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1、202L2022学年广东省中山市八年级(下)期中英语试卷一、完形填空(本大题共25小题,共25.0分)Can a one-armed person still play basketball ? You may be not sure anyone can do it until you see Zhang Jiacheng play .The single-armed 13-year-old boy from Guangdong has recently become popular(2)the Internet.Over 50 million people have watched his

2、 videos about playing basketball.(3) hard he practiced in the video!However,it wasnt (4)for Zhang to step onto the court (篮球场).At the age of five,Zhanghis right arm in an accident.Although it was difficult at first,Zhang got used toand getting dressed by himself.He also kept up with studies in schoo

3、l and helped with chores at home. In the summer of 2018, Zhang found himself interested in this sport when he had8)basketball class in his school.He was so crazy about basketball that he even practiced at home in the living room.In the PE class,while the other students (9)how to skip rope (勘K绳), whi

4、ch took twohands,he asked his teacher to let him do basketball training(lO).He says he will never take no for an answer and will try his best to do better.1. A. why2. A. in3. A. What4. A. the easiest5. A. loses6. A. eating7. A. he8. A. a9. A. are learning10. A. eitherB. whereB. onB. What aB. the eas

5、ierB. lostB. to eatB. himB. anB. learnB. tooC. ifC. atC. What anC. easierC. loseC. eatC. hisC. theC. were learningC. howeverD. whenD. ofD. HowD. easyD. was losingD. ateD. himselfD./D. learnedD. insteadMy dad asked me to volunteer with him in Meals On Wheels when 1 was 13 years old.Wc(l Dcvcry Saturd

6、ay morning during the summer while I was off school.Wc (12) hot meals to the old people in our town.They were too old or too weak to make their own (13).1 really enjoyed it for a number of (14).It gave me a huge sense of (15)because it was my first volunteering experience and T never did such a job

7、before either.I felt like I was helping my community.That made me realize that I was(16).答案和解析1 10.【答案】C、B、D、D、B、A、C、A、C、D【解析】(1)引导词辨析。A.为什么,B.在哪里,C.是否,D.什么时候,根据Can a one-armed person still play basketball?(一个独臂的人还能打篮球吗?)可知句意:在你看到张家 成打球之前,你可能不确定是否有人能做到。故选C。(2)介词辨析。A.在里面,B在上面,C在,D.的,on the Internet在网

8、上,固定用法。故选B。(3)感叹句辨析。A.多么,B.多么一个,C.多么一个,D.多么,hard此处是副词,根 据感叹句的结构:How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!可知此处要用how,故选D。(4)形容词辨析。A.最容易的,B.更容易的,C.更容易的,D.容易的,根据it was difficult (这很难)可知此处是并不容易。没有比较的意思,所以用原级即可,故选D。(5)动词辨析。lose丢失,结合语境可知本句要用一般过去时,谓语动词要用过去式, 故选Bo(6)动词辨析。eat吃,根据and后的getting可知此处也要用现在分词,句意:虽然一 开始很难,但张家成已经习惯了自己吃饭和穿衣。故

9、选A。(7)代词辨析。A.他,B.他,C.他的,D.他自己,主语是he,该空后有名词studies,所以 要用形容词性物主代词,句意:他还在学校继续学习,在家帮忙做家务。故选C。(8)冠词辨析。A.不定冠词,泛指,常用在辅音音素之前;B.不定冠词,泛指,常用 在元音音素之前;C.定冠词,特指;D.不填。句意:2018年夏天,张在学校上篮球课时 发现自己对这项运动感兴趣。此处是泛指,且basketball首字母发音是辅音音素,have a basketball class上篮球课。故选A。(9)动词辨析。learn学习,结合语境可知句意:在体育课上,当其他学生在学习如何 用双手跳绳时。可知本句要

