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1、期中测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出与你所听到的单词相符的图片。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. 二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 ( ) 1. I have a _.A. brother B. sister( ) 2. Look at the _.A. elephant B. giraffe( ) 3. That woman is my _.A. mother B. teacher( ) 4. Wow! The giraffe is so _.A. thin B. tall( ) 5. My pen

2、 is _.A. short B. long三、听录音,给下列图片按A-E排序。(1) (2) (3) ( ) ( ) ( )(4) (5) ( ) ( )笔试部分一、看图,选单词。A. fatherB. teacherC. giraffeD. girl E. grandmaF. China G. CanadaH. boy(1) (2) (3) ( ) ( ) ( )(4) (5) (6) ( ) ( ) ( )(7) (8) ( ) ( ) 二、选一选。( ) 1. -Where are you from?-_ A. How are you? B. Im from the UK.C. Tha

3、nk you.( ) 2. Dont _ the animals.A. giveB. has C. feed( ) 3. -Is he your father?-_ A. Yes, I am. B. No, he isnt. C. No, she is.( ) 4. -Do you like apples?-_ A. No, I am not. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.( ) 5. -We have two new _ today.-Welcome!A. friendB. a friend C. friends三、为下列句子选择正确的答语。(1) Look at

4、the elephant. A. Yes, she is.(2) Whos that man? B. Wow! Its so big.(3) Nice to meet you. C. Hes my father.(4) Is she your mother? D. Nice to meet you, too. (5) Whos that girl? E. Shes my sister.四、判断下列句子与所给图片是()否()相符。1. Look at the girl. She is thin. ( )2. It has big eyes. ( )3. It is an elephant. It

5、 is tall. ( )4. This is Xiaoming. He is fat. ( )5. It has long ears. ( )五、Zhang Peng和Jim正在谈论Jim的家庭照片,选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Whos that boy?B. Hes my father. C. Shes my mother. D. Shes my sister.Zhang Peng: Whos that man?Jim: (1) _ Zhang Peng: (2) _Jim: Hes my brother. Zhang Peng: Whos that woman?Jim: (3) _Zh

6、ang Peng: Whos that girl?Jim: (4) _参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. Canada 2. ten 3. student 4. giraffe 5. dad二、1. I have a sister.2. Look at the elephant.3. That woman is my teacher.4. Wow! The giraffe is so tall.5. My pen is short.三、A. My mother is a teacher.B. This is my family.C. That girl is my sister.D. The monkey has a long tail.E. That boy is my brother.听力答案一、1-5 ABAAB二、1-5 BABBA三、(1)-(5) BDAEC笔试部分一、(1)-(5) HVAEC (6)-(8) FGD二、1-5 BCBBC三、(1)-(5) BCDAE四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、(1)-(4) BACD 1 / 7



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