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1、辽宁省铁岭市2021年中考英语一调试题辽宁省铁岭市2021年中考英语一调试题年级:姓名:2021年辽宁省铁岭市部分校中考英语一调试卷I.单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1BDS(北斗卫星导航系统) has really made a great to peoples life.()AchoiceBdifferenceCdecisionDsurprise2She thinks she can learn English well watching English movies.()AbyBwithCforDat3 of them knows French, s

2、o I have to ask a third person for help.()ABothBEitherCNeitherDNone4I watch this kind of TV show because I think they are meaningless.()AusuallyBsometimesCoftenDhardly ever5Our team won the basketball game in the end though we played in the first half.()AsafelyBexactlyCcarefullyDbadly6We to read the

3、 text carefully before we answered the questions.()AaskBaskedCare askedDwere asked7I wont lend my bike to you unless you promise to by this Sunday.()Athrow it awayBput it upCbring it backDpull it down8 Andy, you go to the movies with me this Sunday? Sorry, I have to take a piano lesson.()AcanBmustCs

4、houldDneed9There is only one computer, so we have to it.()AshareBcomeCdecideDread10Jenny usually feeds her cats twice a day, but she that last night.()Ahas forgotBforgotCforgetsDis forgetting11Its 12 years we last met in Beijing.()AafterBbecauseCsinceDuntil12Of all my subjects, I think math is .I ca

5、n always get A on my math tests()Aless difficultBmore difficultCthe least difficultDthe most difficult13When do you plan to start for the meeting tomorrow?Didnt tell you that the meeting had been put off?()AsomebodyBeverybodyCanybodyDnobody14Im doing a surveyCould you tell me _?SureI usually go to w

6、ork at 7:00am()Awhy you go to workBhow you go to workCwhen you go to workDwho you go to work with15 Could you please help me take the book upstairs? .()ANo problemBLets goCThats rightDYes, pleaseII .补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话。16(5分)A: Excuse me, Madame.(1) B: Of course. Just go along this

7、 street until you get to St. Mark Street. The hospital is on your left, next to the park.A:(2) B: Oh, I think it is about forty minutes.A:I see. It is too far.(3) B: Yes, you can. The subway Line Two is your best choice.A:(4) B: Over there. It is behind the tall building.A: Thank you very much.B:(5)

8、 A. That sounds great!B. Can I go there by subway?C. You are welcome.D. Do you know where the nearest subway station is?E. I want to go to the hospital.F. How long will it take me to go there on foot?G. Could you tell me the way to McLean Hospital?I.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。17(10分

9、)Going to school is normal for Australian children who live in big cities and towns. However, it could be animpossible dream for some children living on farms. They live a long way from the(1) school. Thanks to the School of the Air, they are able to get a(n)(2) . How does it work? The lessons are s

10、ent to the students(3) satellite( 卫星), so that they can have them on their computers. They have the classes in real time using a webcam(网络摄像头). Hi! Im Jack.(4) there is no school near my home, I go to the School of the Air. I do my lessons on my computer at home. There is a microphone(麦克风) on the co

11、mputer, so that I can(5) with the teacher and other students. I send my homework by email. We are able to(6) each other once a year and take a class trip, we enjoy staying and playing together. I really(7) it. Perhaps the School of the Air is showing(8) education will work in the future, not just fo

12、r children who live in areas far from schools, but for all. Students(9) will study at home and have classes over the Internet. (10) wont be needed, and students will have no excuse for being late for school! Do you think so?(1)A. biggestB. nearestC. newestD. cheapest(2)A. educationB. conversationC.

13、secretD. treat(3)A. atB. onC.inD. by(4)A. IfB. WhenC. ThoughD. Since(5)A. talkB. listenC. playD. watch(6)A. serveB. askC. helpD. meet(7)A. look forward toB. pay attention toC.look up toD. get used to(8)A. whenB. whereC. howD.why(9)A. probablyB. suddenlyC. slowlyD. traditionally(10)A. HospitalsB. Sch

14、oolsC. MuseumsD. CinemasIV阅读理解(共20分,每小题5分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。18(5分)Passage 1 Once upon a time there was a paper doll that had no face. However, he had a pencil in his hand. He could use it to draw whatever face he wanted. He then spent all day asking everyone he met,What does a perfect face look like? One with a big beak (鸟喙),answered the birds. No, said the tree


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