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1、天津市四合庄中学2023学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题 用时100分钟 满分120分 班级:_ 姓名:_第一部分:第一节 单项填空 (每小题1分,共15小题)1. -How did you find TV series? -_.A. Very fascinating. B. By chance.C. Dont you know? D. Dont worry.2. Feathers fall to the ground slowly, _ stones fall much faster. A. but B. however C. while D. yet3. Chaplin was known

2、 _ one of the greatest and funniest film actors and this is known _ us all. A. for; to B. as; to C. as; by D. for; by4. He has been working _ the homework, but some problems are really hard to work _. A. on; at B. out; on C. on; out D. at; on5. Our school , which has 800 students, _ on the beach of

3、the Yellow Sea. A. is situated B. situate C. situating D. situation6. _ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing7.-Were you late for the film? - Very late. Half of it _ by the time we _ the cinema.A. Was shown; reach B. had

4、been shown;reachedC. was shown;had reached D. had been shown;had reached8. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _ in the burning train.A. Details B. trips C. events D. experiences9. Now her mother was killed in the accident, she couldnt _ her sadness.A. break away from B. separate f

5、romC.run away from D. get away from10. A big whale was caught _ the coast by two fishermen.A. Along B. on C. across D. off11. _ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. Since B. unless C. As D. Although12. Since China is _ powerful than before, the Chinese people

6、 are brave enough to accept any _the world offers to us.A. Less; challenge B. less; changeC.more; challenge D. more;change13. It snowed heavily last night and the snow _ about seventeen inches in depth this morning.A. shortened B. contained C. measured D. approached14. All the students should seldom

7、 go to the Internet bars where anyone can easily _ a lot of bad habits.A. Put up B. pick up C. take up D. make up15. To his own surprise he _ designing the whole car and putting it into production.A. Got out B. came out C. ended up D. picked up.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文中所给个题的四个选项中,选出可以

8、填入空白处的最佳选项。Ben Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He16playing basketball, riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way, Ben was 17 to most other teenagers he was blind.18, Ben had a special talent. He didnt have any eyes, but he could19see.Ben was born in 1992, and he was a happy and

9、healthy baby. However, when he was two years old, his life20. Ben had cancer and he had to have an operation. The operation was21, and Ben was fine. However, the doctors had to remove (移除) his eyes and Ben became22.After his operation, Ben23a special talent. When he was three, he learned how to“see”

10、buildings with his24. He listened very carefully, and he could25noises bounce off (反弹) buildings. The noises told him where the26were. Then, when Ben was seven, he27to“click (发出咔哒声)”. He made clicking noises with his mouth, and listened for28that bounced back from things. In this way, Ben could“see”

11、where he was and what was around him. This is the same29in which dolphins see things under water.Scientists and doctors were30Bens talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can31like Ben. He became32. He was on TV, and he traveled to different countries and talked to people about hi

12、s life.33, when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after. However, during Bens life, he34people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them feel35. When he died in 2009, over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼).16. A. stopped B. loved C

13、. avoided D. suggested17. A. different B. polite C. close D. kind18. A. Instead B. Besides C. However D. Then19. A. still B. just C. soon D. ever20. A. started B. improved C. continued D. changed21. A. simple B. cheap C. successful D. dangerous22. A. blind B. free C. angry D. lucky23. A. used B. developed C. knew D. discovered24. A. eyes B. hands C. ears D. feet25. A. make B. hear C. watch D. help26. A. teenagers B. dolphins C. doctors


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