10、用过去进行时,其结构为was/were+doing,故选C。(10)副词辨析。A.也,B.太,C.然而,D.取而代之,结合语境可知句意:在体育课上, 当其他学生在学习如何用双手跳绳时,他让老师让他改做篮球训练。故选D。本文主要讲述了张家成很小的时候因为事故变成了残疾人,后来经过自己的努力实现了 自己的篮球梦想的故事。做完形填空首先要通读全文,了解大意。一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须 先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容。千万不要看一句,做一句。其次要逐句分 析,前后一致。选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等。答案第10页,共18页全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查

11、是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确。11 25.【答案】C、B、B、D、A、B、A、C、A、B、D、D、C、A、B【解析】(1)动词辨析。A.打扫;B.修理;C.义务工作;D.训练。根据上文My dad asked me to volunteer with him in Meals On Wheels when I was 13 years old.(当我 3岁时, 我的父亲要求我和他一起义务工作在上门送餐服务。)可知,空处句意为:当 我放假期间,我们在夏天每星期六造成义务工作。故选C。(2)短语辨析。A.放弃;B.分发;C还回;D.赠送。根据空后hot meals to the old pe

12、ople in our town (热的食物给我们镇的老人)可知,空处表示”分发 二故选B。(3)名词辨析。A.衣服;B.饭;C.书;D.朋友。根据上文We gave away hot meals to the old people in our town.(我们分发热的食物给我们镇的老人。)可 知,空处句意为:他们年龄太大了或者太虚弱了而不能自己做饭。故选B。(4)名词辨析。A.变化;B.道路,方法;C主意,想法;D.原因。根据下文It gave me a huge sense of satisfaction.(它刚给我巨大的满足感。)可知,空处句意为: 我真的很喜欢它,原因有很多。故选D。

13、(5)名词辨析。A.满足;B.兴趣;C风险;D.关心。根据下文because it was my first volunteering experience and I never did such a job before either.(因 为这是我的第一次志愿服务经历,我以前也从未做过这样的工作。)可知,空处句意为: 它刚给我巨大的满足感。故选A。(6)形容词辨析。A.独立的;B.重要的;C残疾的;D.孤独的。根据上文I felt like I was helping my community.(我觉得我在帮助我的社区。)可知,空处句意为: 这使我意识到我很重要。故选B。(7)名词辨析。

14、A.困难;B.爱好;C.决定;D.观点。根据下文They have trouble in moving around and many of them arelonely without any children around.(他们在行动方面有困难而且他们许多人因为孩子不 在周围是孤单的。)可知,空处句意为:它也帮助我了解了老年人面对的困难。故选A。(8)形容词辨析。A.有压力的;B.受震惊的;C.孤单的;D.坏的。根据空后 without any children around (周围没有孩子)可知,空处表示“孤单的。故选C。(9)动词辨析。A.停留;待;B.控制;C.打扫;D.想象。根据

15、上文They have trouble in moving around and many of them are lonely without any children around.(他们在行动方面有困难而且他们许多人因为孩子不 在周围是孤单的。)可知,空处句意为:有些老人甚至要求我们再多留五分钟聊聊天- 当时我的心都碎了。故选A。(10)动词辨析。A.比较;B.提醒;C.允许;D.造成。根据下文visit my grandparents more often (更经常看望我的祖父母)可知,空处表示“提醒”。故选 Bo(11)副词辨析。A.默默地;B.确切;C.彻底地;Do认真地。根据空前

16、The most important is that I should listen to them (最重要的事情是我应该听他们说话)可 知,空处表示“认真地”。故选D。(12)短语辨析。A.担心;B.谈论;C.了解;D.考虑。根据空前s quite easy for me (对 我来说是十分容易的)可知,空处表示“考虑”。故选D。(13)名词辨析。A.日期;B.杂物;C.需要;D.爱好。根据The volunteering experience made me a better person and made me think a lot more about oth er people (义务服务的经历是我成为了一个更好的人而且使我更多考虑了其他人)



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