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1、九年级英语Unit 10 Lesson 37Lesson 40人教朗文版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Unit 10 Lesson 37Lesson 40(一)词汇: 1. natural adj. 自然界的,天然的not having anything that is made by man. e.g. The Museum of Natural History. 自然历史博物馆 Youd better eat more natural food. 你最好多吃些天然的食品。 Animals living in their natural state 生活于自然环境的动物 2. gui

2、de n. 向导、导游者 v. 指导,引导a person whose job is to show people around a place often telling about something interesting. e.g. “Can we see dinosaurs here ? ” Wei Hua asked Miss Li , their guide. “我们在这儿能看见恐龙吗?”魏华问他们的向导李小姐。(guide 用作名词) You must be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 你必须受是非感的指导。(

3、guide用作动词) 3. underground adj. 地下的under the earth e.g. Coalminers who have to spend their working hours underground work hard. 采煤工们必须在地下渡过工作时间辛勤工作。 Water comes from underground. 水来自地下。 There is an underground Dinosaur World. 这里有一个地下恐龙世界。 4. human being n. 人类man e.g. “To err is human , to for give di

4、vine. ” “犯错误是人之常情,宽恕是非凡的。” human nature 人性 His cruelty suggests that he is less than human. 他的残忍表示他没有人性。 5. discover v. 发现,发觉to find something that was hidden or that people didnt know about before. e.g. The dinosaur was discovered in Liaoning Province I say it is special because the dinosaur was co

5、vered with features ! 恐龙是在辽宁省发现的,我说它很特别是因为它身上长满了羽毛! Columbas discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。 discover的“发现”是指找到原来就存在但没被人认识或发现的东西。 而以前所学的invent是指发明,创造出原来没有的东西。 e.g. Do you know who invented the camera ? 你知道谁发明的照像机? Who invented TV ? 谁发明了电视?二. 重点、难点: 1. I saw many old inventions on show. 我看

6、见了许多展出的古老发明。 Have you ever seen dinosaurs on display in a museum ? 你看见过在博物馆里陈列的恐龙吗? on show 与on display意思相似,都有“展出、展览”的意思,它在句子中作后置定语修饰inventions。介词on在此有“进行中,在中,于状态”的意思。 e.g. All the things on show are only for visit. 展出的一切东西都只供参观。 Many new bikes are on show here. 这里展出了许多新自行车。 The students works were

7、on show in the library . 图书馆里正在展出学生们的作品。 2. So these eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs. 这些蛋就是很早很早以前恐龙下的。 英语中“下蛋”要用动词lay,laid是它的过去式,过去分词。 e.g. Fishes lay eggs. 鱼类产卵。 Our hens lay a lot of eggs. 我们的那些母鸡下很多蛋。 The penguin lays two eggs every year. 企鹅每年产两个蛋。 注意:lay也表示“搁,置放”之意。 e.g. The old woman

8、laid the basket on the table. 老太太把篮子放在了桌子上。 3. Scientists try to explain their disappearance , but theyre got more questions than answers. 科学家们没法解释它们(恐龙)消失的原因,但他们得到的问题比答案还多。 (1)explain 作动词,表示“解释”之意。 e.g. Mr Wang said it was a little difficult for him to explain the sentence. 王先生说对他来讲,解释这个句子有点难。 Can

9、you explain the question ? 你能解释这个问题吗? (2)disappearance 是名词,表示“消失,不见”,动词是disappear,而disappear的反义词是“appear出现” e.g. The bird disappeared behind the woods. 那只鸟消失在树林之后了。 记住:dis是一个否定的前缀,它可以加在一些词前表示其相反的意思。 e.g. believe 相信disbelieve不相信 honesty诚实dishonesty不诚实 information信息disinformation假信息 interested 感兴趣disi

10、nterested不感兴趣 like喜欢dislike不喜欢 4. Miss Li showed them a picture of the feathered dinosaur , 李小姐给他们看有羽毛的恐龙 feather一般用作名词,也可以用作动词。此处feathered是动词的过去分词。过去分词用作形容词,有“被,已经,感觉”的意思。 e.g. The broken cup is on the floor now. 杯子打碎在地板上。 The frightened child hid behind the door. 那个受惊的孩子躲到门后去了。 It was the first ne

11、wspaper sold on trains in America. 这是美国历史上在火车上卖的第一份报纸。 That means dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared. 那意味着恐龙在人类出现以前很早就存在了。 5. Then we can see many dinosaurs discovered by you in the museum , 那时我们在这所博物馆里能看到许多你发现的恐龙啦 discovered by 在此是由定语从句“which were discovered by you”省略而来。一般情况下,若从句是被动语

12、态,可将其中“关系代词be动词”部分省略,剩下的分词短词,位置不动,在所修饰的名词之后,使全句更加简洁,突出中心。 e.g. Lessons that are learned easily are soon forgotten. = Lessons learned easily are soon forgotten. 容易学的功课很快就忘了。 The car which was stolen the other day is not yet found . = The car stolen the other day is not yet found. 几天前被偷的那辆车还没有被找到。 6.

13、The big bowl was used for keeping the wine warm . 这个大碗是用来温酒的。 keep + adj. 表示“保持(状态)”的含义。 e.g. The pot was used for keeping tea hot after it was made. 这个罐子是在泡茶后保温用的。 This coat will keep you warm. 这件外套可以让你保暖。 The window was kept locked. 这个窗子一直锁着。 7. When was the PLA founded ? 中国人民解放军是何时成立的? (1)PLA = P

14、eoples Liberation Army 中国人民解放军的缩写形式。 (2)found作动词“成立”讲。 The PRC was founded on October 1 , 1949 . 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 PRC = Peoples Republic of China. 中华人民共和国 8. It was for serving wine. 它是用来倒酒的。 It was used for serving wine. 省略了“used”。 serve作动词,既可以表示“提供(食品、饮料、饭菜等)端上(饭菜等等)”,也可以表示“(为)而工作,(为)服务。” e.g. What time is supper usually served in the hotel ? 这家宾馆通常几点供应晚餐? Johns father has served the company for ten years.



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