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1、中元节活动英语【篇一:鬼节英语如何翻译?】 “鬼节”英文翻译 今天是什么日子?相信不用小编说大家都知道,今天是中元节,又称鬼节和盂兰盆节,在湖湘川陕一带也有称月半节的。对于汉语的叫法我想大家都不陌生,那你们知道“鬼节”翻译成英文怎么说嘛?想知道就听新语丝翻译一一为你讲解吧。 关于鬼节用英文如何表达?我们或许会讲在国外鬼节叫halloween,即万圣节,那么中国鬼节是不是就应该是chinese halloween了?其实这样表达也是可以的,不过一般我们把中国鬼节翻译成英文是dead spirit festival。 而中元节英语是不是和鬼节英语一样呢?其实不然,中元节我们常用the ghost

2、festival和hungry ghost festival 表达。是不是很奇怪,“鬼节”和“中元节”不是指的同一个吗?为何英语表达不一样呢?那我们鬼节英语到底怎么说呢?dead spirit festival?或者说 chinese halloween?hungry ghost festival?也或者是the ghost festival?其实啊!这三种都是可以的,不过你要想表达的让老外明白点的话 ,建议说 chinese halloween。因为中元节只有中国人才这样说,甚至一般我们都不会这样说。 接下来合同翻译再与大家分享个关于鬼节的英文介绍及翻译吧!详情如下: the hungry

3、ghost festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. 中元节在农历七月十五日。 the origin of the hungry ghost festival and the ghost month in china is uncertain. cultures in asia from india to cambodia to japan share similar beliefs about the month, and these traditions seem to date from befo

4、re buddha. 中元节是否起源于中国并不确定。关于该节日的文化在一些亚洲国家诸如印度、柬埔寨、日本都信奉着相似的信仰,似乎这些传统都起源于佛教。according to taoism, the gates of hell are opened on the first day of the seventh month, and hungry ghosts are released to find food or to take revenge on those who have behaved badly according to taoist records. 根据道教说法,农历七月的

5、第一天地狱之门将打开,饥饿的鬼魂得以释放去寻找食物或报复那些道家记载的作恶多端的人。 family members offer prayers to their deceased relatives, offer food and drink and burn hell bank notes and other forms of joss paper. 家庭成员向已故的亲人祈祷,送上祝福,奉上食物和饮料,烧一些诸如冥币这样的纸钱给他们。【篇二:中国四大鬼节之一 七月半或中元节英语介绍】 中国四大鬼节之一 七月半或中元节英语介绍 万圣节是西方的鬼节,那你知道中国的四大鬼节是那四个节日吗?今天介绍

6、中国四大鬼节之一七月半,俗称鬼节,又称中元节或盂兰盆节。民间有阳间过元宵节阴间过鬼节的传说,因此鬼节是阴间最大的节日。你知道怎样向外国朋友介绍中国的鬼节吗?随小编一起来看看吧! there are many ghosts in chinese culture; they have been worshipped by the chinese for a few thousand years. even confucius said, respect ghosts and gods, but keep away from them. while many people believe in gh

7、osts, there are others who dont. the chinese people often say, if you believe it, there will be, but if you dont, there will not. the ghost is a classical image in chinese culture, i.e., the young woman whose face is covered by long black hair, who dies due to misfortune, then comes back for revenge

8、. the word ghost for many chinese conjures up similar images. often the ghost is a beautiful young woman. the sudden switch from a beautiful girl to a frightening ghost is striking. the seemingly fragile, helpless and beautiful women turning into fearless killers is a favorite theme among asian movi

9、e directors and storywriters. chinese ghost festival just as the west features halloween for ghosts and ghouls, the chinese have a holiday to honor the departed spirits of the underworld - the chinese ghost festival. it is said that ghosts roam the world every year for one lunar month. in some areas

10、 of china, visitors can see small roadside fires, where believers burn paper money and other offerings to appease the restless spirits that have temporarily been released from hades. the chinese ghost festival is also called half july (lunar). it is a popular occasion celebrated throughout china on

11、the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. historically, families offer sacrifices of the newly harvested grain to departed ancestors on this day, which also coincides with the buddhist ullambana (deliverance) festival and the taoist chinese ghost festival. since each of these traditions in some way h

12、onors the spirits of thedeparted, the seventh lunar month has come to be known as ghost month and is a time when the good brethren (ghosts from the underworld) come back to earth to feast on the victuals offered by the living. over time the ullambana festival and ghost festival have melded together

13、to become the present-day chung yuan putu or mid-origin passage to universal salvation. the chinese believe that the dead become ghosts between heaven and earth. spirits without descendants to care for them are summoned during the ghost festival so that they may also enjoy the warmth of life among t

14、he living. this custom - an extension of the traditional chinese ethic of universal love - has been woven together with the didactic legend, moginlin saving his mother from hades. it lends the ghost festival a positive spin as a time for remembering the importance of filial piety. people now have in

15、herited releasing river light as an important activity. it is said that river light can comfort and warm homeless ghosts. burial of the dead in the past, the burial of the dead (cremation is traditionally uncommon) was a matter taken very seriously in chinese society. improper funeral arrangements c

16、ould wreak ill fortune and disaster upon the family of the deceased. to a certain degree, chinese funeral rites and burial customs were determined by the age of the deceased, the manner of his/her death, his/her status and position in society and his/her marital status. according to chinese custom, an older person should not show respect to someone younger. thus, if the deceased was a young bachelor his body could not be brought


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