2023年高三英语 语法专项复习情态动词 学案含答案.docx

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1、2019届高三英语语法专项复习:情态动词学案含答案一、情态动词的基本用法情态动词例句canbe able to表示能力Can you understand the different kinds of English these people are using?Two years later, he was able to speak very good English.canmay 表示允许May/Can I help you?You can gather this information from your research.canmaymust表示推测I think advertise

2、ments can be quite dangerous.Besides films, VR may also have some other uses.I think the old woman must be a nice person.cantmay not表示否定猜测Tom cant be back in the United States, for I saw him in the street just a moment ago.He may not come today.must shouldought to表示义务命令We must not fall for this kind

3、 of trick!我们决不上这种小把戏的当!You shouldnt be so careless.I ought to do my homework as soon as I get home.musthave (got) to表示主观愿望You must decide what approach you want to see.You will tell your friend that youve got to go to class.shall征求意见命令,决心Shall I open the window?(用于第一、三人称)You shall return this book t

4、o the library tomorrow.(用于第二、三人称)will表示意愿、建议、决心Will you join our discussion?I will take all that fat off you in two weeks if you eat here every day.willwouldused to表示习惯Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns.Now and then Dahu would stop, look at it and try it against his hand bef

5、ore continuing his task.I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont work out any more.needdare只用于否定句和疑问句He neednt/darent go.Need/Dare he go?had better表劝告、警告You had better play one kind of music if you want to become famous.would rather表宁愿,常与than搭配I would rather have something with chocola

6、te.be going to表可能发生的事情Theres going to be a lot of trouble about this.be about to表示正要,快要A bear is about to approach a boy.二、巩固练习(一)在空白处填入适当的关系词。1You _ feel all the training a waste of time, but Im a hundred percent sure youll be grateful you did it.2.-You neednt take an umbrella. It isnt going to rai

7、n.-Well, I dont know. It _do.3.No one _ be more generous; he has a heart of gold.4. There _ not be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.5.It was really annoying; I _ (not) get access to the data bank you have recommended.6It is usually warm

8、in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes.7.-What are you doing this Saturday?-Im not sure, but I _go to the Rolling Stone concert.8.You _ be Carol. You havent changed a bit after all these years.9.-I think Ill give Bob a ring.-You _. You havent been in touch with him for ages.10.If

9、 you _ go, at least wait until the storm is over.11.One of our rules is that every student_ wear school uniform while at school.12.Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _ not say where he was.13.I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _ take me to Disneyland at weeken

10、ds. 14.-Ive prepared all kinds of food for the picnic.-Do you mean we _ bring anything with us?15.He _ be making phone calls for the phone is broken.(二)单句改错。请找出下列各句中的错误并加以改正。1.I stopped to checked if he was Ok, and I made a loud noise to see if he will respond. 2.The street are all dry; it mustnt ha

11、ve rained last night.3.Will I open the window for you?4.If you may go, at least wait until the storm is over.5.Life is unpredictable; even the poorest must become the richest. (三)用情态动词翻译下列句子1.On behalf of our school, I _(想表达)our warm welcome to you.2.We_(应当参加) sports and outdoor activities frequentl

12、y .3.You_(不必来) if youre busy.4.I enjoyed her first novel, so the new one _.(应该不错)5.It was awful _(不能见你) for so long.6.We thought most students _(愿意买这本书).7.Dont tell anybody what I said. You _(必须保守秘密).8.The keys _(不可能在里) your coat pocket now because you werent wearing it.9.I think the mother bird _(一

13、定为骄傲) her children, who are able to find their own food now.10.-Why isnt Jerry here?-It _(可能是) because his mother is ill again.答案:二、1.不定代词2.形容词最高级、序数词、限定词 3.既是人又是物时 4. who; which 三、(一)1.may/might 2.may/might 3.can/could4.should 5.couldnt表能力 6.can表可能性;“有时会” 7. may/might表可能性 8.must表肯定猜测 9.should 10.mu

14、st 11.shall表示义务或规定 12.would表示意愿t 13.would表示过去的习惯 14.neednt 15.cant表否定猜测(二)1.willwould 2.mustnt cant 3. willshall 4.maymust5.mustmight/may (三)1.would like to express2.should take part in3.neednt come/ dont need to come/ dont have to come4.should/ought to be good5.not be able to see you6.would buy the book7.must keep the secret/ it a secret8.cant/couldnt be in9.must be proud of10.may/might be结构



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