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1、牛津译林版英语九年级上册第3课时教学设计课题Growing up单元Unit 4学科英语年级 九年级学习目标1. To recite the important phrases and sentences.2. To retell the text.3. To learn about Spud Webb and the spirit of not giving up.重点To recite the important phrases and sentences.难点To retell the text.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Free talkLet the Ss ha

2、ve a free talk:What do you think of Spud Webb?Answer thequestions以轻松的自由讨论的方式导入新课。Let s reviewLet the Ss retell the text according to some important words.Retell the text according to some important words.复习上节课所学 内容,提升学生 口语表达能力。讲授新课Let s playLet the Ss play a game about new words.Play a game aboutnew

3、words.复习上节课所学 词汇,对后面知 识点的学习做好 铺垫。Lets doAsk the students to finish the exercise on the book.Finishtheexercise on the book.通过完成练习,巩固课文内容并 提升学生总结概 括能力。Language pointsAsk the students to master the language points and understand the meaning of them.Masterthelanguage pointsandunderstand the meaningofthe

4、m.帮助学生掌握课 文重要知识点, 提升学生语言运 用能力。Free talkLead the students to have a discussion about how to understand “growing up and what to do to make their dreams come true.Haveadiscussion about how to understand growing up“ and what to do to make their dreams come true.旨在引导学生说 出了解世界的不 同方式及实现梦 想的方法,激励 学生从多种角度 思考

5、,用自己的 语言表述观点, 锻炼学生发散思 维及语言表达能 力。课堂小结Sum up the key phrases and sentences.板书1. However, no university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only170cm tall.2. He decided to play at a junior college.3. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.4. After he graduated, he was

6、forced to play in another basketball league.5. While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small.6. In senior high ,Spud often had to sit in the stands because of his height.7. He practiced even harder and got the coach to change his mind.


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