2023年Unit Is this your mum.docx

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1、Unit 1Is this your mum?.根据汉语提示写单词.从栏中选出与栏对应的英语()1.一张的照片 Aa big family ()2.在左边 Bhis uncle()3.在的旁边,紧挨着 Cin front of()4.在右边 Dyour sister()5.在的前面 Emy grandparents sons()6.他的叔叔 Fon the left ()7.我祖父母的儿子们 Gnext to ()8.一个大家庭 HMikes father ()9.迈克的爸爸 Ia photo of. ()10.你的姐姐 Jon the right .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1This i

2、s my uncle.He is my aunts h_2Your son and daughter are your c_3The w_ on my left is my aunt.4.There are three p_ in my familymyfather, my mother and I.5They are my c_. They are my aunts sons and d_.课文理解根据本单元内容回答问题。1How many people are there in the photo of Tonys family?_2Who is Linda? _3Is Liz next

3、to Tonys mum? _4Who are Mike and Helen?_5Where is Helen? _.用所给单词的适当形式填空1What are _(this) in Chinese?2Look at _(that) girls. They are Mrs Wangs daughters.3My _(sister) names are Sue and Ann.4Who are the _(woman) in the library?5Is _(these) Johns book?No, it isnt.单项选择()1.Is this your family photo?_AYe

4、s, she is BNo, she isnt CYes, it is DNo, he isnt()2._ is that boy? He is my brother, Zhao Bin. AWhat BHowCWho DWhere()3.My family _ all happy at the news(消息)Ais Bare Cbe Dam()4.This is my _ brother, Paul.Afathers Bfather Cfathers Dfathers()5.This is _ room. Its very bright(明亮的)AToms and Tims BToms a

5、nd TimCTom and Tims DTom and Tim.根据汉语意思完成句子1在我旁边的那个女孩是我的妹妹。The girl _ _ me is my _. 2.李刚在右边,他的妹妹在左边。Li Gang is _ _ _ and his sister is _ _ _ 3.“那是你的父母吗?”“不,他们不是。 他们是我的姑姑和姑父。”Are _ your parents? No, they arent. They are my _ and _. 4.吉姆在我的前面。Jim is _ _ _ _. 5.她的家人都是教师。Her _ _ all teachers. .句型转换1That

6、s her_cousin(对画线部分提问)_ _ _? 2.Its a beautiful flower.(改为感叹句)_ _ _ flower it is!3The desk is in_front_of_the_classroom(对画线部分提问)_ _ the desk? 4.That is his sister.(改为复数句)_ _ his _5The_girl_with_glasses is his sister.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his sister? .补全对话,方框中有两项多余Jane: Hello, Mary!Mary: Hello, Jane! 1._Jane: N

7、ice to meet you, Tom.Tom: 2._ Look! Jane, this is my family photo.Jane: 3._Tom: Yes, they are. They are my father and my mother.Jane: 4._Mary: No, it isnt. She is my uncles daughter.Jane: I see. She is your cousin. 5._Mary: Her name is Gina.Jane: Thank you. Bye.Mary: Bye. AWhats her name?BThis is my

8、 brother, Tom.CNice to meet you too.DOh, are these your parents?EIm fine, thank you.FWhats this in English?GIs this your sister?.完形填空This is a photo_1_ my family. _2_ are my grandparents. Those are my _3_. That is my uncle _4_ that is my aunt. This boy is my _5_. He is my uncles _6_. _7_ name is Ed.

9、 This girl _8_ me. My name is Kate. I _9_ twelve. I love _10_ family.()1.A.for Bof Con Dto()2.A.This BThat CThese DHe()3.A.parent Bmother Cfather Dparents()4.A.and Bbut Cor Dso()5.A.father Buncle Ccousin Dson()6.A.daughter Bson Cbrother Duncle()7.A.Hes BHis CHe DHim()8.A.am Bis Care Dbe()9.A.am Bis

10、Care Dbe()10.A.I Bme Cmine Dmy.阅读理解Tom: Whats that, Jane?Jane: Its an old picture of my family.Tom: Can I see it?Jane: Sure. Look! This is my mother and this is my father.Tom: Oh, they look young(年轻的)! Whos that man between your father and your mother?Jane: Hes my uncle.Tom: Whos that little girl?Ja

11、ne: Shes my sister, Rose.Tom: Where are you?Jane: Im not in the picture.()1.Who can see this picture?ATom. BRose. CJanes parents.()2.Who is between Janes father and mother?AJanes uncle. BJanes sister. CJanes friend. ()3.How many people are there in this picture?ATwo. BThree. CFour.()4.Is that little girl Jane or Rose?AJane. BRose. CWe dont know.()5.Where is Jane?AShe is in the picture.BShe isnt in the picture.CShes between her father and her mother.根据图示完



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