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1、Unit 3 Project (Period 3)Making a booklet about fitness湖南省安仁县第一中学 段冬华Procedures:1.Revision2.Lead-in3.Presenting4.ConclusionsRevision Task : Summarize the main idea for each paragraph on Page 58 according to the listening.Tip:The following pictures and key words may help you.(Eat right, exercise regu

2、larly)Para 1If you eat the right food and exercise regularly you can feel better, look better, and have more energy.(Healthy eating , regular exercise )Para 2Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.(energy and water)Para 3It is important to give your body the energy

3、and the water it needs.Para 4Exercise is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy.(A good amount of sleep)Para 5A good amount of sleep every night is also important for your health.Para 6Follow the suggestion above, and feel much better.Lead-inLets think about the ques

4、tionIf I want to know how healthy you are, what can I do?SurveyQuestionnaireStatisticsA sample QuestionnaireQuestionnaire for health Class _ Grade _ Male _ Female_1. Do you think you feel good and look good? A. Yes. ( ) B. No. ( )2. Are you satisfied with your figure? A. Yes. ( ) B. No. ( )ProjectMa

5、ke a booklet about how healthy the students in our school are.What steps should we do to complete a project?PlanningPreparingProducingPresentingGroup 1: Performance and ReportReport Survey on exerciseFrequency of exercisePurposeTime of exercise (day)neverOver 5 timesTo be slimTo be healthy5-10 minOv

6、er60 minClass335;339.60%40%80%20%80%20%Conclusion 1:All students should attach greatimportance to doing regular exercise.Otherwise, health problems will occur more frequently and we willnot live happy lives.Conclusion 2: We should manage our time more scientifically and reasonably.Group 2: Performan

7、ce and ReportAct 1Act 2Survey on sleep hours at nightConclusion 1:Our school should obey the rules of scientific development and the present timetable should be adjusted to guarantee us with more than 8 hours sleep each night. Conclusion 2:Teenagers should have a regular schedule for work, entertain

8、ment and sleep.Group 3: Performance and ReportSurvey on teenagers ways of losing weightConclusion 1:We should consult a professional expert beforestarting a weight loss program.Conclusion 2:All teenagers should be aware of the side effects of weight loss pills and try to ban improper ways of keeping

9、 fit.Group 4: Performance and ReportReportSenior Three studentsHaving regularbreakfast90%Skipping breakfast sometimes8%Skipping breakfast2%ReportDietary Habits in Senior ThreeMeat45%Vegetables25%Fruit12%All above18%Conclusion 1:Lets say no to fake food, junk food and unhealthy food.Conclusion 2:Lets say no to bad eating habits .We can neither skip meals nor have too much at a timeConclusion 3:Be sure to have regular physical check-ups. Conclusion 4:Have health problems treated immediately.HomeworkComplete the project!


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