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1、活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用 复习 时间 3 m 1 复习所学目标语。 Could talk about your changes from five years ago? 让学生谈一下自己五年来的变化。 2 组织Pair work复习活动 OK. Please tell your partner about your changes. 学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生 导入 时间 1 m 3 导入谈论压力的新课话题。 Just now you talked most of your changes about your appearance and personality.

2、 Today lets talk about the changes about your hobbies and habits. 教师板书并课件显示: Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 1 1a 时间 6 m 4 描述图片,监控学生语言运用。 First, look at the pictures. What did the girl/boy use to like when she/he was young? What did these kids like to do? (随机教授生词:ant, insect) 5 朗读1a活动

3、要求,完成活动。 What did you use to like when you were a child? Check them. 1b 时间 6 m 6 本活动的检查评价,转入下一活动。 学生交流自己以前的爱好。(要求用完整的句子来回答: I used to like ) What other things did you use to like when you were a child? Write sentences in the sentences above. 检查评价 1c 时间 6 m 7 听前活动,明确对话主题。 A boy and a girl are talking

4、 about their changes in their hobbies and their habits. Lets see what they might talk about. 学生齐声朗读1c的句子并翻译。 8 听力实践,整体把握听力信息。 Listen and check the sentences you hear. 教师播放录音。 1d 时间 7 m 9 本活动的检查评价,转入下一活动。 What sentences did you hear?(核对答案) 10 听前活动,预填表格信息。 What did the girl and the boy say about thing

5、s in the past and now? Remind the conversation and try to fill in the chart. 11 听力活动,从对话中获取信息,核对答案,记录目标语言。 Now lets listen to the conversation again and check your answers. 学生结伴交流核对答案 12 听力活动,核对答案,进一步体验对话内容。 Listen again and check your answers. (学生集体朗读确认正确答案) 13 跟读对话中的句子;进一步体验对话内容。 Listen and repeat

6、. (课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话) 1e 时间 6 m 14 对话练习,进一步强化目标语言。 Now work in pairs. Compare yourself with your partner. 小结 时间 4 m 15 本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标 1. 抽查两对学生的会话表演。 2. 教师在他们会话完成后询问几个学生: Did you use to be nervous about tests? Did you use to like painting class? Did you use to like ants and other insects? What did you use to like or like to do? (师生交流) 学生齐读板书内容。 3. What have you learned from this lesson? 鼓励学生先自己总结,教师最后归纳。 作业 1 m 16 Homework(布置作业)



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