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1、九年级上学期期末测试题一姓名_分数_一、单项选择1. They stopped in _ beautiful place for camping, near _ farmhouse of the SmithsA. a; aB. the; aC. a; theD. the; the2. A super highway _ in our hometown before 2019.What exciting news! Will it pass your house?A. is building B. will build C. have been built D. will be built3.

2、Have you finished your homework _?No. Im still doing it.A. yet B. already C. ever D. also4This zoo isnt open to the public on Mondays,_?No,it isnt.A. is it B. isnt it C. will it D. wont it6.Could youpleasehelp me lock the door when you leavethe classroom?_A. Tharsallnight. B. Yes, I could.C. Withple

3、asure. D. No way!7This TV play is very interesting. Why_ down and watch it?A. dont sit B. not sit C. not to sit D. not you sit8. When is your family going for vacation? Ive no idea. It _ by my parents. A. will decide B. will be decided C. wont decide D. wont be decided9. How long will you stay here?

4、 I dont know. _.A. Never mind B. Thats OK C. It doesnt know D. It depends10. Thats a bad habit of learning. _, it is never too late for you to get out of it.A. Instead B. Anyway C. Finally D. Similarly11. When will _ English speech competition begin?Im not sure. Maybe _ week later.A. a; the B. an; t

5、he C. the ,a D. the, theB. 12Will you take the sports shoes?C. Well,Im thinking _ it is really necessary or not. The old pair is still in good condition.D. A. when B. why C. if D. whether13. Jay Chou has a great influence on teenagers They always _him.A. look out of B. look for C. look forward to D.

6、 look up to14.Theman you sawjustnow_ beEric. Hehasgone to London yesterday.A. can B. might C. cant D. must15. How much is that piece of beef? What about fifty yuan?A. Take it easy. B. Thats a deal. C. Be careful. D. Dont be too serious.16.His grandparents _like living in the countryside, but now the

7、y_ living in the city. Becauseitssoconvenient totakethesubwaytomost places.A. are usedto,areused to B. usedto,areused toC. usedto,usedto D. areusedto,usedto17. From its very beginning, A Bite of China has not just been a documentary about food. _. The TV programme is very popular.A. Im glad to hear

8、that B. Thats all rightC. Never mind D. I cant agree more18. I like music and persons _ can make me happyA. which B. that C. who D. what19.Not only my classmates but also my mother _ getting interested in Korean stars. 新 A. is B. are C. has been D. were20. My bestfriendAlan prefer_ books ratherthan_

9、 computer games to relax himselfinhis sparetime.A. to read, to play B. to read, play C. read, play D. reading, playing二、完形填空We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits,cutting them and putting them into our platesIts not as easy as you thinkIts important to know (1) and when to eatFruit shou

10、ld be eaten on an empty stomach(胃)If you eat fruit like that,it will go straight through the stomach into the Intestines(肠道)It will be good to your health and provide you with plenty of(2) for life activitiesSo fruit is very importantBut when you eat two pieces of bread and then some fruit,it is sto

11、pped from doing soDo you know the reason?You have probably heard people sayingevery time I eat watermelon,I burp(打嗝)When I eat a banana,I feel like (3) to the toiletWhen the fruit is (4) with other food,it produces gasThats why you will feel (5) Actually,we will not check if you eat the fruit on an

12、empty stomachEating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juiceWhen you(6) want to drink fruit juice,drink only(7) fruit juice,not from the bottles or cansDont drink juice that has been heated upDont eat cooked fruits because you dont get the nutrients(营养成分)at allYou only get the(8) of the fruit

13、 If you have understood the (9) way of eating fruits,you have the (10) of beauty,health,energy,happiness and a long life1AhowBwhatCwhereDwho2AharmBenergyCpleasureDspirit3AreturningBrunningCguidingDleading4AcookedBfilledCmixedDjoined5AunhappyBexcitedCrelaxedDuncomfortable6AtotallyBhardlyCclearlyDreally7AexpensiveBcolorfulCfreshDheated8AtasteBweightC



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