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1、(完整word版)新目标八年级英语上册第9单元知识点总结Unit9 Can you come to my party?话题:Invitations教学目标:1. Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.2. Talk about obligations with“have to”3. Talk about the schedule.教学重难点:情态动词Can的用法知识点:1. 情态动词 can 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成复合谓语,没有人称和数的变化情态动词数量不

2、多,但用途广泛,主要有:can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) can是一个常见的情态动词含义 5点1) 表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为“能、会”Can you speak Chinese? Can you play basketball?2) 表示请求或者允许,多用在口语中,意为“可以、能”等客观条件的允许。用于疑问句中用来提出要求,用于否定句中表示不允许。Can you help me? You cant play the computer 3)

3、 表示可能,理论上的可能He can be out now. It cant bu sunny all the time.4)表示说话人的猜测、怀疑、不肯定等,主要用于否定句、疑问句、感叹句中,带哟感情色彩。How can yo be so rude! Can he be back? 5)could可以作为can的过去式,也可以在提出请求时表示委婉。He could save the little boy. Could you help me?拓展 辨析can 与may 4点1)表示“许可、准许”,此时与can同义,可以互换使用You may/can go to the cinema this

4、 evening. 注意:表许可时其答语可以用“Yes,you may.”但是由于用may做肯定回答语气显得生硬、严肃,因此一般用Yes, please. /Certainly. / Of course.这些回答显得热情、客气。拒绝对方时,其答语可以用No, you mustnt. / No, you cant. / Sorry, you cant. / No, please dont-May I come in? -Yes, please -May I use your ruler? -Certainly. Here you are. 2)表示可能性时,常用在肯定句中,意为“可能、也许”He

5、 may be very busy now. He said that she might not be at work today. 3) can和may都可以表示推测。can通常用在否定句和疑问句中,may通常用在肯定句和否定句中。虽然两者都可以用于否定句,但是程度不同,cant的语气比may not更强。It cant be true. It may not be true. 4) 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,常可以译为“祝愿”May you have a good time. May you be happy. 练习题1) Would you like to go swimming with

6、 me this afternoon? Id love to, but Im afraid I _. I have too much work to do. 2) _ I use your dictionary? Of course you can. 3) _ I know your name? Sure. My name is Han Huimei. 4) I dont understand this sentence. _ you explain it to me?5) That sweater _ be yours. No, it _ be mine. Mine is over ther

7、e.6) Jim left his English book at home. He _ borrow one from other students. 7)_ you have a merry Christmas and happy New Year!8) May I pick a flower in the garden? No, you _. 2. must与have to 表示义务,即必须或者不得不做的事表示“必须、一定要”,多强调说话人的主观看法,否定式mustnt表示“一定不要,禁止”You must see the doctor. Must you go soon? 对于must

8、开头的一般疑问句,如果要做否定回答,可以用neednt, dont have to,不能用mustnt -Must I come over tonight? -No, you neednt表示客观需要时,常用have to, have to 为情态动词词组,第三人称单数为has to.过去式为had to. Have to的疑问句,否定句都要借助于助动词do,does.did来完成。Eg. He has to stay at home. 他不得不呆在家里。 Why do I have to do everything? 为什么事事都得我来干。练习题1) You _ swim in this p

9、art of the lake. Its dangerous. 2) _ I tell him the truth right now? No, you _. You can tell him about it later.3)-Do we mush finish our homework this afternoon?-Yes, you_. A.must B.can C.may D.need4)我不必呆在这里。 _5)杰克生病了,他不得不呆在家里。3.prepare v.做好准备,把准备好eg. My mother always prepares a big breakfast for me

10、 every morning.妈妈每天早上总是为我准备一顿丰盛的早餐。 为做准备prepare for 为做准备 make preparations for get ready foreg.Their teacher told them to prepare for the coming speech contest.The smiths are making preparations for this journey.准备去做prepare to do sth. 准备去做get ready to doMake preparations to doprepare sb. for 使某人为而准备

11、 We must prepare him for the bad news. 我们必须使他为这个坏消息做好准备。be prepared for/ to do They are prepared for anything that might happen. 他们已准备好了应对任何可能发生的事情。preparation 准备,准备工作 可数名词 be in preparation 正在准备中 Her daughters wedding is in preparation. 她女儿的婚礼正在准备中。4.so that 以至于,以便于 Eg.This little boy saved every c

12、oin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers Day.这个小男孩省下每一枚硬币,这样才能在母亲节那天给他的妈妈买份礼物。1) 辨析 so that 与sothat so that 表示目的(多) 表结果 She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time. sothat 表结果 She spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear her.2) so that 与 in order that 都表示目的后加从句3) in or

13、der to 与so as to 后加动词原形4) so that suchthat He is so good a student that we all like him. = He is such a good student that we all like him.名前such 形副so 多多少少都用so5) sothat 后从句用否定 太而不能 tooto 本身有否定 notenough to do形容词副词置于enough,前用not 表否定5. by表示时间,意为“不迟于,在之前” Please hand in your homework by 6p.m. 请在下午六点前交作业

14、。 表示方式,方法,手段等,后常接无冠词的名词或者动名词,意为“通过;靠;用” Dont judge a person by appearance. 请不要以貌取人。 I learned this song by listening to the radio. 我通过听广播学了这首歌。 表示交通路线或者工具,后接不用冠词的名词,意为“乘;坐;骑;” by bus/plane/train/taxi 乘公交车/飞机/火车/出租车 by bike 骑自行车 by land/sea/air 经陆路 海陆 空中路线 表示位置,意为“在旁边” They went camping by the river. 他们去了河边露营。6. refuse v. 拒绝 eg.She refused their invitation. 她拒绝了他们的邀请。 refuse sb./sth. 拒绝某人/某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事I refuse to answer t



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