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1、 Unit2 The United Kingdom 教学内容分析: 本单元主要话题是“英国”。 通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。本单元所涉及的要点是:(1)了解,认识英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰。(2)了解伦敦的一些著名景观。(3)学习过去分词作宾语补足语的句型。(4)掌握与人交流语言理解有困难时请求别人重复的几种表达方式。 The 1st Period ( Reading )Teaching Aims: Enable the students to know the UK in geography and history.Teaching Important

2、 Points and Difficult Points: How to understand the geographic puzzle of the UK.Teaching Methods: Skimming and task-based activities.Teaching Procedures:Step I Warming up1. Background knowledge: Name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCountries: England, Scotland, Wales, Northe

3、rn IrelandCapital: LondonLocation: Western Europe Population: 60,441,457 (July 2005)Language: English, Welsh, ScottishEthnic groups: English 81.5%, Scottish 9.6%, Irish 2.4%, Welsh 1.9%, Ulster 1.8%, West Indian, Indian, Pakistanis, and other 2.8%Area: Total 244,820 sqk.Climate: Temperate: moderated

4、 by prevailing southwest over the North Atlantic Current; more than one-half of the days are overcastNatural resources: Coal, petroleum (石油), natural gas, iron ore, lead (铅), zinc (锌), gold, tin, limestone (石灰岩), gypsum (石膏)Task 1: Describe briefly the UK according to the map. 1.The UK is surrounded

5、 by water in all sides.2. On the west of the Great Britain lies the Irish Sea .3. On the south of England lies the English Channel .4. On the northeast lies the North Sea .5. On the north is the North Atlantic Ocean . 2. Task 2 Ss do the quiz on page 9. Step II. Pre- reading Task 3. Ss discuss and a

6、nswer the following questions.1. Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK?2. England can be divided into three main areas. Do you know what they are?3. What do you know about any cities or towns in the UK?Step III. While-reading Task 4. Read the title and predict what the text will

7、 tell you.Task 5. Talk about the different flags of the countries of the UKTask 6. Skimming According to the text, join lines to the right answer.Para. 1. Explains the joining of England and Wales.Para. 2. States topic to be examined in the reading.Para. 3. Explains the importance of London as a cul

8、tural and political centre in the UK.Para. 4. Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it came about.Para. 5. Explains differences in the four countries. Para. 6. Explains how England is divided into three zones.Task 7. Answer the questions 1. The Union Jack flag unites the three flags o

9、f three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? _2. What three countries does British Airways represent?1. _ 2. _ 3. _3. Which group of invaders did not influence London?_Task 8. Ss read and get the general idea of the partsStep IV. After-reading Write a short summary of the

10、 passage.The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit. It shows how England is also divided into 3 zones. It explains why London became the cultural capital of England.Step VI. Homework assignment1. Read the whole passage and retell.2. Go to the net to get more information abou

11、t UK.The 2nd Period (Language points)Teaching Aims:1. Learn expressions & phrases2. Learn language points Teaching Important Points:Language pointsTeaching Difficult Points:Have /get sth. Done Teaching Methods:Presentation & PracticeTeaching Procedures:Step I RevisionRetell the passage.Step II. Expr

12、essions & phrasesExpressions & phrases (1)1. consist of 由组成2. divided into 分开3. There is no need (for sb.) to do4. debate about sth. 为争辩(争论)5. refer to 提及,谈到6. connect to /link to 连接7. as well (as ) 也,还有8. to ones (great) surprise 使吃惊9. find sb./ sth. done (doing) 发现某人(物)处于某种状态下10. get sb. / sth. do

13、ne 11. break away (from) 挣脱12. break down (机器、车辆)坏13. for convenience 为了方便 14. be known as/ for /to /by 15.keep ones eyes open 睁大眼睛16.make sth. worthwhile 使 值得17.leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑18. find out 发现19. on the phone 在电话里20. be on holiday 在度假21. in memory of 为了纪念22. leave for 动身去某地23. ring out 发出响声,响起24. make a list of 列出的清单25. pass through 通过26. be on show 在展出27. take the place of 代替,取代 28. remain doing 仍然在做29. on (special) occasions 在(特殊) 场合30. feel / be proud of



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