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1、含take的词组短语1. take away带走;拿走;夺走:Take awaythe glasses and the tray.把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走。拆去;移去;拿掉:I suggest youtake the front porchaway .我建议你把前门廊拆掉。除去;使消失;解除Can these tablets(病痛等 ):take the painaway ?这些药片能止痛吗?(饭后 )收拾桌子:You take awayafter dinner.饭后你来收拾桌子。使离开,使离去:The poor parents had totake their sonaway from sch

2、ool.穷困的父母不得不让儿子辍学。吃外卖:Id like a cheeseburger to 2. take away fromtake away, please.减损;贬低;损害名誉(与 from连用 ):Nothingtook away fromthe beauty of the scenery.什么也减损不了这景色的美。3.take apart拆开;拆卸 ( 机器等 );使 分开:The workerstook the engineapart .工人们将引擎拆开了。4. take (sb/sth) back收回;拿回;退回;归还:He was not satisfied with th

3、e tape recorder,so hetook it back to the store.他对这台录音机不满意,所以他把它退回了商店。I forgot totake backmy bicycle.我忘了把自行车取回来。同意退货,同意收回 (已售出的商品等 ):If you find the merchandise dissatisfactory,they cantake it back .如果你发现商品不满意,可以退给他们。撤回;收回 ( 前言 );取消 (诺言 ) ;承认说错了话:He had totake backhis words. 他不得不收回自己的话。允许 (人或物 ) 回去:J

4、ane said she wouldtake her husbandback if he promised to give up badhabits.简说如果她丈夫保证戒除恶习,她就让他回来。使回想起;使回忆起 (往事 )( 常与 to连用 ):These picturestookme back tomy childhood days.5. take care of oneself负责;照顾;6. take charge of掌管;负责7. take down拆掉 ( 房屋等 ),拆散,拆卸,拆开 ( 机器等 ):They have taken downthe old water tower.

5、他们已经拆掉了那座旧水塔。拉低(衣服)压低;贬低;压下 的气焰,挫 的锐气:We must takethat guydown a bit. 我们必须压压那个家伙的气焰。写下;录下,记下:The secretarytook downthe minutes of the meeting.秘书做了会议记录。8. take effect(药等 )见效, (法规等 )生效9. take for granted认为 理所当然10. take in吸收:吸入Fish take inoxygen through their gills. (鱼鳃 )领会,理解:The students couldnttake

6、in缩短;改小 ( 衣服 );改短:The waist of her skirt needs to bethe lecture.taken in学生们听不懂这个讲座。a little.她的裙子的腰要稍微改窄一点。包括;包含The tourtakes insix European capitals.接待;留宿;收留;收进:to take inthe homeless收留无家可归的人把 领入;陪同或挽引 ( 女宾 )由客厅进入餐厅:He took Mary in to dinner.他陪着玛丽进入餐厅用餐。欺骗,哄骗;使上当:He tookthe girlin with his story.他用一

7、套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩。11. take off(1)take off飞机起飞匆匆离去;匆忙离开:When he saw me coming hetook offin the opposite direction.突然大受欢迎;迅速流行The new magazine has reallytaken off. 这份杂志真的大受欢迎。(2)take sb off模仿 ;学某人的样子;John took offhis bosss mannerisms.约翰模仿老板的习惯性动作。(体育运动)换下;中止He was taken offafter twenty minutes. 20分钟后,他被换下场。(

8、3)take sth off脱下衣服: to take offyour coat休假;休息:I ve decided totake a few daysoffnext weeks.停演(常用被动):The show wastaken offbecause of poor audience figures.(4)take sb off sth解除职务;拆除(器械)12. take on(1)take sb on聘用;雇用:She wastaken on as an trainee.同人较量;反抗to takesb on at tennis 与某人比赛打网球(2)take sth on呈现;变得H

9、is voicetook ona more serious tone.(3)take sb/sth on同意做;承担He took onthe responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.他负责为审判收集证据。接纳乘客;装载The school bus stopped totake onpupils.校车停下来让小学生上车。13. take out带某人出去:Jennytook Jackout of the restaurant.杀死;消灭;毁灭;They planned totake outthe enemy arsenal by

10、 bombing it.他们计划炸毁敌兵工厂。切除;摘除(人体内的一部分)How many teeth did the dentisttake out?获得;领到(正式文件或服务)She took outa driving licence.她领到了驾驶执照。拿出;取出;He opened his schoolbag andtook outa notebook.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。去掉,除掉 ( 污迹等 ) ;涤除:You can use petrol totake outthat stain.你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。14. take over占上风T RY NOT TO LET N

11、EGATVE THOUGHTS TAKE OVER. 尽量别受消极地想法左右。接管He will take over Class 9801 next week.下星期他将接管9801 班。15. take part( in) 参加;参与16. take seriously重视;认真对待17. take some ?不太容易18. take the lead领先;为首19. take up拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走:She took upthe receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。开始从事 (一项事业、一种职业等 ) ,学习 (

12、某种知识、技能等 ) ;着手处理 ( 某事 ) ;关注;对 发生兴趣;论及:He took upwriting after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作。采纳 ( 意见等 ),接受;采取 (某种态度 );承担:She took upmy suggestion enthusiastically.她热情地采纳了我的建议。( 天气等 )变晴朗;变好:The weather is going totake upat last.天气终于要放晴了。占去 ( 地方、时间、注意力等 );费 (时间 );占据 (注意力 ):Im sorry Ive alreadytaken upso much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。The piano takes uptoo much space.这架钢琴占地方太多。接着讲,接下去说;继续(中断的话):The teachertook upthe lesson where he left off last week



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