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1、M3U2期中复习主备:邹丽丽 审核:周清清一 重点短语1. be made up of由 组成2. occupy oneself in doing/ with sth 忙于3. consist of 由 组成 4. name after 以 命名5. aside from 除 之外6. contribute to/ make contributions to做贡献7. take control of 夺取对 的控制8. lead to/ result in 导致9. replace sth with sth 代替取代10. show concern for 对 表示关心关注 be concer

2、ned about 对 担心 as far as I am concerned 就我而言11. ban sb from doing禁止某人做某事12. have access to 有使用 的权利、机会13. To conclude/ In conclusion 概括来说14. differ from/ be different from 与 不同15. stand for 代表16. as a whole 总体上17. combine with联合18. distinguish from区分19. when it is convenient for sb to do/ at ones con

3、venience 在某人方便的时候20.play a part in 在.中起作用21.on the other hand 另一方面22.raise animals 饲养动物 raise sb. 培育某人raise ones hands 举手raise salary 涨工资raise money for 为.筹集资金raise a question 提出问题e into widespread use 广泛使用24.go through huge changes经历巨大变化25.be related to 与 有联系.26.appreciate it if you would do 如果你.我将

4、万分感激27.take sth into consideration/account 考虑某事28.look up to / show respect for/admire 尊敬29.the most widely spoken language 最广泛使用的口语30.at one time曾经 at times 有时 at a time一次31.be up to you 由你决定32.in that 因为,在于33.as a whole作为整体,总体上on the whole 总的来说34.be the opposite of sth是的相反.35.be of practical use=

5、be practically useful 实用36.distinguish A from B区别A和Bdistinguish between A and B二重点句子1. Before the middle of the 5th century, people in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.公元5世纪中叶之前,不列颠的所有人都说一种叫做凯尔特的语言。2. However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons

6、victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English replacing Celtic. 然而,诺曼征服并没有给英语带来大约600年前安格鲁和撒克逊的胜利那么大的影响,安格鲁和撒克逊的胜利导致了古英语代替凯尔特语。3. Even though the Normans spoke the entire 250 years they ruled England, French did not replace English as the first language. 尽管诺曼人在统治英格兰的整整250年间一直讲法语,但是法语没有取代英

7、语成为第一语言。4. Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good, while others worry that it may result in language pollution.有人抱乐观态度,认为这个过程是好的,而其他人则担心它会导致语言污染。5.It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.可以肯定的是,这一

8、变化过程将会继续,人们将会不断地发明新的单词和新的表达方式。6. The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. 汉语和许多西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体和行为。7.While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too diffic

9、ult to be of practical use. 虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用三 单项选择1. At the crossing there is an arrow _the direction to the Andrew farm.A . indicating B . to indicate C . indicated D dictating 2. She has successfully _ a career with bringing up a family.A. joined B. connected C. managed D. combined

10、3. The schools of the future will probably be quite different from _ they are today.A. that B. what C. which D. ones4. Why! I have nothing to confuse. _ you want me to say?A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that5. In Britain today, women _ 44% of the workforce, and

11、nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. give up 6. They think the problem is very _, so no one is willing to solve it. A. easy B. simple C. complex D. bored 7. He felt ill and _ died. A. at first B. above of all C. eventually D. at all 8. The buses

12、 went _ one went south and the other went north.A. in opposite directions B. in the same direction C. in all directions D. in every direction 9. The Chinese people consider dragon as a _ of China.A. sign B. mark C. character D. symbol10. SARS is a kind of disease that _ quickly. A. spread B. spreads

13、 C. travel D. travels 11. Students need_ to books. A. access B. right C. require D. demand 12. He _ all his time and energy to his workA. spent B. cost C. contributed D. lost 13. Different countries _ the world have their own _. A. all around; habits B. throughout; racial customsC. all over; standar

14、d habits D. across; races 14. Many farmers have turned to _ deer to make more money. A. raise B. keep C. raising D. rise 15. Building a rocket is a long _, let alone Shenzhou VI.A. history B. access C. period D. process 16.These two areas are similar _ they both have a high rainfall during this season.A. to thatB. beside thatC. in thatD. except that17._ himself in carrying out an experiment, he cant spare time to ook after his son.A. Having occupied B. Occupied C. Occupying D. Having been occupied18.It is w



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