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1、中考复习专题Completing Conversations编写人:曾朝红 审核人:姚可平 王小容Conversation 12013.娄底中考There will be a sports meeting in the school next week. Tony wants to take part in it, but he doesnt have a sports T-shirt. So he decides to buy one. ( S=Shop assistant T=Tony)S: Good morning.1._?T: Yes, please. Id like to buy a

2、 sports T-shirt.S: 2._?T : My favorite color is white.S: How about this one?T: Oh, its very nice.3._?S: 180 yuan.T: Its too expensive. I cant pay for it. Do you have a cheaper one?S: Yes. This one is only 100 yuan. T: Well, this one looks very good, and the price is OK.4_.S: Here you are.T:5._.Conve

3、rsation 22012.衡阳中考A: Can I help you ?B: Yes, please. 1._.A: We have many different kinds of shirts. 2 . _?B: Id like the blue one. 3._?A: Sure. Wow, you look very beautiful in it.B: Thank you. 4._?A: Twenty dollars.B:OK, 5._. Here is the money.Conversation 32013年湘潭Doctor: Good morning! 1._?Tom : Tom

4、Doctor: 2._?Tom : Im not feeling well. I have a toothache and I cant eat anything. Doctor: When did it start ?Tom : 3._.Doctor: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say Ah , please.Tom : Ah. Is it serious ?Doctor: 4._. Just stop eating candies and take the medicine. You will feel better soon.Tom:

5、 How often should I take the medicine?Doctor: 5._ .Tom : Thank you.Conversation 42012 长沙中考M: Hello, Whos that speaking ?W:1._.M :Hi, Mary.W: Hi, Jim. You didnt come to school yesterday. 2._?M: I was hurt in a car accident.W: 3. _, Is it serious ?M: Nothing serious. W: Did you see a doctor?M: Of cour

6、se.W: 4._?M: The doctor asked me to stay in bed for one or two days.W: Take care of yourself. When are you going to school ?M: 5._.Im afraid I will miss more lessons.W: Dont worry. Ill help you. M: Thank you.W: Youre welcome.Conversation 52012.娄底中考Mary: Hello, may I speak to Sonia?Mike: Sorry, she i

7、s out now. Is that Mary speaking?Mary:1._ . Whos that speaking?Mike : This is Mike speaking. 2._?Mary: Fine, thank you. Can I leave a message ?Mike: 3._ .Wait a moment, please. Ill go and get a pen.(A few minutes later.)Mike: OK, please.Mary: Id like to ask her if she will go to the library this Sat

8、urday. Will you please tell her to call me when she comes back?Mike : No problem. 4._?Mary : My telephone number is 13873849591.Mike : OK. Good-bye.Mary: Thank you. 5 _.【真题演练】1. 2013和2012邵阳中考原题(见世纪金榜P102)22011邵阳中考通读对话, 根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Li Hua, the summer vacation is coming. 1._?B: Im going to visit my

9、 grandparents in the countryside. A: Oh, Iv never been to the countryside. It must be fun.B: Of course. 2._?A: Im going to visit some famous universities in Beijing.B: 3._?A: Im going to Tsinghua University, Peking University. By the way, how will you go to the countryside ?B:4._.A: I hope youll hav

10、e a good time. Will you please e-mail me some photos of countryside?B:5._.2014中考预测W: Excuse me, sir.M: 1._?W: Could you tell me the way to the train station? Im new here.M: 2._. Go down this road and take the third turning on the right to East Road. Walk on until you reach the end of the road. Youll find a supermarket. The train station is on its left.W: 3._?M: Its about half an hours walk.W: Half an hours walk is really a long way. 4._?M: Yes, The No.3 bus will take you right there.W: Id like to take it. Thanks a lot.M:5._


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