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2、的创新在金融创新中占着非常重要的地位。 我国目前的我国目前的金融衍生工具市场明显跟不上我国经济飞速发展的脚步,金融衍生工具过少,金融避险能力差已成为当前金融衍生工具市场面临的主要问题,对于我们认同的西方已经存在的创新产品和服务,我们不妨模仿的彻底,如我下面将介绍的对冲基金,而我国依自己国情进行金融创新发明的金融衍生工具就更要发扬光大,如下面将介绍的货币期权。 文章中我主要介绍了对冲基金(Hedge Fund)的运用范围、操作 、类别和主要特点。由于其在西方国家已出现了几十年,也出现了一些弊端,而我主要看中的是他的避险功能。 由于我国尚未使用期权这项金融衍生工具,我在文章中先对期权进行了介绍。

3、外汇期权(foreign exchange option)是中国银行建立的新型外汇金融衍生工具,并对其特点价格决定因素等进行了介绍。关键词: 我国的金融创新 对冲基金 外汇期权AbstractFinancial innovates to be through solving and tie to these characteristic and course that form a complete set again come and create new financial tools to pass, Come to improve the disposition efficiency

4、of financial resources. Our country in socialist market economy primary stage and with certain contradiction nature stages whom economy develop at full speed. The finance seems essential further in our country when being innovated. The western economist thinks that the finance innovates and includes

5、 two kinds of different phenomena, The new financial tool that first, with fast development( the majority is a financial derivative), Second, the change of the international course of financial intermediary, it is technical So the innovation of the financial derivative is constituting the very impor

6、tant position in the finance innovates. The western economist thinks that the finance innovates and includes two kinds of different phenomena, The new financial tool that first, with fast development (the majority is a financial derivative), Second, the change of the international course of financia

7、l intermediary, it is technical and relatively strong that obviously the former. So the innovation of the financial derivative is constituting the very important position in the finance innovates.Our countrys present financial derivative market of our country is too obvious to catch up with the step

8、 that the economy of our country develops at full speed, The financial derivative passed less, it alreadies become the subject matter that the present financial derivative market has faced badly that the finance avoided dangerous ability, Innovative products and service that have already existed to

9、the west which we approved, What we imitate completely, recommend hedge fund under me, Our country depend on ones own national conditions carry on finance innovate financial derivatives that invent want and develop right away, The currency option introduced such as below:I have introduced the applic

10、ation range, operating, the classification and main characteristic of the hedge fund(Hedge Fund) mainly in the article. Because it has already lasted decades in western countries, some drawbacks have appeared, what I took a fancy to mainly is the his avoiding the dangerous function.Because our count

11、ry has not used this financial derivative of the option yet, I have carried on introduction to the option first in the article. The option of the foreign currency (foreign exchange option) is the new-type foreign currency finance derivative that Bank of China sets up, and has carried on introduction

12、 to its decisive factor of characteristic price, etc.Key words: Financial innovates in our country Hedge FundForeign exchange option目录一、金融创新简介和作用 1二、金融创新在我国势在必行 1(一)金融创新是突破计划金融体制、建立全新的社会主义市场金融体制的有力手段 1(二)金融创新是加快国有商业银行改革、防范化解金融风险的有效措施 1(三)金融创新是迎接WTO挑战、实现金融业务国际化的迫切需要 2(四)金融创新是正确处理防范金融风险和支持经济发展关系、促进地方经

13、济加快发展的必然要求 2三、金融工具创新对促进我国金融市场发展具有重要意义是推动我国金融市场发展的重要措施 3(一)金融工具创新能增强金融市场上金融商品的种类,完善我国金融市场类型 3(二)金融工具创新能增加金融市场主体规避风险 3(三)金融工具创新能够为我国金融市场与国际接轨创造条件 4四、对冲基金 4(一)对冲基金的类别 5(二)对冲基金的特点 6五、外汇期权 6(一)外汇期权的特点 7(二)外汇期权办理程序 7(三)外汇期权价格决定 8我国的金融创新与金融衍生工具当代金融创新理论起源于本世纪50年代末、60年代初,经过70年代的发展,至80年代形成高潮,进入90年代仍如火如荼。我国学者对

14、这一问题的研究是从80年代开始的。 对这一理论进行研究首先需要对“金融创新”有一个定义,虽然学界对此也有些争论,但基本上是衍生于创新理论的倡导者熊彼特(J.A.Schumpeter)的观点。我国学者对此的定义为:金融创新(financial innovation)是指金融内部通过各种要素的重新组合和创造性变革所创造或引进的新事物。我个人认为加五个字更好,即:金融家的活动,是金融内部通过各种要素的重新组合和创造性变革所创造或引进的新事物。这一表述强调了金融创新的主体是金融家,他们是金融活动的策划者、发起者和维护者。同时,这一表述指明金融创新是“一种活动”,是一个动态的过程。金融创新(financ

15、ial innovation)就是任何金融工具都可以看作若干特性的结合。这些特性有收益、价格风险、信用风险、国家风险、流动性、可买卖性、定价惯例、数量大小和期限长短等等。在某一种金融工具中共通的某些特性捆在一起。金融创新(financial innovation)可以看作是通过对这些特性加以解捆和重新配套的过程来创造新的金融工具,就是通过对金融要素的重新组合,来提高金融资源的配置效率。金融创新的目的就是合理配置和降低风险,国际上风险管理的范例总是强调要将风险分散。如果风险适当地分散,对整个经济体系的冲击将减少,也较少可能产生大规模的崩溃威胁金融稳定。这种范例得到广泛的成功,尤其在美国过去的两年半里特别明显。虽然股票市场的财富缩水8万亿美元,资本投资也出现严重紧缩,还有2001年9月11日的悲惨事件,但美国经济挺过来了。重要的是,虽然损失巨大,但美国主要的金融机构都没有被迫拖欠债务。世界上其他很多地方情况也相似。



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