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1、人教版高二英语选修7第三单元Under the Sea教学案例及反思一.提出问题任务型教学(task-based learning)就是用语言做事以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的成果。任务的形式可以是多种多样的.本人已人教版高中英语模块7第三单元Under the Sea为例,通过设计理解型任务,引导学生通过猜谜、看电影片段、思考、讨论、查找信息、交流和合作的方式,帮助学生更多的了解海洋(海底)生物,了解人类如何利用鲸捕鲸的残酷事实,帮助学生树立热爱和保护海洋生物的意识。本节课的教学目的是培养学生使用不同的阅读方法快速查找相关信息,了

2、解文章大意,完成教师布置的教学任务,同时启发学生对如何保护海洋生物提出自己的见解。在培养学生获取信息能力的同时,完成教学任务,巩固所学内容。二.教学模式图表 Warming up1. play a game Riddle2. watch a video and ask question .Do you know other whales?Pre-reading1. Glance quickly through the pre-reading and fill in the form Reading1. BrainstormWhat does the title mean?2. Skim the

3、 passage and find out the main idea of each part.3. read the passage again ,choose the best answers and fill in the blanks.Post-readingClass workdiscussion1What would you want to say if you were a whale?2Can you think of any ways to protect the sea and its animals? HomeworkWrite a letter to tell peo

4、ple what they should do to protect whales?三教学过程Step 1Warming up1. Play a gameRidlle ( An animal , who lives under the sea, is the biggest under the sea.)Whale(设计说明)人们常说兴趣是最好的老师。通过猜谜这一新颖的导课方式,引起了学生的兴趣,调动了学生的积极参与性,营造了和谐的学习氛围。学生“亲其师”而“信其道”使他们处于最佳学习状态。在愉快、轻松中自然导入本节课的话题-whale 2.watch a video and at the s

5、ame time ask studentsDo you know other whales?设计说明)通过观看影片,使学生能近距离的观察whales,在观看的同时提出问题 Do you know other kinds of whales?引导学生根据影片中鲸鱼的大小轮廓帮助学生找到答案,killer whale 、blue whale、baleen whale这样作的目的是扩展了学生的知识面和词汇,也为后面的课文学习埋下了伏笔,它们还能在海洋中自由自在的生活吗?Step 2Pre-reading1. Glance quickly through the pre-reading and fil

6、l in the form.Author: ClancyOccupation: whaleWriting style:anecdotes Place:AustraliaTime: at the beginning of the 20th centuryMain idea: Killers helped whales catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.(设计说明)在阅读教学中,由于受到生活经验、社会阅历贫乏及对语言材料所涉及的社会背景知识了解不够等方面的影响,学生在阅读时存在障碍,很难顺利进行。通过让学生阅读课

7、本19页的短文和图片完成这道读图题,不仅有助于学生理解课文,也有助于对学生渗透文化知识,培养学生的文化意识,为下一步的阅读做准备。Step 3Reading 1.(Brainstorm)Look at the title: OLD TOM THE KILLER WHALEWhat information can you get from the titleA. the whales name; B. killer whales age; C. Tom is an experienced killer whale(设计说明)“头脑风暴法”是很好的课堂教学的热身活动,也是学生所喜爱的学习方式。通过

8、采用“头脑风暴法”可以激发学生的好奇心,发挥他们对文章的想象力,有利于培养学生的发散思维,为即将开展的阅读活动作好铺垫。2. The first reading(1) Skim the text and get the main ideas of part 1 and part 2?Part 1: The killer whale helped whalers catch another whale.Part 2: The killer whale protected people.(设计说明)理解文章主旨和段落大意的能力是英语高考阅读理解部分经常检测的一种能力,这种能力要靠平时的训练和积累,

9、通过归纳总结主旨和段落大意,帮助学生整体把握课文的脉络,初步了解篇章结构。3. The second reading(1).Read the story and choose the best answers1)I hear a huge noise from the bay_A. on my way to the station.B. as soon as I arrived at the station.C. when I was arranging my room.2). The killer whales were like a pack of excited dogs when_A.

10、 they were yelling.B. they were having a big mealC. they were racing between the boat.3). Which is NOT true about OLD TOM ?_A. It wasfierce hunter.B. It must have a rest after saving a person.C. It could protect human beings.4). Which of the following statements is true ?_ A. I raced after George af

11、ter I put the right clothes on.B. I brought the dead whale back immediately after it was hit.C. I thought James was in a fear while the waves were carrying him away. 2)Find out the names and fill in the blanks with them. ( Clancy , George ,Old Tom , Jack , James , Red )1)_ was 16 years of age when h

12、e went to work at whaling station. ( Clancy)2)_ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. ( George)3)_ was swimming by the boat , showing the whalers the way. ( OldTom)4)_ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. (Jack)5)_ w

13、as carried by the waves further and further away from the whales .( James)6)_ knew that Old Tom would protect James. ( Red)(设计说明)对于高二学生来说,除了能够归纳文章段落大意,了解文章的结构外,还要对文章作深蹭的理解。本环节包括两部分,第1部分是四道选择题,第二部分是用文章中出现的人名来填空,这两部分主要检测学生对文章细节的理解以及对词句的猜测及对篇章的推理。这样有利于提高学生分析、推理和理解能力。Step 4 Discussion1) What would you w

14、ant to say if you were a whale ?2) Can you think of any ways to protect the sea and its animals ?(设计说明)让学生分四人小组讨论,让每位学生大胆地开口说英语,形成自主思考和分析问题的能力。在语言的互动中学生接受信息和表达意愿,逐步发展和提高自己的语言综合能力。Step 5 Homework write a letter to tell people what they should do to protect whales. (设计说明)这是对课内讨论的延伸,让学生用文字进一步表明自己的看法,巩固




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