南师附小最新牛津学校5B Unit8表格教案

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1、南师附小最新牛津学校5B Unit8表格教案 南师附小最新牛津学校5B Unit8表格教案 (46)unit 8 at the weekends (第一教时) may.23一 教学内容 b look, read and learn; c ask and answer二 教学目标1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:ant, butterfly, draetimes i .三 教学重点和难点1 关于昆虫类的单词的正确朗读和拼写。2能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i often . sometimes i .四 课前预备教学预备:各种昆虫

2、图片, 单词卡片, 录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节老师活动同学活动a free talk1 whos on duty today?do you have any hobbies?2 do you like ?what do you usually do on saturdays/sundays?i am.yes, i do. i like .yes, i do.no, i dont.i usually .bpresentation and practise1 出示图片: look at my pictures.there are many insects. look, this is an

3、 ant. do you like it?teach: insect ant 同法学习单词:butterfly, drae.展现图片的一个角,让同学猜猜是什么昆虫。跟读并拼读。跟读并拼读。听录音,仿照读。cask and answer1 how do you spend your weekends?teach: spend weekends2 (教同学回答)i often .teach: often3 逐一出示图片,让同学操练句型teach: catch insects4 do a survey:调查班机同学在周末都干些什么。i .跟读并拼读。how do you spend your wee

4、kends?i often .跟读并拼读。进行调查活动,并做好记录。六 板书设计图片 an ant 图片 a butterfly 图片 a draay.24一 教学内容 a read and say二 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learnfrom , of course, 2 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:how do you spend your weekends? i can learn a lot from it . of course, i do.3 能正确朗读课文内容。三 教学重点和难点1能听懂、会说、会读和会

5、拼写单词及词组:talk, talk about, very, learnfrom , of course, 2能正确朗读课文内容。四 课前预备教学预备:图片,录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节老师活动同学活动a free talkwhos on duty today?how do you spend your weekends?i am.i often.brevision1( 出示昆虫类图片)让同学看图片朗读单词。2 指导齐读、个别读同桌操练句型:how do you spend your weekends?i often .c presentation and practise1 i of

6、ten surf the internet at the weekends. i like surfin it.teach: learn from2 how do you spend your weekends?老师把同学的回答总结并写在黑板上。minbinminbinusic, watch tv, ay.28一 教学内容 d look and say; .its brevision1 精彩昆虫类图片2 指导3 how do you spend your weekends? how does your father spend his weekends? how does your mothe

7、r spend her weekends?4 指导集体朗读集体朗读课文分角色朗读课文i often he often .she often.同桌仿照操练。clook and say1 带领同学认真看图并讲解一下主语是第三人称单数时动词的用法。2 指导3评价认真看图三人一组操练,一位同学提问,另外两位同学分别用often, sometimes进行问答。用sometimes,和often介绍其它同学状况,比比谁说得多。dlisten and repeat1 出示单词:bee, see, sleep, tree2 评价3 评价4 出示句子:i can see some bees sleepineti

8、mes he/she.bee see sleep treei can see some bees sleepinetimes进行问答。用sometimes,和often介绍其它同学状况,比比谁说得多。(49)unit 8 at the weekends (第四教时)may.29一 教学内容 e read the passaother?i am.i often .he/she often .brevision出示昆虫类图片复习朗读并背诵这些单词cthink and e. please listen and all,but it can carry bip hiany boys like?what do many ay.30一 教学内容1 默写四会单词,词组。2 完成练习册上本单元的听力以及后面的内容。3 进行讲解。(51)unit 8 at the weekends (第六教时) may.31一 教学内容进行本单元的单元测试(拓展练习册上)


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