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1、Lesson 4 What are you going to do tomorrow?陕西旅游出版社英语第8册第二课时一、教材分析这一课主要谈论的是招待他人在家中做客的话题。其中涉及到谁将要到家做客 will come to our home。 本课主要谈论有客人来做客前的准备。还有关于购物的一些常用语:go shopping、a shopping list、 a supermarket、 a shopping basket。二、教学目标: 语言目标 1. 会认会说会写会用以下单词 a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping basket。 2. 熟练

2、并灵活运用邀请别人的句型 Would you like to ? Youd better。 情感目标 学习并熟练掌握对话内容,并能在实际生活中运用出来。三、教学重点难点分析:熟练并灵活运用邀请别人的句型:(1)Would you like to ?(2)Youd better四、课前准备:教师准备教案,课件,听力录音。五、教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师给出几个课文中即将出现的单词由学生来说出单词的意思,以此来检查学生对本课单词的掌握情况。同时也有意识地渗透一些本课将要出现的句子,为下面的教学做铺垫,以此激发学生学习兴趣。2.新课展示(New Presentation)听本课录音

3、回答问题Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.(播放课文录音)1.A:Who will come to Li Shans home tomorrow? B: Alice will come to her home.2.A: Wheres she from?B: America.3. A: Which supermarket? B: The nearest one.4.A: Will they make a shopping list? B: Yes, they will.3.教师通过准备好的课件对本课重点内容进行讲解。重点句型: wi

4、ll come to our home tomorrow.Were glad to have her at home. Would you like to Wed better 重点短语: go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket。1)want是英语教材中常见的动词。它的意义及用法较多。现在对其作一简略小结。 want sth.中的sth.一般是名词,如apple, pencil, book, money等 我想要点水。I want some water. 我想吃一个苹果。I want an apple. 我想要两本

5、书。I want two books. want to do sth.其中的do是动词原形,表达主语想要做的动作。 我想要喝点水。I want to drink some water. 我想要吃一个苹果。I want to eat an apple. 我想要两本书。I want to have two books. want sb. to do. sth.其中的sb.是want的宾语,是主语想要这个宾语做某事。 我想让我妈妈喝点水。I want my mother to drink some water. 我想让你吃一个苹果。I want you to eat an apple. 我想让我的老

6、师买两本书。I want my teacher to buy two books.2)学习邀请别人做某事和对别人的邀请表示感谢的一般表达方法T: 本节课我们将要学习如何在别人来家造访之前作准备。For example, John will come to our home tomorrow.这里我们用一般将来时态表示将来要发生的事情。如果想要对别人的造访表示欢迎,可以说: We are glad to have you at home.这里我们可以将glad换成其他单词。Were glad to have you at home.=Were happy to have you at home.

7、它们都表示相同的意思: 你能来我们家我们很高兴。T:当我们想要邀请别人去做什么事情时,我们可以说Would you like to ?这是一种委婉的语气,用来对别人提出建议。Eg1. Would you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意和我一起去购物吗?Eg2.Would you like to go to the supermarket with me? 你愿意和我一起去超市吗?同时教师在黑板上写出句型和答句Would you like to ?肯定回答 Yes, Id like to.否定回答 No, thanks教师引导学生练习以上句型,可以让学生两个人一

8、组商量要做的事情,可以用Would you like to ? 教师还可以让同桌两个人进行造句练习,一个人用动作和手势来表示不同的活动,另外 一个人用Would you like to ?来造句,For example:A:Would you like to play football with me this weekend? B: No, thanks .A:Would you like to paint with me this weekend? B: Yes, Id like to.3) Can you tell me the nearest way to the railway st

9、ation?你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗?Can you tell me the nearest way to the supermaket? Where is the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪儿?That is the nearest way.那是最近的路。I live nearer the school than you.我住得比你更近学校。4)学习表示对别人强烈建议的句型。you had better(not)do sth.当我们在超市购物时,我们经常会因为要买的东西太多而忘记。所以我们还需要一个购物单a shopping list。所以我们经常会说Wed better

10、make a shopping list,我们最好制作一个购物单。Wed better make a shopping list的原型是We had better make a shopping list,表示对别人的强烈建议,For example: A)、 Wed better go shopping. B)、 Youd better take a shopping basket.Youd better not watch TV everyday.你最好不要每天都看电视Youd better not eat any ice-cream。你最好不要吃冰淇淋Youd better not pl

11、ay in the water你最好不要在水里玩Youd better not run in the classroom你最好不要在教室里面奔跑Youd better listen to me最好听我的Youd better do your homework now你最好现在做你的作业Youd better clean the your room now你最好现在打扫你的房间Youd better listen to the teacher carefully你最好认真听讲4.小结本节课我们重点学习了英语中表示建议的两个句型,其中有和别人一起商量来决定的表达法 Would you like to ? 意思是你愿意做还有表示强烈建议别人做某事的表达法 Youd better 意思是你最好做。5.布置作业(1)听录音,复习所学过的词组和对话。(2)背诵并默写词组和对话。(3)将所学过的内容灵活运用于实际中。


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