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1、高考语法通关九、名词性从句1(2012抚顺二模)After working on the maths problem for hours,he found_ he thought was the key to it.AwhatBthat Cwhere Dwhich解析:what引导的名词性从句作found的宾语从句的主语,而且what在宾语从句中作主语。he thought 为插入语。答案:A2(2012衡阳模拟)Sometimes advertisements make _ possible for companies to sell the customers _ money can no

2、t buy.A/;that Bit;what Cthat;which Dit;whose解析:句意为:有时广告让公司把用钱买不到的东西卖给顾客变得可能。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语。what 引导的是宾语从句,并在宾语从句中作宾语。答案:B3Most of_ we call geniuses (天才) are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.Awhom Bwho Cwhich Dwhat解析:分析句子成分可知of后的宾语从句中,动词call后面缺少英语补足语,故用what引导。答案:D4(201

3、2徐州月考)She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do_ it takes to save her life.Awhichever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwhoever解析:句意为:她对我们弥足珍贵。我们已经准备好尽一切努力挽救她的生命。这里的whatever 既作take的宾语,也引导do后的宾语从句。答案:C5(2012烟台期中)Why are you staring at me?You look stupid!The way you wear is_ annoys me most.Awhich Bwhere Ch

4、ow Dwhat解析:考查名词性从句的引导词。所选关系代词引导一个表语从句,并在从句中作主语,所以要用what。答案:D6(2012南通质检)Faced with trouble or difficulty,a person takes _ help that is available.Awhatever Bwhenever Cwherever Dhowever解析:句意为:面对困难或挫折,一个人会接受任何可能得到的帮助。whatever 在此修饰help,意为“无论什么”,而其他三个选项,不作形容词,不能修饰名词,故排除。答案:A7The fact has worried many scie

5、ntists_ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dthough解析:句意为:近年地球越来越暖的事实让许多科学家担心。从句“the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years”不缺少成分,因此选C项。that引导的从句作fact的同位语。答案:C8(2012唐山检测)Do you know her?No.Her name rings a bell but I cant remember _ I read it before.Awhere

6、 Bwhat Cthat Dif解析:考查名词性从句。答语语意是:我不认识她。她的名字好像很熟,但我想不起来在哪儿见到过了。A、B、C三个选项中只有where 可在宾语从句中作地点状语,if不符合语意。答案:A9_ there are living creatures in the outer space as those on Earth hasnt been proved until now.AHow BWhen CWhere DWhether解析:本题考查名词性从句。句意为:外太空是否存在像地球上一样的生物还不能确定。whether引导主语从句。答案:D10(2012苏州模拟)The m

7、edia today can draw public attention to _ help is actually needed.Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhose解析:本题考查宾语从句的引导词,结合题干,where引导宾语从句并且在宾语从句中作地点状语。答案:C11(2011汕头模拟)Although I like cars, I dont want to buy one. My reason is _ the price of oil keeps rising all the time.Abecause BthatCwhy Dhow解析:考查表语从句。当句子的主语是re

8、ason时,表语从句常用that引导,不用because。语意“尽管我喜欢车,但我不想买。我的理由是油价一直在上涨”。答案:B12(2012衡阳月考)I was late this morning.Is that _ your alarm clock failed to go off again?Awhy BhowCbecause Dwhen解析:考查表语从句。“我今天迟到了”是结果,“闹钟没有响”是原因,because 用来陈述原因,why后面跟结果。答案:C13The value of life lies not in _ many days we live, but in _ use w

9、e make of them.Athat;which Bwhat;thatChow;what Dwhat;how解析:考查介词后的宾语从句。第一空因为后面有many,要用how修饰;第二空后有use,是make use of中将use提前,所以要用what修饰。语意:生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何使用这些日子。答案:C14Is there any possibility _ youll be back by the weekend and attend the party?No problem.Awhen BthatCwhether Dwhat解析:考查同位语从句。语意:你有可能周

10、末之前回来出席这个晚会吗?此处用than引导同位语从句,与possibility构成同位关系。答案:B15All things considered, I think we ought to give the job _ we believe has a strong sense of duty.Awhoever BwhomeverCwho Dthose解析:考查宾语从句。语意:考虑到各方面的情况,我想我们应该把这项工作交给我们认为有强烈责任感的人。we believe为插入语,宾语从句中缺少主语,故用whoever,表示“无论谁”。答案:A16(2012启东期中)Noways the doc

11、tors are trying their best to reduce peoples fear _ they would be affected by the disease caused by an insect.Awhy BhowCif Dthat解析:考查同位语从句。fear是名词,后跟一个that引导的同位语从句,说明fear的具体内容。答案:D17(2012南京模拟)Why were you so upset that you couldnt do what you wanted to?I couldnt say _ that bothered me.Awhat was it B

12、is was whatCwas it what Dwhat it was解析:考查宾语从句和强调句。特殊疑问句的强调句式为:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat其他成分。而此处是在宾语从句中,句子应用陈述语序,故选D。答案:D18(2012安庆质检)Shall we have a picnic tomorrow?It depends on the weather _ we will go.Aif BwhetherCthat Dwhen解析:考查主语从句。语意:我们明天去野炊吗?我们是否去要看天气而定。whether引导主语从句,it作形式主语。答案:B19(2011焦作期中)I had litt

13、le doubt _ the worldwide antismoking campaigns will make more and more people be aware of the danger of smoking.Awhether BthatCsince Dif解析:考查同位语从句。语意:全球范围的反吸烟运动将会使越来越多的人意识到吸烟的危害,我对这一点儿都不怀疑。little doubt表示“不怀疑”,要用that来引导同位语从句。而whether,if均表示“是否”,可排除。答案:B20We think that its love, generosity and perseverance _ make the world _ it is today.Awhat;that Bthat;whatCwhich;what Dwhich;that解析:考查强调句型及宾语从句。第一空为强调句型,故用that;第二空考查的是宾语从句的连接词what,具体说是一个宾语补足语从句。答案:B



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