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1、 特色活动材料尹晓丽宾县经建一中 Unit 4 Topic 1 Section C 教学目标:1、学习单词,短语,和进一步学习形容词的比较级和最高级,通过多种的阅读活动和任务,帮助学生理解课文,培养学生的一些阅读技能,然后写出保护热带雨林的短文。训练学生综合语言运用能力,尤其是组句成篇的写作能力。 2、通过使用多媒体出示热带雨林的图片,介绍生词、短语,和预测pre-reading的问题,然后让学生快速阅读文章,检验自己的预测和获取文章主旨,再精读课文,完成1b和1c问题,获取课文的详细信息,同时,训练学生的猜词能力,预想能力和发散思维的能力。 3、通过这篇课文的学习,教育学生为了保护我们的大自

2、然,我们就必须保护我们的热带雨林,我们的资源,才能不破坏我们生存的环境。 教学重点:学一些单词,短语,并且找出关于热带雨林特征和重要性的信息。教学难点:介绍热带雨林的特征和重要性,并且写出怎样保护热带雨林的作文。教学手段:多媒体,录音机教学方法:任务型教学教学过程: Step 1: Before reading :Show the pictures by medium to present new words and phrases with some statements . Step2: while reading:Task1: Ask the students guess if the

3、passage will talk about the questions in 1a by showing some pictures and the title of the passage ,using medium Task2: skimming : Check their own guessing and get the main idea of the passage Task3: Scanning: Finish the questions in 1b and 1c ,ask the students to get the information in detail and tr

4、ain the students ability of guessing the words and imagination ;Teaching(many)thousands of and protect=take care of =care for , protect. from,smallar and smaller, play an important part in doing sth There are (many) thousands of sheep on the hill now . We can see thousands and thousands of stars in

5、the sky at night . He should wear sunglasses to protece himself from the bright sunshine . People play an important part in protecting the rainforests . Rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller . Step 3:After-reading Task1: Listen to the tape and read after it , then the students read themselves

6、 ,together ,at last ,read the second paragraph . Task2: Ask the students retell the passage , according to the table in 1b. Step4: Writing Task1: the students to discuss how to protect rainforests according to the pictures and the key words in Part 2 in groups to develop the students writing , next , collect information with the students ,then draw up the outline with the students .Task2: Complete the writing in groups and show their writing to the students , check together.Step5:Summarizing Ask the students to summarize what they learn in the class Step6:Homework: Finish the writing .



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