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1、3A Unit7 Would you like a pie?教学过程:Step1 Warming upSing a song “Hello”2 Free talkT: Good morning , boys and girls .S: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Hello, Im Miss Wang. Whats your name?S: Im T: Are you ?S: Yes, I am./No. Im not.T: Hello,whos he/she?S: Hes/Shes,hes/shes my friend.T:Now,please introduce

2、your friends one by one .S1: Hes/Shes S2,hes/shes my friend.S2: Hes/Shes S3,hes/shes my friendStep2 Presentation1.Learn the sentence: Nice to meet you.T: Today we will have two new friends, who are they? Now lets look at the screen.(播放两个小朋友的自我介绍并引出句型:Nice to meet you.)T: Look at the sentence, read a

3、fter me .(板书:Nice to meet you.) T: Today we know two new friends and we also know some new friends from our English books. Look,who are they?(PPT展示YangLing和朋友们)S:She is YangLing.T: YangLing and her friends are having a picnic in the park. Lei and Kance want to join them but YangLing asks two questio

4、ns to them.They need some help.Lets help them,OK?2.New wordsA.(PPT出示食物图片) Whats this ? Its a cake.(板书:a cake)Listen and read after it ,read together,read one by one.以同样的方法教学单词:a pie, an egg, an ice creamT: Read all the four words together.B.Magic eyesT: Look at the picture quickly and say it quickly

5、C.Say a rhymeT: Now lets have a rest and try to say a rhyme. First , read and do after me. Then do and say by yourselves.3.Learn “New structures”T:Its a sunny day. YangLing feels hot, and she comes to a Food shop.What are they talking?(人机对话)Y:Good moring.C:Good moring.Would you like an ice cream? (板

6、书would you like?)Read after t , read one by one.T: (接着最后一位同学的说)Yes, please.(板书Yes, please. )Practice the dialogue in pairs.T: Would you like a pie?S: (引导学生说)No, thank you.(板书:No, thank you. ) Practice the dialogue in pairs.6.Compete with other groups(以30秒为期限,哪组对话的多则哪组获胜)4.Learn the new drillsT: Mike

7、 feels hungry,too.What does the shopkeeper say?Lets guess.(让学生猜猜)S:Would you like a cake?T:Yes,we also can say:What about a cake?(板书:What about a/an?)Read the senrences.Read after the sreen.(根据PPT上出现的单词词组,句子)T: (引导学生说)Yes,please./No, thank you .4.Consolidation T: Now look at our new friends, what ar

8、e they talking? Lets watch and say and do like them.(先看录像,然后根据给出的句型进行操练。)10. Learn: Story timeT: Look at the children , who are they?S: (引导学生说)Mike, Helen, SuYangStep 3 Learn the textT: Yes, they are having a picnic.Lets look at the video carefully and answer my questions.T: Q1: whos.? Q2: Helen wou

9、ld like a ?Read the sentences after the tape, read together.T: Can you finish the dialogues?(引导学生补充完对话)Role-play.(1) Read the dialogue读一读(2) Read and finish the dialogue(利用首单词补充完课文内容)(3) Act the dialogue 演一演 (你能为两个小朋友配音吗?)Step5: Learn to useT: Do you want to buy something. Would you like ? and What

10、about ? in our daily life.S:Supermark/Food shop/Fruit shopT:Do you want to buy something,too.Lets go.(PPT:Food shop/Fruit shop场景)(师示范一组) A: Hello / Hi!/ Good morning. Nice to meet you.B: .A: Would you like a/an?/What about a/an?A Yes, please. /No, thank you.Step5 Summing upT: 今天我们学习了1. When we meet

11、at the first time, we should say第一次见面,我们该说:Nice to meet you. 2. We learn four new words我们学了四个新单词:a cake, a pie , an ice cream, an egg 3. We know how to ask for things 我们学到了如何征求东西: Would you like?/What about?Yes, please./No, thank you. Step 6 Homewotk1. Read Story time on page 44 twice. 朗读书本44页课文内容2遍

12、。2. Chant the rhyme three times on page 48. 有节奏的说唱书本48页上的小诗。3. Use the new words and sentence structures we learn today to make dialogues with your deskmate. 和你同桌一起运用今天学的新单词和句子结构来编对话。板书设计:Unit 7 Would you like a pie?Would you like? a cake a pie Yes, please.What about? an ice cream No, thank you.an egg



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