ _ _ the panda.重点语法(一) 询问及描述长相1. 询问长相句型:What+do/does+sb.+

3、look like?E.g.What does he look like? 【区别】look like与be likelook like 看起来像,指外观或外貌上长得像。 be like 看起来像,指人的性格、人品像。Ex: Please tell me what your uncle _ like.A. does like B. is look C. looks D. look来源:学|科|网来源:12. 描述长相Ex:1). 这个穿着紫色裙子女孩是我的妹妹。The girl _ a _ _ is my sister.2). 当Jason戴太阳镜时看起来很酷。 He _ very cool

4、when he _ his _.3). 我妈妈长得有点瘦,她留着金黄色的卷发。 My mother is _ _ thin. She _ _ _ hair.(二) 描述性形容词英语中,当名词前有多个形容词作定语时,这些形容词通常遵循一定的规则,不得随意调换。基本顺序:限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性形容词+大小、长短、形状、高低+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+中心词【2019广东】Miss green has _ hair.A. beautiful short blonde straight B. beautiful short straight blon

5、de C. short beautiful straight blonde D. curly beautiful blonde short【语法专练】( )1. -What does your Chinese teacher like? -_.A. She likes reading B. Shes tall and thin C. Shes thirtyD. Shes very good( )2. What does he look like?-_.A. Hes a student. B. He likes apples. C. He is fine. D. He is tall and t

6、hin.( )3. Lily is _ medium build _ long blonde hair.A. in, of B. in, with C. of, of D. of, with知识点解析1. 区别:tall与high1).tall常指人、动物、树、建筑物等高,其反义词是short。2).high多指山高,也指空间的位置或程度上高,还可指抽象意义上的“高”,如物价、速度、温度等方面的“高”,其反义词是low。Ex:一个高个男人 _ 一栋高楼_一座高山_ 高价_2. height n. 身高,高度 adj. _height不可数名词,询问某人的身高或某物的高度,常用what,而不用h

7、ow much或how manyEx:1).The actor is very h_.2).那堵墙有多高?_ the _ _ that wall?3. build1)n. 体型,体格来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KEx:(1).大象体型庞大。_ elephant _ a heavy _. 2)v. 建筑,建立 n._ 建筑物(2).他们正在建造一座新建筑物。They _ _ a new _.4. 区别:may be与maybemay be 是“情态动词+be动词”结构,在句子中作谓语,意为“也许是”;maybe 副词,常用于句首,作状语,意为“也许”,同义词是perhaps。Ex:他也许是个教师

8、。_= _5. 区别:person与people1).person 意为“人”,着重指个人,作可数名词,常指有个性的、特定的人,私人的;个人的_2).people意为“人们”,着重指全体,作集合名词,表复数概念。Ex:(1).There is only one _ in the room. (2).There are many _ at the party.6. glass1).眼镜,常用复数形式,表示“一副眼镜”,用a pair of glasses;2).玻璃,不可数名词;3).玻璃杯,可数名词,复数形式是glasses。Ex:(1).他爷爷总是戴着一副眼镜。 His grandfathe

9、r always _ _ _ _ _.(2).小心玻璃。 Be careful of the _.(3).桌子上有两杯水。There are _ _ _ water on the table.【2019湖北】_ that pair of _ a little cheaper? A. Is, glass B. Are, glass C. Is, glasses D. Are, glasses 7. put 意为“放、摆”1) . put +名词/代词+介词短语/副词E.g. Please put the book there.Ex: (1).让我们把这幅画放在桌上。 Lets _ the pic

10、ture _ _ _.2).与put构成的短语 put on穿、戴 put.away 把.收起来(放好);储备 put up挂起、举起 put down 放下、把.放下、记下注:人称代词作宾语要放中间Ex:(2).He _ _ a thick sweater because it was cold in the morning. (3)._ your toys _ in the cupboard, when youve finished playing.(4)._ _ your name and address on the package.(5).Here is a map of China. Lets _. A. put down itB. put it downC. put it upD. put up it8. 区别each和 every each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”,强调个人或个别; every指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近,更强调全体或全部。注:each单独作主语,或each、every修饰的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式,each of +



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