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1、(完整word版)耶鲁大学心理学导论中英文字幕10在这门课刚开始的时候We began the course我们讨论过一个现代心理学的基本观点by talking about one of the foundational ideas of modern psychology。弗兰西斯克里克称之为This is what Francis Crick described as”惊人的假说”The Astonishing Hypothesis,”我们的心理活动 the idea that our mental life,我们的意识 我们的道德观念our consciousness, our mor

2、ality,我们做出决定和判断的能力our capacity to make decisions and judgments皆由一个物质的生理大脑所产生is the product of a material physical brain。今天我想讲的What I want to talk about today and introduce it,将会是and its going to be a theme贯穿我们接下来课程的一个主题that were going to continue throughout the rest of the course,也是第二个同样惊人的观点is a se

3、cond idea which I think is equally shocking,甚至可能更惊人perhaps more shocking.这个观点和我们的心理活动的来源有关And this has to do with where mental life comes from,重点不在于它的物质性not necessary its material nature,而在于它的起源but rather its origin.这又一惊人的假说”And the notion, this other astonishing hypothesis,”被哲学家丹尼尔丹尼特称之为is what the

4、 philosopher Daniel Dennett has described达尔文的危险思想as Darwins dangerous idea.这个观点解释了现代生物学中And this is the modern biological account生物现象的起源of the origin of biological phenomena包括心理现象including psychological phenomena。人们很久以来就对Now, people have long been interested in复杂事物的进化感兴趣the evolution of complicated

5、things.有一个观点在历史中被不断提及And there is an argument thats been repeated throughout却还深深的吸引着人们history and many people have found it deeply compelling,包括达尔文自己including Darwin himself。达尔文在写物种起源的时候Darwin, as he wrote The Origin of Species,就被神学家威廉姆佩利提出的一个观点was deeply persuaded and moved by this argument from-所深

6、深折服in the form presented by the theologian William Paley。这里佩利举例说So, Paley has an example here。佩利说 假如你走在沙滩上Paley tells-gives the example of youre walking down the beach脚踢到了一块石头and your foot hits a rock。然后你就想 这块石头是从哪里来的呢And then you wonder, ”Where did that rock come from?你知道这不会是个多有趣的答案And you dont rea

7、lly expect an interesting answer to that question。也许它一直在那儿Maybe it was always there.也许它是从天上掉下来的 谁在乎呢Maybe it fell from the sky。 Who cares?但是假如你在地上发现了一块手表But suppose you found a watch on the ground然后琢磨这块手表是从哪里来的and then you asked where the watch had come from。佩利指出 仅仅说它一直在那儿Paley points out that it wo

8、uld not be satisfying to simply say或碰巧在那儿its always been there是不会让人信服的or it came there as an accident.他用这个比喻证明And he uses this comparison to make a point,手表是一件非常复杂有趣的东西which is a watch is a very complicated and interesting thing.由于佩利曾经是名医生Paley iswas a medical doctor所以佩利将手表形容and Paley goes on to des

9、cribe a watch为眼睛 并将其作对比and compare a watch to the eye他注意到手表和眼睛都是由多部分组成and noticing that a watch and the eye contain multitudes of parts并且各部分之间以复杂的方式相互作用that interact in complicated ways产生有趣的效应to do interesting things.事实上In fact,如果把这个类比稍稍变化升级一下to change and to update the analogy a little bit,眼睛和照相机非常

10、相像an eye is very much like a machine known as a camera。许多地方也异常类似And theyre similar at a deep way。它们都有折射光线的镜头They both have lenses that bend light并把图像投射到一个感光面上and project an image onto a light-sensitive surface。对眼睛来说 感光面是视网膜For the eye the lightsensitive surface is the retina.对相机来说是胶片For the camera i

11、ts the film。它们都有对焦功能They both have a focusing mechanism.眼睛通过肌肉的伸缩For the eye its muscles来改变晶体的形状that change the shape of the lens.相机通过改变光圈的大小来控制曝光度For a camera its a diaphragm that governs the amount of incoming light.它们甚至都有暗室Even theyre both encased in black。眼睛和相机的感光部分The light-sensitive part of th

12、e eye都被包在暗处and part of the camera are both encased in black.区别在于 事实上The difference is-So in fact,眼睛和相机看上去非常像the eye and a camera look a lot alike我们知道相机是人造品and we know the camera is an artifact.相机是由有智慧的人The camera has been constructed by an intelligent-为达成某种目的而制造出来的by intelligent beings to fulfill a

13、purpose。事实上 如果要说眼睛In fact, if theres any difference between things like the eye和相机有什么区别的话and things like a camera,那就是眼睛the difference is that things like the eye要比相机复杂得多are far more complicated than things like the camera。我小时候看过一部巨好看的电视剧When I was a kid I had this incredible TV show叫”六百万富翁”called Th

14、e Six Million Dollar Man.有人看过或听过吗Anybody here ever seen it or heard of it?反正那个剧讲是讲一个试飞员Oh。 Anyway, the idea is theres a test pilot,史蒂夫奥斯汀Steve Austin,他的喷气式火箭坠毁了and his rocket jet crashes他失去了他的双腿 双手和眼睛and he loses his-both legs, his arm and his eye,听起来很不幸 which sounds really bad但他使用仿生材料来替换这些部位but the

15、y replace them with bionic stuff,从而得到了有超能力的人造腿with artificial leg,artificial arm人造手臂 以及人造眼睛and an artificial eye that are really superpowered.然后他打击犯罪And then he fights crime.这绝对是史上最好看的电视剧了It was really the best show on。非常棒It was really good,但是这部剧拍于一九七四年but the thing is this was in 1974.距今已经三十多年了Its now over thirty years later不管在过去还是现在 and its true then and its true now,其中的情节都是幻想this is fantasy.都不算是科幻小说It doesnt make it to the level of science fiction。只是纯粹的幻想 我们还远远不能Its fantasy。 We are impossibly far away发明出具有超能力的机器from developing machines that could



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