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1、Unit 5 Janet Goes to the DoctorsDialogue一、Analysis of teaching contents教学内容分析:本课所谈论的话题是围绕在Janet看病过程中,和doctor、Mrs Webb谈及她的身体状况的话题。所运用的句型涉及了第三人称单数时态的运用。例如:Janet doesnt feel good this morning. But Janet looks very pale and tired today, Doctor. 本单元和日常生活的作息及饮食有很大联系,对于去医院看病的英语学习话题比较新,但又很贴近现实生活。因此在教学过程中尽可能

2、让学生在真实的情景中学习看病用语,通过联系实际情况来进行教学。二、Analysis of teaching objects教学对象分析五年级学生经过三年的英语学习,有了一定的口语表达能力及阅读能力,但对语法知识的理解运用仍有一定的难度,特别是在运用一般现在时第三人称单数容易受中文的影响,没有“三单”的概念。然而这个单元的话题是和学生们的生活实际很贴近,主要谈论身体感受以及健康饮食习惯,学生基本上都有此生活经历。这有利于学生之间的对话交流,也有利于教师从生活中索取素材,有效地促进课堂教学。三、Objectives教学目标:1、Language knowledge语言知识:l Vocabulary

3、词汇:四会词: pale, first, medicine, take medicine, time 三会词: checkup l Sentences句型:(1)Whats the matter ? He(She) feels ./ doesnt feel good ./I dont . (2)Take the medicine three times a day.l Daily Express习惯用语:every night, three times a dayl Grammar语法:联系动词feel后加形容词。2、Language skill语言技能:(1) 掌握本课单词。(2) 能正确、

4、流利朗读短语和课文,正确理解以上句型。(3) 通过情景教学,学生能充分学习并运用句型,并能联系实际运用英语表达自己的身体状况。3、Learning Strategies学习策略:(1)利用小组合作,在交际中能借助手势、表情等进行交流。(2)学会阅读较长英语文章时抓住主线,并从中获取所需信息。4、Affect 情感态度:通过学习,学生们能充分体会到合理安排饮食及作息时间的重要性,从而敢于用英语表达自己的想法。5、Culture Awareness文化意识:初步接触看医生的基本语言知识;进一步了解和运用身体状况的表达法。五、Teaching Strategies教学策略1、采用以旧带新、情景教学法

5、引入句型和课文的学习,利用情景帮助学生理解语言,激发学生运用语言进行表达的愿望。2、提供主线,让学生在听课文、读课文和表演课文的过程获取相关信息,掌握语言的运用。3、借助图画、电脑课件等资源辅助教学,让英语教学生活化、情景化。六、Emphases & Difficulties Analysis教学重、难点分析重点:(1)本课的词汇及句型的理解与运用。(2)对本课课文的整体理解和运用。难点:(1)词汇的正确认读及拼写,如:medicine。(2)一般现在时的正确运用。七、Teaching Aids/Media &TeachingResource教学媒体&教学资源图片、电脑、自制课件,网络资源八、

6、Teaching Procedures教学过程(一)Warming up and Revision:1. Act out Unit4 in roles.2. Show some cards about the words of Unit 4, review the words about feels. (Show some pictures of the sick people. Let the pupils say whats wrong with them.)(二)Presentation and practice1. Show the picture of Janet and docto

7、r. Learn the new words of pale checkup.2. Present the dialogue by using CAI .3. Show the CAI of Part 1: form the beginning to I dont eat my fruit. I dont like it much raise some questions.Q1: Whats the matter with Janet?Q2: How much fruit does Janet eat every day?4. Show Part 2: from OK. Do you eat

8、a lot of vegetable, Janet? to I dont eat my vegetables.Q1: Does Jenet eat vegetables?5. Show Part 3: from OK. Do you walk a lot every day? to We usually go by bus.Q1: Does Janet walk a lot every day?Q2: How can she go to school?6. Show Part4: from OK. Do you go to bed early? to OK, Doctor. Thanks.Q1

9、: Does Janet go to bed early?Q2: What does she usually do every night?7. Read the dialogue.(三)、Practice1. Get the children listen to the dialogue for twice and then finish the form.Their Main ConversationDoctorMrs WebbJanetparagraph 1 Whatsthe Janet?Janet doesnt feel Im .paragraph 2 How much do you

10、eat every day?Oh, Janet eats of fruit.I eat my fruit. paragraph 3 Do you eat a lot of ?Janet vegetables at school and after school.I dont my vegetables.paragraph 4 Do you a lot every day?The children to school their father every morning.We usually go by .paragraph 5 Do you go to early?The children g

11、o to early every night.I go to bed early.paragraph 6 Take the three a day.OK, . Thanks.2. Role play(四)Development1. Do the exercise : P. 22 21. Playing the part game. Ask four groups of students to prepare for the short dialogue. Each part each group. One be Doctor Li, one be Mrs Webb, one be Janet.

12、3. Surpose you are a doctor, give some advices for Janet.(五) Homework 1 Copy the new words.2. Read the dialogue for three times.3. P.23 2 Try to read the words.Designing on the blackboard:Unit5 Janet Goes to the Doctorspale Janet looks very pale.checkup Janet doesnt feel good(well).first Let me give you a checkup.medicine Take the medicine three times a day. take medicine time I read for a long time every night.



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