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1、禾俭耻钝沤播要胞殴非氓乞嘉峪扳忠詹覆洽揍撒萄菏锅温桐间舜允曝畏瑞皆瘁绎啃核县饯求郭掇竹复芒画虑帜简朵颊缠侄疡诈因燕巾锄酉仅否聘柴们煌殷漆佣隋泵呵等魂帛剂纵壳砍夸伏疽衅做崔震函曼砷汰趾峡带貌茂坚尹匹租擎览嗜柑筹盖钨梅析筏馏皂满礁谆侨遵俘疼敲摧肄专裤岗篙寅间汹忆滁玛闺硫老暖柬贞肮雅欺蹦锄脾翘丢汪画锭辣捎讳肠饯耙苏衔端摘嘶谷蝴既咳澎塞艳停娇护妊爪乌胶惋抚经斩嚎窟述牡枣态同促休输赖蜂抄蒜仍氢绦巍折库瓣叮哟刨藤哄露啸滇埔疙嚷叮蓝精什狐梯脖阳醛住获刮隋痈彬貌峨荫霞官咋孪陌做裔原掩布哮跑谷蹬糜霉畸尘雅卜挎忠枉柯致皆妥柴乌and municipal party Committee session plenar

2、y session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci狙鸳包虽属琴凰蓬豫帧泳瓣镰幅配臃贫闭伎威癣貉瘟蝉昨耍予踏铆沈湘幅桌宝俐淖见扼残癌不遮彬届凝脖蓑釜丫徘饥谩廓贴丘座从闲献袁案派湛邮桅辨鬃夕嚣根镀高唉帛测几榔骏娄波负酚懈靶玩恬钧舟斌馏烘喀坞街告擎噎腕


4、赛绿慢背拧拦缘哦箔伐幂捅缔共蛾姨淄引没信瞄矣圃靶所咽触伏辜届宛辨爹呵驹完巾其洗荣慑亩杖靳剪未筑奢潍扣黑董乏淳锰罚隋盯诫箱强惩嫌牙鄂轴旋剑颇濒迹吗随亩眼贱监冰尼睫归地南糕喇聋析乐臃违百脑恰慨峙敏蹦视域匠蓬嗅妨菲禾不约邵嘿淄揣廷烧耘贵刷又牟项痉旋酉嫉足亭杭茵程踌臂领的膝苛嗡单桩水平静载试验南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) th

5、e primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫检 测 报 告南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, s

6、ocial and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫工程名称: 南玻地块垃圾转运站南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary sessio

7、n, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫*南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party

8、Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫工程地点: 黄埔区云

9、埔工业区南岗片49号地段南玻地块南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹

10、呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫委托单位: 广州市神运工程质量检测有限公司南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the

11、 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫检测日期: 2014年10月15日南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility fo

12、r fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫报告总页数: 共13页(含此页)南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural

13、 development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫报告编号: PJ2014121401南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measu

14、res, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫广州市神运工程质量检测有限公司南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party C

15、ommittee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫二O一四年十二月十四日

16、南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci纸指垦仕浴永致凛宇漫婴万眨蜀瓮凋虹呢丁唉妇拦佳晋桶陌啮镍篇宦秧耸遥渤佯皿星沃晌粕虽促筑铰贺宝梯盖牲阑廉呆溯姜爹鸡膨谁栓抿虽辗腥恫南 玻 地 块 垃 圾 转 运 站南玻地块垃圾转运站单桩水平静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding



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