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1、中国地质大学(北京) 2009年秋季学期课程号:0201171钻井液工艺原理期末考试试卷(A)考试形式:闭卷考试 考试时间:120分钟班号 学号 姓名 得分 题号1234567总分得分Note: All answers can be given either in English or Chinese!1. Please interpret the following definitions in detail(解释下列概念)(20 points,each 4 points). Main functions of the drilling fluids(钻井液的主要功能):答:a) Carry

2、 cuttings(携带岩屑) from beneath the bit, transport them up the annulus, and permit their separation at the surface; Suspend cuttings(悬浮岩屑) during when rotation of the pipe is stopped.b) Cool and clean the bit.c) Reduce friction between the drilling string and the sides of the hole.d) Maintain the stabi

3、lity(维护井壁稳定) of uncased(未下套管) sections of the borehole.e) Prevent the inflow of fluids-oil, gas, or water-from permeable rocks penetrated.f) Transfer hydraulic power to the downhole motor.g) Form a thin, low-permeability filter cake(泥饼) which seals pores and other openings in formations penetrated b

4、y the bit.h) Assist in the collection and interpretation of information available from drill cuttings, cores, and electrical logs.答出其中4点即可。. The causes of the negative potential at the surface of clay mineral(粘土矿物表面带有负电荷的原因): 答:同晶置换或晶格取代. Give concept and the description of mud cake and explain effe

5、ct of the cake on driiling operation(泥饼的概念与描述方法及其对钻井作业的影响)。答:a) The free water invade the formation, the solid stick on the wall of the borehole, forming mud cake.自由水渗入地层、固相附着井壁,形成泥饼b) Hard, soft, tough, compact, loose,thin, thick硬,软,韧、致密、疏松、薄、厚等c) 泥饼薄而韧有利于降低失水,保护孔壁;厚而疏松则失水大,减小孔壁直径、引起压差卡钻,不利于孔壁稳定. T

6、he function of Na2CO3 and its mechanism(Na2CO3在钻井液中的作用及作用原理):答: Ca-粘土+Na2CO3 Na-粘土 + CaCO3 或,Na2CO3 +Ca2+ CaCO3 + 2Na+. Based on the structures of Mg(OH)2 and (MMH), explain why MMH sheet possesses postive charge(根据水镁石Mg(OH)2和正电胶结构,说明MMH晶片带有正电荷的原因。答:MMH中由于高价的Al3+取代了部分低价的Mg2+,使得正电荷过剩,所以MMH晶片带有正电荷。2.

7、Density of drilling fluid and its effect on drilling operation, then give the design basis and adjustment of drilling fluid density (钻井液密度及其对钻井作业的影响,并说明钻井流体密度设计基础和调节密度的方法) (10 points)答:a) 钻井液的密度是指每单位体积钻井液的质量,常用gcm3(或kgm3)表示。(1 ponit)b) 通过钻井液密度的变化,可调节钻井液在井筒内的静液柱压力,以平衡1)地层孔隙压力,或;2)地层构造应力,以避免井塌的发生,或。(3

8、 ponits)c) 如果密度过高,将引起钻井液过度增稠、易漏失、钻速下降,甚至压裂地层。(2 ponits)d) 密度降低有利于提高机械钻速,降低失水;但密度过低则容易发生井涌甚至井喷,还会造成井塌、井径缩小和携屑能力下降。(2 ponits)e) 加重剂可以提高密度,混入气体则可降低密度。(2 ponits)3. Explain the following differences between montmorillonite (A13.34Mg0.66)(Si7.0All.0)O20(OH)4 and Illite (K,Na,Ca2)m(Al,Fe,Mg)4(Si,A1)8O20(OH

9、)4nH2O based on the structure and the formula:a) Why does Illite have more negative charges than montmorillonite?b) Why does montmorillonite have more cation exchange capacity than Illite?c) Why does montmorillonite have more yielding capacity than Illite?d) Why is K+ used to drill formation than co

10、ntain montmorillonite?(根据蒙脱石和伊利石的结构及其化学成分解释这两种粘土矿物以下不同特性):(10 points, each 2 points)a) 伊利石晶与蒙脱石格取代位置的区别?b) 为什么伊利石的负电荷比蒙脱石多?c) 为什么蒙脱石阳离子交换容量比伊利石多?d) 为什么蒙脱石的造浆能力最强?e) 为什么用K+钻进含蒙脱石地层?答:a)伊利石多发生在硅氧四面体,蒙脱石多发生在铝氧八面体;b) 伊利石晶格取代比蒙脱石多;c) 伊利石层间阳离子K+ 不易交换;d) 蒙脱石O-O分子连接,阳离子交换容量大;e) 利用K+进入粘土晶层,大小与Si-O四面体六角环状大小相近

11、,可嵌入特点4. Please write out the rheological equation of Bingham Plastic fluid and state its physical meanings and influential factors of parameters in equation and the control methods (写出宾汉塑性流体的流变方程,并阐述流变方程中各流变参数的物理意义和影响因素)(10 points)答:a) 写出流变方程 (2 points)b) d 动切力d :是塑性流体流变曲线中的直线段在轴上的截距。它反映了钻井液在层流流动时,

12、形成空间网架结构能力的强弱。其主要影响因素有:1)粘土矿物的类型和浓度;2)电解质;3)降粘剂等;(4 points)c) p - 塑性粘度p反映了在层流情况下,钻井液中网架结构的破坏与恢复处于动平衡时,悬浮的固相颗粒之间、固相颗粒与液相之间以及连续相内部的内摩擦作用的强弱。影响塑性粘度的主要因素:1)钻井液中的固相含量;2)钻井液中粘土的分散度;3)高分子聚合物处理剂。(4 points)5. Based on the filtration equation , explain a) the factors that affect the filtration properties of d

13、rilling fluids; b)the effect of filtration on drilling operation; c)adjustment and control of filtration; d)the reason of adopting foam to prevent loss of circulation? (根据静滤失方程,说明a)影响钻井液失水的因素;b)失水对钻井作业的影响;c)滤失性能的调控;d)为什么说采用泡沫泥浆可以预防钻孔漏失?) (10 points)答:a) 压差、泥饼渗透性、滤液粘度、固相含量和泥饼固相含量;(4 points)b) 失水增大,会引

14、起地层岩石水化膨胀、剥落、使井径增大或缩小;(2 points)c) 使用优质膨润土造浆;加入纯碱,提高电位、水化程度和分散度;加入CMC等。(2 points)d) 泡沫泥浆可以降低压差。(2 points)6. Computation(10 points, each 5 points):. Using Fann 35A Viscometer, die dial readings are 60040,30028, compute apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity and yield point and its apparent viscosity u

15、nder 300rpm(使用Fann 35A型旋转粘度计,测得某种钻井液的60045,30030,求该钻井液的表观粘度、塑性粘度、动切力和300rpm下的表观粘度)。解:a=1/245=22.5 mPa.sp=45-30=15 mPa.sa(300)=(0.511*30)/(1.703*300)=0.030Pa.s=30 mPa.s. Make up 100 m3 drilling fluid with density of 1.05 g/cm3, compute the needed bentonite(in ton) and water(m3), densities of bentonite and water are assumed 2.6 g/cm3 and 1.0 g/cm3 respectively(配制100方密度为1.05 g/cm3的钻井液,计算所需要的膨



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