第15章 复合句.doc

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1、练习十五 复合句I. 在下列各句空格填入适当的连接代词或连接副词:1. We all like _ Mr Black said at the meeting.2. He never told us _ he lived with.3. She wondered _ she could get back very soon.4. He is quite sure _ he will pass the examination.5. Tell me _ of these places you like to go to for your holidays.6. She asked _ the mea

2、l would be ready.7. Do you believe _ he will go on to university?8. I know _ Jim has some tickets for a wonderful football match.9. Our teacher often says it is important for us to relax from time _ to time.10. Father got up early to find out _ the road was covered with snow.11. He decided _ he was

3、not going to say anything about it.12. Hed be interested to know _ you found the lost camera.13. He asked or not the newspaper had reported the news.14. He wasnt sure _ Mrs Winter would give him a B or a C for maths.15. Now I know _ harmful smoking is to ones health.16. I wonder _ will go on the sch

4、ool camping trip with us.17. He telephoned to ask _ they would be away.18. Im afraid _ the computer will cost you a lot of money.19. She didnt say _ she wouldnt attend my birthday party.20. I want to know _ they will give me as Christmas presents.21. The cook showed me _ salt I should put in the dis

5、h to make it taste nice.22. The soldier tried to find out _ deep the river was.23. Can you tell me _ far it is from our school to the new TV station?24. I wonder _ UFOs come from.25. She wanted to know _ those stories about UFOs were true or not. II. 将下列各句的直接引语改为间接引语:1. The clerk said, Ill weigh thi

6、s parcel.2. She asked me, Do you want to send it by air mail or by ordinary mail?3. She said, Im not good at it myself.4. He asked, Mr Winter, when shall we start our work?5. He asked, Have you entered for any events, Billy?6. She said to me, Lin Lin didnt send the letter yesterday.7. Judy said, I h

7、avent seen a UFO.8. Jane said, I often take an early bus to school with my sister.9. Mother said, Kathy, where did you get this hula hoop?10. They said, We are learning a new dance these days.11. She said, Dont be afraid, Mary.12. She said to us, You are going to have an English test the day after t

8、omorrow. 13. He said to Shaw, Go back to your office as soon as possible.14. He said to Bob and Dick, Go and apologize to Mrs Lane.15. The boy asked, Mum, did the pilot really see flying saucers?16. Sue said, What programme are you watching, Dad?17. Susan said, Can I sit here for a while now, Alice?

9、18. Jane said, Please give these test papers back to your classmates, Paul.19. The teacher said, The moon moves round the earth.20. She asked, Why didnt you come to our discussion the day before yesterday ? III. 在下列空各种填入适当的状语从句连接词:1. _ you want a thing well done, youd better do it yourself.2. _ ther

10、e is a sports meeting, I always enter for the high jump.3. She wrote the address on a piece of paper _ she would not forget it.4. _ I got to the booking office, all the tickets had been sold out.5. I had started to take computer lessons _ I entered middle school.6. We cant work all the time _ we wan

11、t to keep healthy and enjoy life.7. _ there is a basketball match, it is often difficult to get a ticket.8. _ the children knew who Father Christmas really was, they still put their stockings at the foot of their beds.9. _ you go to Britain, it is helpful to learn some of the customs of Britain.10.

12、The story was _ funny _ everyone laughed.11. They shook hands _ they hadnt seen each other for a long time.12. Giving up smoking is more difficult _ starting it.13. Dirty water must be made clean _ it is thrown away.14. You cant work in a restaurant _ you have learned how to serve customers.15. _ th

13、ere are only a few tables in the restaurant, it is always very crowded.16. He happened to see a flying saucer _ he was taking a walk in the street.17. _ there are laws, some people still litter everywhere.18. They clapped their hands _ they sang the song.19. _ they were in the country, they often wo

14、rked in the fields.20. The air will be clean _ there are fewer cars in the streets.21. _ coffee beans were too dry to eat, people began to break them into small pieces.22. The umbrella has been popular _ it was first made in France in 1680.23. Dont leave the house _ it is not necessary to do so.24. Ill tell him to call you _ he is back.25. _ you have learned all about it, I dont think I shall say any more.26. They started early _ they could get the tickets.27. _ we were eating, the telephone rang.28. He looked younger _ he was.29. _ she got back home, the tel



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