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1、兰寿(Ranchu)金鱼疾病的预防和对策Disease Prevention and Countermeasures of Ranchu Goldfish重在预防Prevention is Key要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低。早期发现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。为了明确预防的方法,在这里列出疾病预防的五大原则。Everyone who want to feed Ranchu will be bothered by sickness of the fish.The later discovery of illness, the

2、 lower rate for fish to survive. What matter most is to keep fish healthy, needless to say early detection and treatment .Here,the five principles are listed in order to clarify the method of prevention.原则1 饲养水的维持、管理不能懈怠Principle 1 Maintaining and managing the feeding water should not been let up饲养水

3、槽是兰寿唯一的生存环境。饲养水的状态与兰寿的健康息息相关。导致鱼得病的原因,除了从外部引入的特定病原体之外,就只有饲养水的管理不足了。Feeding trough is the uniqe living environment for Ranchu. The condition of feeding water is closely related with Ranchus health.The only cause lead to fish disease is the lack of management,except of a specific pathogen from the out

4、side.原则2 多加注意防止引入疾病Principle 2 Pay more attention ,or you will lead in disease不论如何努力管理水质,如果带入了疾病就前功尽弃了。从外部引入疾病的途径有放入了外来的兰寿、使鱼混养等。在这时使用的网和容器也是原因之一。放入外来的鱼时,不但要作药浴,还要分开饲养一个季度。If infect disease,no matter how efforts we have put to manage water quality, all the work weve done will be wasted.The approachs

5、 infecting diseases from outside are as follows: put a foreign Ranchu into the water, polyculture of fish and so on.even the using net and container this moment is also one of the reasons. Not only to make medicine bath, but also keeping a separate quarter when leading the foreign fish.原则3 进行预防药浴Pri

6、nciple 3 Preventive medicine bath不同季节,鱼容易得的疾病也不同。如果了解疾病的早期症状,不但可以实现早期治疗,还可以通过药浴进行有效预防。In different seasons, the diseases the fish suscepted are also different. If you know the early symptoms of the disease, not only early treatment can be achieved, but also can be effective in preventing drug bath.原

7、则4 避免喂食过多饵料Principle 4 Avoid of feeding too much bait过多的饵料不但会加重内脏的负担,也会导致水质的腐败。要让鱼吃到八分饱,注意保持水质的稳定。Too much feed would not only increase the burden of internal organs, water quality will lead to corruption. Allow fish to eat eight to keep the water quality stable.原则5 经常留意健康情况Principle 5 Pay attention

8、 to health frequently知识固然十分重要,但也要会活学活用。这就要靠平时的观察了。可以通过体表、泳姿、鳃部的运动等了解鱼的健康状态并迅速采取对策,防止鱼得病。请牢记以上疾病预防的五大原则!Knowledge is certainly important, but also will live for everyday by usual observation. Through the surface, swimming stroke, gill movement, etc. to find out the health of fish, and take prompt mea

9、sures to prevent the fish getting sick.Keep in mind of the five principles of disease prevention above!季节的变化与疾病Season changes&DiseaseA. 春季的疾病A、the spring disease到了春天,兰寿从冬眠中醒来。由于冬眠中没能进食,免疫力较为低下。这个时期需要注意的是由于饵料投放过多导致的肠炎以及由于水质腐败导致的细菌和原虫的滋生。15以下的冷天停止投饵,天气暖和时也需注意不要有剩饵。这一时期需要注意的有白点病(Ich )、烂尾病(tail-rot dise

10、ase)、水霉病(Saprolegniasis)等,如果在早期发现是比较容易治愈的。In spring, Ranchu have a lower immunity when they wake up from hibernation without eating something. Note that this period should note enteritiscaused by putting too much bait and breeding of bacteria and protozoa because of corruption of water quality. Stop

11、 feeding when the weather downs below 15 ,and make sure there have no leftover bait when the weather is warm. During this period ,it should be noted that there are Ich, tail-rot disease, Saprolegniasis and so on, it is relatively easy to cure if have a early detection.B. 夏季的疾病B、the summer disease 由于

12、水温上升,兰寿的体力和活动性都上升,免疫力也随之增高,但这是建立在饲养水的状态保持良好的基础之上的。水温上升致使水的腐败加快,需要通过换水保持水质。如果在这方面疏忽大意,能引发腮病的纤毛虫(ciliophora)、鞭毛虫(lagellate)就会大量滋生。另外,烂尾病(tail-rot disease)、白云病(Costiasis)也需要引起注意。饵料不要有剩,并根据需要进行预防药浴。每天要仔细观察,感到有异样迅速采取对策。As the water temperature increases, Ranchus strength and activity are increased ,as we

13、ll as its immunity, but this is based on keeping a good state of water. It need to maintain water quality by changing the water when rising water temperature accelerat the corruption. If this is inadvertent, ciliophora and lagellate that lead to gill disease will breeding in a large number.In additi

14、on, tail-rot disease and Costiasis also need attention. Do not have leftover bait, and take preventive medicine bath based on need. Observed carefully every day, and take prompt measures when something is wrong.C. 秋季的疾病C、the autumn disease初秋天气凉爽,是最舒适的时期,但如果疏于管理饲养水,鱼就可能感染由纤毛虫(ciliophora)和鞭毛虫(lagellat

15、e)等原虫所引发的疾病。特别是在水温较低的晚秋时期有可能导致鱼的死亡,需要严格管理饲养水。这个时期由于秋雨降温会导致水温急剧下降,所以也需要留意白点病(Ich )的发生。Cool weather in early autumn is most comfortablely, but if not well managed the breeding water, the fish may be infected diseases caused by ciliophora and lagellate and other protozoa. Especially in the late autumn

16、period, low water temperature may lead fish to die,that should manage the breeding water strictly. During this period, cooling water temperature in autumn will lead to a sharp decline, it is also important to prevent the happening of Ich.D. 冬季的疾病D、the winter disease由于冬季鱼的活动性降低,导致免疫力低下。需要注意的是白云病(Costiasis)和白点病(Ich )等。这些疾病也可以通过严格管理饲养水、进行预防药浴来防治。水池清扫、水质管理等维护工作,不但能预防冬季的疾病,其更重要的作用是



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