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1、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?笔试部分(8o分)单项选择(15分)( )1_ yogurt do we need for the milk shake? AHow manyBHow muchCHow DWhat( )2Lets _ fruit salad Amake Bto make Cmakes Dmaking( )3Do you like butter?_ AI dont think so BI think so CYes,I do DYes,I dont( )4Pour the milk _ the blender Ain Bint

2、o Con Dat( )5Heres a recipe _ a great turkey sandwich Aof Bfor Cin Dabout( )6Father is _ the tomato in order to make a sandwish Acutting up Bcutting off Ccutting through Dcutting down( )7_? Yes,pleaseId like some sandwiches AWho are you BWhat are you CCan I help you DCan you help me( )8Without your

3、help,I dont know _ to make a sandwish Awhat Bwhich Chow Dwhom( )9_ are the onions? Two yuan a kilo AHow much BHow manyCWhatDHow( )1oDont forget to _ the lights before you leave the room Aturn on Bturn off Cturn down Dturn up( )11_ uncountable nouns are there in Unit Seven? AWhat manyBHow manyCHow mu

4、ch DWhich words( )12_ cut up two apples,then put them into the blenderFinally turn on the blender AAnd BNext CFirst DThen( )13You _ get up so earlyBut you must go to work on time Aneednt to Bdont have toCmay not Dmustnt( )14This is _ onion and that is _ beef Aan;a Ban;Ca;an Da;( )15The piece of meat

5、 is too large,lets cut _ Athem up Bit up Cup them Dup it完形填空(1o分) Food is very importantEveryone need to 1 well if he or she wants to have a strong bodyOur minds also need a kind of foodThis kind of food is 2 We begin to get knowledge even when we are very youngSmall children are 3 in everything aro

6、und themThey learn 4 while they are watching and listeningWhen they are getting older,they begin to 5 story books,science booksanything they likeWhen they find something new,they love to ask questions and 6 to find out the answers What is the best 7 to get knowledge?If we learn 8 ourselves,we will g

7、et the most knowledgeIf we are 9 getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn wellWhen we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand 1o ( )1Asleep Bread Cdrink Deat( )2Asport Bexercise Cknowledge Dmeat( )3Ainterested Binteresting Cweak Dbetter( )4Aeverything Bsome

8、thing Cnothing Danything( )5Alend Bread Clearn Dwrite( )6Atry Bhave Cthink Dwait( )7Alibrary Bschool Cway Droad( )8Aon Bwith Cto Dby( )9Aoften Balways Cusually Dsometimes( )1oAharder Bmuch Cbetter Dwell阅读理解(2o分)A Can you name some foods in the meat group? Can you tell where they come from? Your body

9、 is made up of millions of cellsCells are very small Your body has to make new cells in order to growIt also has to make new cells to take the place of the old cells that have been worn out To grow,the cells need a thing called proteinThe protein you need most comes from foods in the meat group Frui

10、t and vegetables are plant foodsFoods in this group give your body vitamins and mineralsYour body needs vitamins and minerals to grow and to stay well The third food group is made up of breadThese foods come from grainYour body gets heat and energy from these foodsIt needs a lot of energy to work an

11、d play Milk is one of the best foods your body can getIt has protein,vitamins and mineralsMilk is good between meals or with meals Some foods are not listed in the four main groupsThis is because you do not have to think about eating these foodsYou eat them if you eat foods from the four main foods(

12、 )1In order to grow,your body _ Ahas to make more water Bneeds more small protein Chas to make new cells Dneeds old cells( )2In order to growthe cells need _ Afood Bprotein Cmeat Da cell( )3The protein comes mostly from _ Amilk Bfruit Cbread Dmeat( )4Vitamins come from _ Aprotein Bfruit and vegetabl

13、es Cfat Dnew cells( )5Milk has _ in it Ameals Bbody Cminerals DbreadB English breakfast is a very big meal-eggs,tomatoes,tea,coffeeFor many people lunch is a quick mealIn cities there are a lot of sandwich barswhere office workers can buy the kind of bread they wantbrown or white,or a rolland then all kinds of sal



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